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“Let’s Do This…. No, Let’s Do That”

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Presentation on theme: "“Let’s Do This…. No, Let’s Do That”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Let’s Do This…. No, Let’s Do That”
Jane Brasier February 24, 2017 2017 SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

2 A Fresh Perspective…. A different way of looking at how our industry will build the world for tomorrow, how the role of marketing will impact it and what that means. Grow and Thrive SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

3 Stick to Your Marketing Plan
Today’s Theme…. Don’t Get Distracted – Stick to Your Marketing Plan SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

4 Our Learning Objectives….
Recognize the need for research Do research Create a team/advocates Develop a marketing plan with strategies Share the plan with staff Stay the course! SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

5 But First…. Introductions
State your name, title and what company you are with. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

6 Perception of the BD/Marketing Staff….
Golf Outings Entertaining Conferences in Exotic Locations SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

7 Let’s Do This…No, Let’s Do That
The Reality…. Proposals, Proposals, Proposals Often waiting on others for key information Deadline Driven Everyone has an opinion! Let’s Do This…No, Let’s Do That SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

8 Do You Have a Marketing Plan?
How often is it updated? Shared with all staff? If so, how often? Is it easy to understand? Target markets? Budget for marketing? Based on research? Current clients among the targets? If Yes…. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

9 If No Marketing Plan Exists….
Why not? Who decides? Public Relations, Organizations, Conferences How do your co-workers view marketing? Is marketing a priority? Measure of success? SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

10 What About Your Company?
Share the good, the bad and the ugly with others at your table Share one take-away from each discussion with the group What about your company? Let’s spend the next 5-10 minutes talking about your company. Share with others at your table how marketing is accomplished – the good, the bad and the ugly. Be prepared to share with the entire group one take-away from each discussion – designate one person who will share with everyone. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

11 Any Common Themes? Introductions Let’s think about some common themes:
There’s no marketing plan. Too many opinions. No budget for marketing. Always deadline driven. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

12 Aligns with CPSM Domain 2:
Elements of a Marketing Plan.... Market Research Goals & Objectives Strategies Action Plans Schedule for Each Target Market Develop a Budget Aligns with CPSM Domain 2: Marketing Plan SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

13 Must have strategic conversations.
Marketing Plan – A Team Effort…. Include…. Marketing Staff Business Development/Sales Staff Market Champion/Leader Executive in Charge of Marketing & BD/Sales Must have strategic conversations. Meet on a regular basis. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

14 Market Research…. Clients over the past 5 years? 1 year?
What type of work have you done for them? Is there an opportunity to cross sell? What percent of revenue comes from key clients? Does senior management meet with them periodically to check in on performance? Rule of Thumb – 80% of work should come from existing clients. Existing Clients SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

15 Market Research…. Why are you no longer working for certain clients?
Project Ended One-shot opportunity Didn’t perform well No longer the “lowest bidder” Your key employees left the company Never asked for more work Recent Clients SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

16 Market Research…. Finding New Clients “Book of Lists”
Demographics, business trends in your market Meet with economic developers Who is your competition? Ask your employees who they have worked with Industry associations – Get involved Attend industry conferences and talk to the experts Avoid “Cold Calling”…Client referrals De-briefs on lost projects and ask for future opportunities Market Research Finding New Clients Review “Book of Lists” from Biz Journals and other business publications – look at largest companies in your area, commercial real estate brokers, largest architects, engineers, etc. Look at demographics, business trends in your market. Meet with economic developers – find out what existing companies are growing, who’s moving to the area. Who is your competition? Ask your employees who they have worked with through previous associations. Get involved. Gather information from industry associations – ex. ULI annual report – housing Attend industry conferences and talk to experts – SMPS, ULI, NAIOP, CMAA, IFMA Avoid ‘Cold Calling.” Ask existing clients for referrals. Always get a de-brief on lost projects, and as for future opportunities Finding New Clients SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

17 Establish a realistic strategy with deadlines
Develop a Strategy…. Based on the research, define target markets – goals and objectives with the team Establish a realistic strategy with deadlines SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

18 Marketing Plan – Action Plan….
Who “owns” the marketing plan? Branding/Strategy Schedule Staffing Budgeting Marketing messages…Internal/External Elaborate: theme, stickers, t-shirts, coffee mugs, giveaways, conference themes SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

19 But What About the Naysayers?
“I think marketing is a waste of time.” “Why are we pursuing XYZ project?” “We’ve always done it this way…why do we want to change?” “Why do we need to spend so much money on brochures, conferences and sponsorships? SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

20 Your Company Needs to Change.
Why? A company in the A/E/C industry must evolve, grow, and adapt to become stronger, more collaborative and secure more work in line with their vision. Ultimately impacting the bottom line………and everyone can benefit: Salaries, Benefits, Work Environment, Company Outings SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

21 Examples…. Branch Highways in North Carolina, now Branch Civil S&ME
Audience feedback? SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

22 Going Forward…. Engage in conversation
Discuss the need for a marketing plan Help do research Create a marketing committee Agree to a marketing plan and convey to your staff Be prepared to stay focused, be strategic and let the staff know why Time is money Going Forward Engage in conversation Discuss the need for a marketing plan Help do research – current and past clients, types of projects, profitable projects, relationships with decision makers, trends in your geographic area, expertise on staff, etc. Needs to be factual. Create a committee who will support targeted marketing – office head, department chairs, key employees with strong client contacts Agree to a marketing plan for the next 12 months, or through the end of the year. Convey to your staff – target markets, positioning, key contacts, etc. Be prepared to stay focused, be strategic and let the staff know why. Time is money. SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

23 Stick to Your Marketing Plan
Summary…. Don’t Get Distracted – Stick to Your Marketing Plan SMPS VA Annual Conference: Grow & Thrive

24 “Let’s Do This…. No, Let’s Do That”
Thank you! 2017 SMPS VA Annual Conference “Let’s Do This…. No, Let’s Do That” Jane Brasier Director of Business Development, North Carolina Branch Civil, Inc.

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