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Welcome to Town Lane Infant School

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1 Welcome to Town Lane Infant School
English Workshop for EYFS


3 Growth Mindset

4 Areas of Literacy Phonics Reading Writing

5 Pre Phonics Aspect 1 - General sound discrimination - environmental
Aspect 2 - General sound discrimination - instrumental sounds Aspect 3 - General sound discrimination - body percussion . Aspect 4 - Rhythm and rhyme Aspect 5 - Alliteration. Aspect 6 - Voice sounds Aspect 7 - Oral blending and segmenting. In this aspect, the main aim is to develop oral blending and segmenting skills. Phase 1 is divided into seven aspects. Each aspect contains three strands: Tuning in to sounds (auditory discrimination), Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing) and Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension). Aspect 1 - General sound discrimination - environmental The aim of this aspect is to raise children's awareness of the sounds around them and to develop their listening skills. Activities suggested in the guidance include going on a listening walk, drumming on different items outside and comparing the sounds, playing a sounds lotto game and making shakers. Aspect 2 - General sound discrimination - instrumental sounds This aspect aims to develop children's awareness of sounds made by various instruments and noise makers. Activities include comparing and matching sound makers, playing instruments alongside a story and making loud and quiet sounds. Aspect 3 - General sound discrimination - body percussion The aim of this aspect is to develop children's awareness of sounds and rhythms. Activities include singing songs and action rhymes, listening to music and developing a sounds vocabulary. Aspect 4 - Rhythm and rhyme This aspect aims to develop children's appreciation and experiences of rhythm and rhyme in speech. Activities include rhyming stories, rhyming bingo, clapping out the syllables in words and odd one out. Aspect 5 - Alliteration The focus is on initial sounds of words, with activities including I-Spy type games and matching objects which begin with the same sound. Aspect 6 - Voice sounds The aim is to distinguish between different vocal sounds and to begin oral blending and segmenting. Activities include Metal Mike, where children feed pictures of objects into a toy robot's mouth and the teacher sounds out the name of the object in a robot voice - /c/-/u/-/p/ cup, with the children joining in. Aspect 7 - Oral blending and segmenting In this aspect, the main aim is to develop oral blending and segmenting skills. To practise oral blending, the teacher could say some sounds, such as /c/-/u/-/p/ and see whether the children can pick out a cup from a group of objects. For segmenting practise, the teacher could hold up an object such as a sock and ask the children which sounds they can hear in the word sock. The activities introduced in Phase 1 are intended to continue throughout the following phases, as lots of practice is needed before children will become confident in their phonic knowledge and skills.

6 Phonics Read Write Inc introduced into school in November 2012
Phonics is taught daily in 20 minute sessions. Children will learn 44 sounds, and match letters/letter groups to the sounds. Children learn to blend sounds to read words.

7 Phonics Order of the sounds taught:
m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w th z ch qu x ng nk. Phonic session break down: Introduce the sound orally, MTYT, pure sounds, (see child's class web page). Introduce formation of letter/story. Recap previous sounds taught. Fred Talk, segmenting and blending sounds to make words. Use of Fred fingers.

8 Big Books, Shared Reading
The whole class share and enjoy a book together. Through stories children can extend their vocabulary. Discuss the characters and begin to predict story endings. Children can act out different roles/characters. Large collection of Big Books including the more traditional stories. Through the use of the interactive white boards, children can enjoy interacting with a story. Secret readers

9 Guided Reading A teacher led reading session lasting up to 20 minutes in small groups. Children begin with a book walk, identify any challenges, over view of story. Focus objective taught for each session, punctuation , blending, predicting, characters, illustrations. Children given opportunity to read independently whilst teacher listens in to each child within the group. Return to the text as a group to respond to questions, children encouraged to express opinions. Comments are written by the teacher in their book logs, we welcome comments from parents back.

10 Reading Supporting your child at home …
Focus on letter sounds and names Choose books that are interesting to your child Provide a comfortable area for reading enjoyment Set a time for reading, eg. at bed time or after dinner. Reading Games. Library Books: changed once a week Practice Books: changed daily

11 Writing ‘The act of writing brings with it a sense of discovery, of discovering on the page something you didn't know you knew until you wrote it.’ Charles Ghigna Children`s Author and Poet Modelled writing Shared writing Guided writing Writing for a purpose independently Handwriting

12 Early Writing Skills

13 Evolution of child’s writing

14 Writing Encouraging your child to write at home …
Adult model writing (Shopping lists, invitations, cards) Encourage child to write… play dough, paintbrushes, sticks etc Encourage use of lower case..

15 Thank you for listening.

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