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Georgia Milestones Grades 5 End of Grade (EOG) in language arts and mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Day one April 24th.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Milestones Grades 5 End of Grade (EOG) in language arts and mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Day one April 24th."— Presentation transcript:

1 McBean Elementary Parent Workshop: Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GAMS)

2 Georgia Milestones Grades 5 End of Grade (EOG) in language arts and mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Day one April 24th

3 Blended: Criterion-Referenced & Norm-Referenced
Did students learn a specific body of knowledge Meet a set cut score to determine proficiency Designed to rate and rank test takers in relation to others Generally reported as percentages Source – GA DOE Note: To provide norm-referenced information, some norm-referenced items may not align to Georgia’s content standards. Only aligned NRT items will contribute to proficiency designations Note: To provide norm-referenced information, some norm-referenced items may not align to Georgia’s content standards. Only aligned NRT items will contribute to proficiency designations. Will not provide the level of detail that the ITBS or other NRT provides due to the limited number of items. Will provide subject scores.

4 Georgia Milestones Features include:
inclusion of constructed-response items in ELA and mathematics, in addition to selected-response items inclusion of a writing component (in response to text) at every grade level and course within the ELA assessment; inclusion of norm-referenced items in every grade and content area to complement the criterion-referenced information and to provide a national comparison; and transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the primary mode of administration and paper-pencil back-up until transition is completed. Addition of technology-enhanced items beginning in

5 Minimum Time Per Section(s) Maximum Time Per Section(s)
Administration Times Content Area/Course Test Section(s) Minimum Time Per Section(s) Maximum Time Per Section(s) English Language Arts 1 and 2 60 70 3 90 Mathematics 80

6 Testing Sections ELA - 3 sections, 1 of which will focus mainly on writing (60 total items) Mathematics will consist of 2 sections (73 – 75 total items) Each section will be approximately 70 minutes. ELA 3 constructed response items and 1 extended response item (worth 15 total points) Math 3 constructed response items (worth 6 points)

7 Writing at Every Grade Level
All students will encounter a constructed-response item allowing for narrative prose, in response to text, within the 1st or 2nd test section. Writing prompts will be informative/explanatory or opinion/argumentative depending on the grade level. Students could encounter either genre.

8 Sample ELA Constructed Response Item
Now that you have read “Homework on the Weekend” and “Weekends Are for Fun” and answered some questions about what you have read, create a plan for and write your opinion essay. You will read about the idea of giving students homework on weekends. What are the good and bad things about homework on weekends? You will write an opinion essay in your own words about this idea. Think about the ideas in the two passages. Then write an essay explaining which opinion about homework on weekends you agree with: homework should be given on the weekend or homework should not be given on the weekend. Be sure to use information from BOTH passages in your opinion essay. Write your answer on the lines provided.

9 Assessment Dates Week 1 Window: April 24-28 Grade 5 (online)
Day 1- ELA Section 1 Day 2- ELA section 2 and 3 Day 3- Math Day 4- Science Day 5 – Social Studies

10 Resources Milestone site and experience platform
Science review video videos.pdf?s_cid=em_csoGA_201702&utm_source=bronto&utm_medium= &utm_term=VIEW+NOW&utm_content=02/09/2017&utm_campaign=Agile+-+Feb+Wk1+- +CSO+State+Effort+GA&_bta_tid= GAMS resources  

11 Resources aspx resources

12 End of Grade - Individual Student Report (ISR) Sample
** Illustration purposes only **

13 End of Course - Individual Student Report (ISR) Sample
** Illustration purposes only **

14 Tips for Testing Get a good nights sleep Eat a breakfast
Be on time for school Listen to and read all instructions Keep Calm Don’t rush or get distracted

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