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Overview of ACCESS for ELLs 2
Overview of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0: Administering the Summative Assessment Administration This presentation has been provided by the WIDA Consortium and is an introduction to the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 English Language Proficiency Assessment. The goal of this presentation is to introduce some of the features, resources, and procedures for the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online test. Please note that each state will determine the circumstances in which the paper-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test can be administered. Information about plans for the paper test is included in this presentation to give a full picture of both the paper and online formats of the assessments. © 2016 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium
To familiarize educators with:
Objectives To familiarize educators with: Key features of the online and paper assessments Resources to assist with administering ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 The objectives of this presentation are to highlight key features of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test forms, both online and paper so that educators feel prepared to administer the assessment. And, to explain what resources are available to assist you with test administration. This presentation covers both ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper. Please note that each state will determine the circumstances in which the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper can be administered. For example, some states may allow districts that do not yet have the technology to test online to deliver in a paper format. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS – 2016-2017 January 9th to March 3rd 2017
ACCESS TEST DATES January 9th to March 3rd 2017 Paper materials at schools by January 6th 2017 Materials back to Testing Services no later than March 3rd WIDA Consortium
– Eric Parker (Tech.) WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments
The following assessments are used to satisfy state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of the English language proficiency of English language learners (ELLs): ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, an online and paper-based assessment for Grades 1–12 Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for Kindergarten Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for ELLs in Grades 1–12 who have significant cognitive disabilities The ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessments are a tool to measure English Language Learners proficiency in English. The ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments includes ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, an online and paper-based assessment for students in Grades 1–12 Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for Kindergarten students Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for students in Grades 1–12 who have significant cognitive disabilities More information about Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs can be found in other presentations available within the facilitator toolkit. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Domains
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is aligned with the WIDA English Language Development Standards and to assess the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. For both the paper and online tests, the Listening test and the Reading test consist of multiple-choice questions. The Writing test and the Speaking test involve open-ended tasks allowing students to show the language they can produce in English. WIDA Consortium
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs
Individually Administered Completely Adaptive Includes manipulatives All components are scored by the Test Administrator (TA) during test administration Kindergarten - Adaptive The Kindergarten test form is individually administered and adaptive. Reading and Writing items allow students to demonstrate pre-literacy skills that many Kindergarteners are still in the process of acquiring. All components are scored by the Test Administrator (TA) during test administration. There is a separate presentation which explains in much more detail how to administer and score the Kindergarten assessment.
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs
LCE testers will administer all kindergarten tests Please see provided schedule LCE testers will also do kinder makeup tests Testing time is approximately 30 minutes WIDA Consortium
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs
School Coordinator Responsibility Have materials ready for testers Tests must be signed out to testers Provide adequate space for testers and students Have a system in place to get students to testers WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Grade Clusters
Adaptive listening and reading test item determine placement in speaking and writing All test items scored by DRC *Note: Kindergarten will remain an interactive, paper-based kit. ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online includes five grade-level clusters. In order to better measure younger students’ language development, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online will include a separate test form for Grade 1. Grades 2 and 3 will form a grade-level cluster, as will Grades 4 and 5. Grades 6 through 8 and 9 through 12 will also be grade-level clusters. Kindergarten will remain an interactive, paper-based test for the foreseeable future. ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online is adaptive, meaning students progressed through the test based on their performance on previous folders (test items grouped around a common theme) and domains. Based on their performance in an individual folder, the test engine determines the appropriate next folder for individual students. Listening and Reading must be administered first, as a student’s performance in these domains determines placement in Speaking and Writing. When students respond to the Listening then Reading items, which are multiple-choice, DRC’s online test engine will automatically score their answers. For the Speaking test, the online test engine will record student responses (with students speaking into external headsets). The responses will be automatically sent to DRC for scoring by trained raters. When taking the Writing tests, students in grades 1-3 will view and respond using a paper test booklet. Their response mode is handwriting. Students in grades 4-12 will view the prompts on the computer and keyboard their responses, which will be sent automatically to DRC for scoring. In some cases, students in grades 4-12 may need to handwrite their responses. In these cases, handwriting test booklets must be ordered. These students will still view the prompts on the computer screen, but they will handwrite in a booklet. Note that students who handwrite must be placed into a handwriting test session in WIDA AMS. More information about WIDA AMS is later in this presentation.
Benefits of the Online Test
Increased student engagement through a more dynamic testing experience Built-in accommodations and accessibility features appropriate for a range of student needs Staged adaptivity targets students’ individual range of language skills Increased ease for test administrators Logistical flexibility as a result of being able to simultaneously administer multiple grades and proficiency levels Central scoring by DRC for all four domains. Test Administrators will not need to determine tiers <<note this slide is optional>> The online format increases student engagement by offering a more dynamic and interactive testing experience. The online test offers built-in accommodations and accessibility features that will be appropriate for a range of student needs. The online test is also staged adaptive, which means students will progress through the test based on their performance on previous folders. Due to this adaptability, educators will not need to select tiers for the online test. Another benefit of the online test is increased ease for test administrators. The online test will offer more logistical flexibility because students of multiple grades and proficiency levels will be able to take the test in the same computer lab, at the same time. It will also be centrally scored by DRC for all domains, so test administrators will no longer need to score any portion of the test. More information about these changes will be provided later in the presentation.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Student Experience
Graphic-supported items Audio-supported directions Narrated and guided introduction by a human voice for each domain test Thematic folders pertaining to a unified theme Practice items Modeled responses for the productive domains Simple navigation Uncluttered and streamlined interface Embedded accessibility features, such as: Magnification Highlighter Writing tools (e.g. cut and paste, copy, underline) The ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test has been designed to maximize student engagement and accessibility. Key features include graphic-supported items, audio-supported directions, narrated and guided introduction by a human voice for each domain test, thematic folders pertaining to a unified theme, practice items, and modeled responses for the productive domains. Additional features unique to the online test include simple navigation and an uncluttered and streamlined interface. In addition, the new assessment will offer embedded accessibility features such as magnification/enlargement, highlighter, and writing tools that may include cut and paste, copy, and underline, as possible options. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Estimated Administration Times
Students work at their own pace using the following guidelines: Allow sufficient time to complete a domain before the end of the school day Listening: Up to 40 minutes. Reading: Up to 35 minutes. Speaking: Up to 30 minutes. Writing: Up to 50 minutes (Tier A) and 65 minutes (Tier B/C) Here are the estimated maximum time it would take to complete each domain from the time a student logs in to the time the student completes the domain. While there are suggested guidelines for timing for each test, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is not a timed test. Test Administrators have professional discretion to allow necessary time for each student who is working productively. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Administration Considerations
Order of Administration: Students’ performance on the Entry Tasks for the Listening and Reading tests will determine their placement for Writing and Speaking. Listening and Reading: must be administered first. They may be administered together or separately. Determines the speaking and writing tiers Run a Tier Placement Report in WIDA-AMS for writing tier Speaking tiers – Pre-A, A, B/C are automatically assigned Writing and Speaking: can be administered in either order, after the Listening and Reading tests. Remember that the order of administration for the online test is tied to the staged adaptive nature of the test. Students’ performance on the Listening then Reading tests will determine their placement for Speaking and Writing. Students will first take the Listening test and then the Reading test. They may be administered together or separately. Next, students will take Writing and Speaking. They may be administered in either order and may be administered together or separately. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Student Test Tickets & Rosters
In order to test, each student will need a unique test ticket that contains student specific login credentials he or she must use to access and begin the test. These tickets are secure materials and must be treated as such. The test tickets for a given test session are part of the Student Test Roster. The Student Test Roster summarizes test session information such as the test name, test session name, and the district and school. These may be provided to you by your test coordinator or you may need to print these yourself from WIDA AMS depending on your school’s policy. We will discuss WIDA AMS later in this presentation. For detailed information about WIDA AMS see the WIDA AMS User Guide, available in the training course. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Additional Equipment
Given the online format of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, there are specific equipment requirements for students to hear any audio and record their speaking. If you have headsets, you will not need to also have headphones. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Microphone Check
Speaking Click Record Say your name into the microphone. Then, say the name of your school. Click Stop. Listen. Do you hear what you said? If yes, click “ I heard my recording If no, raise your hand and ask for help WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Information for the Writing Domain
The different test delivery and response modes of the Writing test are designed to meet the needs of all learners: Grade Writing Test Format Writing Response Mode 1-3 Paper Handwriting 4-12 Computer Keyboarding There are a few additional considerations that vary by grade and proficiency level for the Writing domain. To meet the needs of all learners, including those with limited keyboarding experience, the mode in which students take the Writing test will depend on their grades and proficiency levels. Students who handwrite their response to the Writing test (in a paper test booklet) are still considered Online testers because they will take all other domains Online. It is important to note that even students in grades 4-12 can handwrite their responses if this is a better option for them rather than keyboarding. For all students in grades 1-3, the students will read the prompts as well as write their answers in paper booklets. For Grades 4-12, there are two potential options for the Writing Test. Students may either keyboard their response as they are prompted on the screen, or they will follow along on the screen and write in a paper booklet when they are prompted. Please note that depending on the grade of the student and the state, the default response mode (Keyboarding or Handwriting) will vary. For grades 4-5, each WIDA member state sets guidelines on whether the default setting will be keyboarding or handwriting. This means the WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) will be set to this option for students unless the designated state or district staff changes the option to the other mode. The WIDA states’ pages will also include this state-specific information on this. For all students in grade 6-12, the default response mode will be keyboarding. This means the test will be set up so that students keyboard their responses unless designated staff determine they should handwrite their responses in a booklet. Should a student in grades 6-12 require a handwriting booklet rather than keyboarding their response, test coordinators will need to order these as Additional Materials in WIDA AMS. Please refer to the District and School Test Coordinator Manual for more information on this process. WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online: Information for the Writing Domain
Grades 1-3 paper/pencil writing test PED determines the order amount of the different tier booklets according to the 40 day count. 30% tier A and 70% tier B/C Additional order window opens 1/9/2017 Once students have been given the listening and reading domains please run the report to see how many booklets you will need for each tier Please contact Claudine Sanchez for additional orders Hint: count your tier A materials and don’t schedule the writing test for all your students before you know you have enough books WIDA Consortium
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Must have a Significant Cognitive Disability Taking an Alternate State Content Assessment, documented in an IEP (alternate curriculum) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is a separate assessment for ELLs in grades 1-12 with significant cognitive disabilities. Alternate ACCESS for ELLs aligns with the WIDA Alternate English Language Proficiency levels. These levels were designed to expand upon Level P1 - Entering, by increasing the sensitivity of the measure for students who have significant cognitive disabilities. The alternate ELP levels give students a chance to demonstrate progress within Level P1. Information about participation criteria and teat administration of the Alternate ACCESS test can be found on the WIDA website under the Assessment tab. This presentation will not go into detail about that assessment. Please see the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs presentation for more information about that assessment.
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Must be administered by school staff Preferably by the teacher Test Administrator must be certified Certification available on WIDA.US Check PGM-1406 for ALT ACCESS scores Check with your special education and ELL staff about other students that could possible take the ALT ACCESS Additional ALT ACCESS tests will be ordered by Claudine Sanchez upon request WIDA Consortium
WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS)
Within the system, designated staff may: Access any needed user guides or software downloads Add students – LCE – Do not add students Designate accommodations – Test Coordinator Create test sessions – LCE - Do not create sessions Print test tickets – Test Coordinator and Test Administrator Monitor student progress – Test Coordinator and Test Administrator View/print reports – Test Coordinator and Test Administrator On this slide are examples of some of the tasks that will be possible within the WIDA AMS. Designated district staff may view user guides and access the two downloads needed for the online testing system. The majority of students will initially be entered into the system via a preID file at the state level (depending on your state), however, if needed, district staff may also add or edit students. District staff may also create test sessions, select needed accommodations, print test tickets, and monitor student progress. Post testing, district staff may view or print reports. WIDA Consortium
WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS)
Designated staff may also: Claudine Sanchez will do all ordering Order any needed paper materials: Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Braille (Grades 1-12 only) Large Print (Grades K-12) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Writing Test Booklets (Grades 1-3) and Writing Response Booklets (Grades 4-12) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper 1-12 test materials, in accordance with each state’s policy Along with the activities associated with the online test, designated staff will also use the WIDA AMS to order any needed paper materials and to request pre-ID labels for paper testers. Paper materials to be ordered will include Kindergarten, Alternate ACCESS, and braille or large print forms. They may also include 1-12 paper-based tests, depending on each state’s guidelines regarding online testing. As with the current test, overage will be built in to all orders. WIDA Consortium
Technology Requirements
Technology requirements for the online test are listed on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Technology Page: Headphones are necessary for all domains Headsets/headphones with built in microphones are an additional requirement for the Speaking test On the WIDA website, you will find a complete list of the technology requirements for the operational test. This can be found by visiting the Technology Requirements page, which lists detailed information about technology requirements and recommendations. WIDA emphasizes that headsets with microphones are necessary for the Speaking test and that headphones are necessary for all domains. Headsets with audio adjustments are also recommended. Information on iPads, Chromebooks, and tablets is also available on the technology page. The technology requirements for the online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 are compatible with Smarter Balance and PARCC tests. In other words, districts that have been or will be using those tests will have many of the same requirements in place for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. WIDA Consortium
Resources to assist with Administration of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
WIDA Consortium
Manuals Reflecting Roles
Test Administrator Manual (TAM) For test administrators District and School Manual (DSM) For test Coordinators Test Administrator Manual Last year we had a Test Administration Manual (TAM) for paper and online. Now it’s one document and it includes K and Alt ACESS The District and School Test Coordinator Manual, (for test Coordinators) explains all coordination responsibilities and tasks related to the implementation of all the assessments in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite. The Test Administrator Manual now focuses on all tasks and responsibilities Test Administrators oversee immediately before, during, and immediately after testing for all assessments in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments.
Accessibility & Accommodations Supplement
Participation guidance Framework Types of supports Alternate ACCESS for ELLs criteria Keyboard shortcuts Transcription guidance Scribe guidance Accommodation checklists ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement The ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement was developed to support Test Administrators’ awareness and selection of test administrative considerations, universal tools, and accommodations for individual ELLs, in order to produce valid assessment results. The supplement is intended for district and school-level personnel as well as decision-making teams, including Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams and 504 Plan teams, as they prepare for and implement ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. The information provided in the supplement applies to all ELLs who take ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Paper or Online), Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs. Please check with your state regarding specific accommodation policies for English language proficiency tests. The accessibility features and accommodations specified and described in the supplement are recommendations only and do not replace or amend state policies.
Accommodated forms Braille Large Print
WIDA offers two accommodated forms of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper: Large Print and Braille. New for School year, the Brailed format will include Listening, in addition to Writing and Reading. Large Print WIDA Consortium
WIDA AMS User Guide 1 book Located on the WIDA website
Step-by-step instructions for using WIDA AMS The WIDA AMS User Guide is a document that should be referenced by those completing tasks within WIDA AMS. It is a single book with detailed step-by-step instructions for completing different functions within WIDA AMS. Link :
Resource site Certification Manuals Checklist WIDA – AMS Online testing site Manage students Print tickets Run reports See Tiers WIDA Consortium
SYNERGYREPORTS ROSTER Updated nightly Includes new students Includes latest ELL test Log on with APS credentials This is the one you need to check for ELLs WIDA-AMS ROSTER Provided by PED 40 day reporting Updated by LCE in December Log on with WIDA-AMS credentials Not updated nightly WIDA Consortium
Fluid Process Students move between schools Please check PGM-1406 several times during testing window to see your most current roster Contact LCE to have transferred students added to your WIDA AMS site. New students to district after January 3rd will not be tested with ACCESS For placement purposes they will be given the W_APT WIDA Consortium
ACCESS for ELLs Suite of Assessments
The WIDA public website also has a lot of information about the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments. For more information regarding each assessment, please visit the WIDA website, click on “Assessment” and select the assessment you would like to learn about. WIDA Consortium
Preparation and Training Resources
All preparation materials for the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Operational Test are posted to the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 section of the WIDA website. Click 1: The About page contains Key Resources, including Manuals and User Guides for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. More information about key resources is on the next slide. Click 2: The website information includes an overview of the test, Frequently Asked Questions, the Technology Requirements (including recommendations for headset purchases), and Preparation Materials that can be disseminated, as needed. Some other key resources include: Sample Items for the Public Recorded webinars for district staff by role Test Demos/Test Practice WIDA Consortium
WIDA Secure Portal After you log-on, you’ll be granted access to the My Account and Secure Portal. Click 1: Records of individuals’ certification quiz progress are available within the WIDA Secure Portal, and individuals can print a certificate of their completed training. All individual certifications from 2015–16 will remain available in the WIDA Secure Portal as the tests have not changed, although the format of the training has been updated. Click 2: Within the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training Course, information and new web-based training modules for each assessment can be accessed. For Test Administrators who were certified to administer the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments in , information on recertification can be found within your state checklist. Even if you are not required to recertify this year, it is recommended that all Test Administrators review the training materials to prepare for the upcoming administration. We will review specific training information on the next slide. Click 3: Test Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that all Test Administrators have completed applicable training components before giving ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. Please make sure your information within the My Account Info is correct. Click 4: Most importantly, please make sure your address, district, and school is correct. If not, please update and save. WIDA Consortium
State-Specific Checklist
State checklists are now available as a tool for you to assign and document tasks tasks that are required to administer ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. The state checklist indicates who typically handles each task in your state, along with any state-specific guidance. These are each customized for each state. To access your state’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 checklist, log-in to the paper or online training course and select the checklist icon under the “Key Resources” box. WIDA Consortium
Test Administration Roles
Test Coordinator is the individual responsible for facilitating overall test administration from start to finish. This includes managing logistics and supporting others’ roles. Some places have District Test Coordinators and others have School Test Coordinators – and some have both. Test Administrator gives the assessment and monitors the students while they complete it Technology Coordinator provides technological support prior to and during test administration (for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online only) WIDA defines the three main testing role. Each role’s training requirements are defined on the following slides. WIDA Consortium
Test Coordinator Training Requirements:
View training tutorials for the tasks listed in state checklist - optional Complete the knowledge checks at the end of each training tutorial - optional Required to complete the trainings and quizzes for Test Administrators that are appropriate Responsible for training and certifying test administrators TC keeps test administrators certificates TC sends his/her certificate to LCE Step 1: Test Coordinators need to view training tutorials that are pertinent to the test coordination. The training tutorials are short presentations designed to teach you about a specific aspect of training. Your state checklist should define these tasks. Step 2: Complete the knowledge checks at the end of each training tutorial. These activities help Test Coordinators review key concepts and prepare for test Coordination. Step 3: Take appropriate Quizzes Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Grades 1–12 Online Administration Grades 1–12 Paper Administration Grades 1–5 Paper Speaking (locally scored) Grades 6–12 Paper Speaking (locally scored) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs WIDA recommends that Coordinators do the training for Test Administrators to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the administrators responsibilities.
Test Administrator Training Requirements:
View training tutorials for the tasks listed in state checklist. Complete the knowledge checks at the end of each training tutorial Complete the appropriate quizzes If you encounter any problems check with your test TC Step 1: Test Administrators need to view training tutorials that are pertinent to the test administration. The training tutorials are short presentations designed to teach you about a specific aspect of training. Your state checklist should define these tasks. Step 2: Complete the knowledge checks at the end of each training tutorial. These activities help Test Administrators review key concepts and prepare for the test administration quiz. Step 3: Take appropriate Quizzes Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Grades 1–12 Online Administration Grades 1–12 Paper Administration Grades 1–5 Paper Speaking (locally scored) Grades 6–12 Paper Speaking (locally scored) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs The next slides define the quizzes in more detail. WIDA Consortium
Certification Quizzes
If you are administering… Then you must take ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online General administration quiz ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper General Administration Quiz + applicable Speaking Quiz(es) Each assessment in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments has a general administration quiz, which educators must pass with a score of 80% of higher in order to become certified to administer the assessment. For ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper, this is new for the administration. WIDA recommends taking the quiz immediately after completing the training. There is no limit to the number of quiz attempts. Once you have passed an administration quiz, your training certificates within the WIDA Secure Portal will be updated to reflect your status as a certified Test Administrator for that component of the assessment suite. Because the Speaking section of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is locally scored, there is also a Speaking training component & Speaking certification quizzes.
Certification Quizzes
If you are administering… Then you must take Alternate ACCESS for ELLs General administration quiz Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs continue to have the administration quizzes as in the past.
Technology Coordinator
Training requirements: Read DRC INSIGHT Technology User Guide Complete Technology Readiness Checklist These resources are available at: For Online Testing, Technology Coordinators should read the DRC INSIGHT Technology User Guide and complete the Technology Readiness Checklist. They should work with the Test Coordinator to ensure completion of all tasks.
FAQs If you have questions while preparing for or administering the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 summative assessments, you can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions link on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 page on the WIDA website. There are sections dedicated to questions related to test administration procedures, training materials, and room set up, for example. WIDA Consortium
Housekeeping Please contact LCE for help Do not contact WIDA directly
Login information, locked tests, transfer students etc. Carlos, Claudine and Chris are on all day for you Texting is ok Do not contact WIDA directly Do not contact the APS help desk Contact Claudine Sanchez for all material requests Allow a couple hours for response time Especially when you leave a phone message WIDA Consortium
RETURNING MATERIALS Please follow instructions provided by testing services All materials due March 3, 2017 Place provided sticker on grade 1-3 writing booklets If you do not have a student sticker please apply district/school label and fill in demographic information Please make sure that name and student ID matches the information on the WIDA-AMS site. WIDA Consortium
Question and Answer sessions
Additional Help Question and Answer sessions City Centre 601 West – LCE conference room January 5, 2017; 10:00am – 12:00pm January 10, 2017; 10:00am – 12:00pm January 12, 2017; 10:00am – 12:00pm WIDA Consortium
Questions or Comments? ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 webpage: WIDA Client Services Center: or DRC Customer Support or For all additional questions, Please contact the WIDA Client Services Center if you have any questions about test administration procedures or policy considerations for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. Please contact DRC Customer Support if you have questions about utilizing DRC’s systems, including the WIDA AMS and INSIGHT Test Engine. Thank you for joining us for this presentation, and we look forward to another successful year of testing! © 2016 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium
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