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Redox in Action: Voltaic cells

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1 Redox in Action: Voltaic cells
How is a battery Like a waterfall? Electrons are pulled “downhill” through a wire creating electric current Water is pulled down by gravity

2 Voltaic Cells Section A

3 Redox in Action: Voltaic cells
How is a battery Like a waterfall? Pairing two different metals will always create an electron flow. Lets see how it works! In this electrochemical cell, copper ions (right side) pull electrons away from the zinc atoms(left side)

4 Redox in Action: Voltaic cells
How is a battery Like a waterfall? Pairing two different metals will always create an electron flow. Lets see how it works! A metal conductor wire between the two electrodes provides the path for electrons to flow.

5 Which Reaction will occur?
Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq)  Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq)  Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq) e- Notice that the reactions above are the reverse of one another The reaction that occurs depends on the relative positions of Cu and Zn on reference table J.

6 Which Reaction will occur?
Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq)  Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) +2 Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq)  Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq) e- 2 e- Once oxidation states are identified you can see that zinc atoms lose electrons to the copper ions.

7 Which Reaction will occur?
Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq)  Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) +2 Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq)  Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq) e- 2 e- During this reaction the Zn and CuSO4 decreases, While the Cu metal and ZnSO4 increases. (No surprise since reactants get used up, while products get produced!)

8 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + CuSO4  Cu + ZnSO4 Zn Cu ZnSO4 CuSO4 In an electrochemical cell, the two metal electrodes, are placed in aqueous solutions of their ion salts and connected by a strand of wire.

9 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
+2 Zn + CuSO4  Cu + ZnSO4 e- Zn We assign the zinc electrode as negative since it is the source of electrons We assign the copper electrode as positive since it is missing the electrons. + Cu + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Electrons flow from the zinc electrode to the copper electrode, where they are picked up by Cu2+ ion from the solution.

10 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- Zinc loses electrons (oxidation – recall LEO?)

11 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu ANODE “AN OX” + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- The electrode where oxidation occurs is called the “anode”. THINK “An Ox”

12 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu ANODE “AN OX” + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- Reduction: Cu  Cu0 + 2 e- Cu2+ gains electrons at the copper electrode (reduction – GER)

13 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu ANODE “AN OX” CATHODE “RED CAT” + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- Reduction: Cu  Cu0 + 2 e- This electrode is called the cathode. Think Red Cat

14 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu ANODE “AN OX” CATHODE “RED CAT” + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- Reduction: Cu  Cu0 + 2 e- Together we remember this as “RED CAT, AN OX. Reduction at the cathode, anode is for oxidation.

15 The Daniell cell: a Voltaic Cell
Zn + Cu ANODE “AN OX” CATHODE “RED CAT” + + ZnSO4 CuSO4 Oxidation: Zn0  Zn+2 + 2 e- Reduction: Cu  Cu0 + 2 e- Electrons will flow spontaneously from “A to C” From the Anode to the Cathode.

16 Recall that reactants (Zn) decrease?
Recall that products (Cu) increase? Zn + CuSO4  Cu + ZnSO4 Na2SO4 Zn Cu SO4-2 e- Salt bridge _ Zn electrode Reacts so its mass decreases Cu is product So its mass increases + _ + Cu2+ Zn2+ SO4-2 _ SO4-2 + Cu2+ ions react and leave to form Cu (s) Zn2+ ions produced dissolve into (aq) Salt Bridge – allows flow of spectator ions in opposite direction of electron flow to maintain balance of charge

17 Electrons flow from anode to cathode An- Ions flow is opposite

18 e- Practice: e- Al  Al3+ + 3e- Cu2+ + 2e-  Cu RED CAT AN OX
Ion flow- Anode e- LEO AnOx Anode GER RedCat Cathode Cathode Draw arrows in the diagram to show direction of electron flow, and the ion flow Write the half reactions for the oxidation and reduction which occurs. Label the anode and cathode What happens to the mass of the Cu electrode? The mass of the Al electrode? Al  Al3+ + 3e- Cu2+ + 2e-  Cu RED CAT AN OX Cu is produced – increases Al is a reactant, decreases





23 +2 +2 Which element is losing and which is gaining?


25 Which element is losing and which is gaining?

26 What change happens to lead?

27 Porous cup (cup within a cup) Voltaic cell
Instead of a salt bridge, ions can migrate through the wall of the inner cup

28 Porous cup setup

29 Voltaic cells (aka “batteries) :
Are Spontaneous Redox reactions Are Exothermic: energy is released during a chemical change Convert Chemical energy to Electrical energy Electrons flow “downhill”

30 Electrolytic Cells Section B

31 Voltaic cells (aka “batteries) :
In voltaic cells Electrons flow “downhill”

32 M.C. Escher Can water flow uphill?


34 It can if its pumped using outside energy!

35 Electrochemistry / electrochemical cells
Voltaic cells (aka “batteries) : Are Spontaneous Redox reactions Are Exothermic: energy is released during a chemical change Convert Chemical energy  Electrical energy Can electrons flow uphill? They can if we use an outside energy source!

36 Electrochemistry / electrochemical cells
Voltaic cells (aka “batteries) : Are Spontaneous Redox reactions Are Exothermic: energy is released during a chemical change Convert Chemical energy  Electrical energy Electrolytic cells: “splitting with electricity”

37 For electrolysis of salt we’ll take a container and fill it with liquid salt.
Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Na+1

38 Battery Next we’ll add two electrodes and connect them to a power source. + - Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Cl-1 Na+1 Na+1

39 Battery When electric current is applied the ions begin to migrate. + - Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Cl-1 Na+1 Na+1

40 Battery Na+ ions migrate toward the negative, while Cl- migrate toward the positive + - Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Cl-1 Na+1 Na+1

41 Battery e- Once at the positive side, Cl- ions give up their electrons and are oxidized to elemental chlorine. + - Cl-1 Na+1 Cl2o Cl-1 Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1 Cl2o Na+1 Cl-1 Na+1

42 Battery e- While at the negative side sodium gains electrons an is reduced back to its elemental state. + - Na0 Na+1 Cl2o Na+1 Na0 Na0 Na+1 Cl2o Na+1 Na0 Na0 Na+1

43 Battery If you’ve been paying attention you can see that NaCl has been split apart into Na and Cl2 e- + - Na0 Cl2o Na0 The equation is NaCl  Na + Cl2 Na0 Cl2o Na0 Na0

44 Electrolytic cell (electrolysis of liquid sodium chloride)
Battery NaCl(l)  Na0(s) + Cl20(g) Two electrodes are placed into liquid salt and connected to a source of electricity

45 Electrolytic cell (electrolysis of Fused sodium chloride)
NaCl(l)  Na0(s) + Cl20(g) e-1 e-1 Battery The Battery sends electrons to the cathode, reducing Na+ ions to Na0 The Battery pulls electrons oxidizing Cl- ions to Cl0 at the anode. Cl- ions are pulled to the positive electrode Na+ ions are pulled to the negative electrode

46 Electrolytic cell (electrolysis of Fused sodium chloride)
NaCl(l)  Na0(s) + Cl20(g) e-1 e-1 Battery Cl- ions give up their electrons at the anode: An Ox: loss of electrons Na+ ions gain electrons at the cathode: Red Cat: Gain of electrons. Oxidation Cl-  Cl 0 + e- Reduction: Na+ + e-  Na 0

47 Hydrogen gas (and oxygen) is obtained by hydrolysis

48 1. What ion will be attracted to the anode? The cathode?
Practice The diagram at left represents a cell for the electrolysis of fused Al2O3 1. What ion will be attracted to the anode? The cathode? 2. Write the balanced half reaction that occurs at the anode. 3. Which electrode will increase in mass? Why? Anion = O-2 Cation = Al3+ GER: Al e-  Al0 LEO: O-2  O + 2 e- 2Al2O3(l)  4Al (s) + 3O2(g) Cathode: Al – metal deposited as its produced

49 Voltaic cells: Spontaneous Redox reactions Exothermic: energy is released during a chemical change Chemical energy  electrical energy Electrolytic cells: “splitting with electricity” Non-spontaneous Redox reaction Endothermic – outside energy drives a chemical change Electrical energy  Chemical energy






55 (an application of electrolytic cells)
Electroplating (an application of electrolytic cells)

56 Electroplating (an application of electrolytic cells)
Object to be plated Connected to negative Source of silver Oxidation: Ag0(s)  Ag+(aq) + e- Reduction: Ag+(aq) + e-  Ag0(s) Anode Cathode Object to be plated Increases in mass Silver mass decreases

57 The diagram represents a cell for electroplating silver.
Practice The diagram represents a cell for electroplating silver. Is this cell a voltaic or electrolytic cell? Why? 2. Which object is the cathode? 3. Write the half reaction that occurs at the cathode. 4. What happens to the concentration of Ag+(aq) while the cell operates? Electrolytic: energy source drives non-spontaneous reaction Spoon (RedCat: silver is reduced at cathode, plates the spoon) GER: Ag+ + e-  Ag0 RTS (Silver ions enter from anode, lost at cathode)




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