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The 2nd Industrial Revolution

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1 The 2nd Industrial Revolution
Mr. Meester AP European History

2 European Migration During the 1800s serfdom was eliminated in Europe allowing people to move as never done before. Between 1846 and 1932, over 50 million Europeans left for various parts of the world. Late in the 19th century eastern Europeans also began to migrate out of Europe. Improved transportation allowed for migration around the world. Inexpensive land in developing nations encouraged people to move. Relieved many social pressures occurring in Europe. This massive migration of the 19th century helped to “Europeanize” the world.

3 The 2nd I.R. During the last quarter century of the 1800s, the continent of Europe closed the economic gap with England. Belgium, France, and Germany all saw dramatic increases in industrial production. German steel production overtook that of Great Britain in 1983 and more then doubled it in 1914. The industrialization of Europe (especially Germany) had a major impact on the economic and political life of the continent.

4 New Industries The 2nd IR will be lead by steel, chemicals, electricity, and oil. 1850, Henry Bessemer developed a process to manufacture steel cheaply and quickly. ,000 tons of steel produced. 1913 – 32,020,000 tons of steel produced. The Solway process revolutionized the utilization of chemical by-products for soaps, dyes, and plastics.

5 Electricity The growth of electrical use probably had the greatest impact on the 2nd IR. Versatile, efficient and easily transportable. Great Britain built the first public power plant in 1881. Electrical use spread rapidly throughout Western Europe. Electric lighting, streetcars and subways

6 Oil The first automobile with an internal combustion engine was built by Gottlieb Daimler, in 1887. For the next few decades, the automobile was a toy for the wealthy. Henry Ford and his assembly line methods made the automobile less costly and accessible to the masses. The car and greater demand for plastics and other petroleum based chemicals increased demand for crude oil. The first major oil companies were Standard Oil, British Shell Oil, and Royal Dutch petroleum.

7 Major Dates of the 2nd IR 1857: Bessemer process for making steel.
1873: Beginning of major economic downturn. 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone. 1879: Thomas Edison perfects the electric light. 1881: First electric power plant in Britain. 1886: Daimler invents internal combustion engine. 1887: Daimler’s first automobile. 1895: Diesel engine invented. 1895: Wireless telegraphy invented. 1903: Wright brothers make first successful airplane flight. 1909: Ford manufacturers the Model T.

8 Economic Downturn Despite advances in industry, the last half of the 19th century did not see continuous economic growth. The last quarter of the century saw an economic downturn due to increased foreign competition and poor weather. This economic depression hit the agricultural sector the hardest and Europe saw an increase of emigration again out of the predominantly agricultural areas.

9 Woes and Outcomes A depression in 1873 forced the closing of several banks throughout Europe and the United States. Followed by a rise of Anti-Semitism Followed by two decades of economic stagnation. Both prices and wages fell. Most workers still lived in sub par conditions. Strikes and other types of labor conflicts occurred. The economic downturn allowed for the growth of trade unions and socialist party activity.

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