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London Technical Committee Meetings (July 19-20th)

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1 London Technical Committee Meetings (July 19-20th)
This deck represents the slides used to guide the discussions and decisions made during the 1st day of the technical meetings The chief purpose of the meeting was to establish the minimum viable product (MVP) for the Barcelona release (early Oct 2017). The meeting also addressed who was signing up to be responsible for the work Red material indicates notes/discussion points made during the meeting See the notes from day 2 for action items and finalized and agreed upon MVP

2 MVP Discussion

3 Agenda Intros, objectives, plan (Keith – 9:00)
This agenda was adjusted based on availability of US dial in callers and acceleration of some of the discussion. See next slide for actual Day 1 agenda Intros, objectives, plan (Keith – 9:00) General items, Core & Supporting Services (Jim – 10:15) Application – Export Services/Analytics/Rules Engine (Janko – 13:00) South end - DS / DS SDK (Tony – 15:15) Security (John – 8:30) System Management (Salim/Jim – 10:45) Test/QA/Build/CI – (Andy – 13:15) Barcelona Demo (14:15) Misc/Wrap (16:00) Request to add to Day 2 Productization (deployment, delivery, documentation) High level for California and beyond

4 Actual Agenda for Day 1 Intros, objectives, plan
General items, Core & Supporting Services Application – Export Services/Analytics/Rules Engine South end - DS / DS SDK Security Barcelona Demo All Day 1 sessions were recorded and available on the Wiki

5 MVP Discussion Current thoughts about MVP in each area
What are the emerging MVP What are the issues/constraints & likelihood complete by Barcelona Resource needs (people, equipment, etc.) Who is it physically assigned to and tracked by

6 Release names As we “bucketize” the work into releases, for the sake of argument Barcelona – Fall 2017 (Oct 1-3) California – Spring 2018 (Feb / Mar conference TBD)

7 General/Cross WG MVP

8 Platform MVP Which OS for Barcelona Which Hardware(s) for Barcelona
Windows 10 IoT (latest 2016) Subject LF support and company support by groups Dell Linux Ubuntu classic, Possibly Canonical does core 16 (snappy) We support other distros independent testing/validation Mac Which Hardware(s) for Barcelona Intel Arm by 3rd Party How to test these??? And which versions and distros???

9 FYI - Current Performance Targets
Barcelona to be built for “forgiving” use cases Targets All services run in 2GB or less memory (RAM) All services (the “system”) comes up in 2-3 minute start/boot time (not including OS) Initial start vs. subsequent start. 2-3 is toward initial Latency times must be within the following and need to be predictable 300ms from capture to export 500ms from capture to actuation

10 Performance Target Adjustment?
What is Kura doing MVP Action Item – Perf test (Kura, J9, Java 9, etc.)? What is the forgiving use case What is a better term? Action item to TSC to refine/finalize Non-Mission critical Mission critical failure results in serious impact to bus ops Reliability Dropping a message on occasion is ok If box fails, EdgeX not self-healing/self-recovering Non-time critical? Latency in seconds versus milliseconds Scalability numbers??? Use existing #’s to provide use case example.

11 Barcelona Service Hardening MVP
Works properly for the intended use case It may not be 100% complete implementations for all use cases or parts of a protocol for example, but it provides enough implementation to sustain the demo use cases for Barcelona and could support extension to the full needs or protocol in the future Handles errors and exceptions gracefully Contains proper unit and integration tests Follows good coding standards, and is well documented Following some prescribed standard (like Oracle, Google or Twitter guides for Java) Performs within the target measures established for Barcelona Code base is not exploitable (California – we need to worry about fault tolerance & security)

12 Miscellaneous MVP Items
User interface(s) Demos for Barcelona (to be discussed 14:15)

13 Core & Supporting Services
Jim White

14 Known Core & Supporting Services Issues
Core data model changes (per ARM and other concerns) Add hooks for security & system management Perhaps move to California Logging and file based persistent causes OOM exception Device manager – needed? If not then remove Configuration change callbacks in core and supporting services Use of config-watcher Unit/Integration tests for supporting services Performance concerns Footprint (RAM) Start times Latency looks good but need to test/check predictability/consistency

15 Barcelona or California Core & Supporting Services MVP
Go replacement services? Config/Registry service changes How complex do we need it? How dynamic? DDS or other message bus into / out of core and supporting services Other Apache Thrift, AMQP, WebSockts, …

16 Application Working Group Project Scope Draft
Janko Isidorovic

17 Applications WG Northbound (Export Services) Supporting Services
Should new services be done in Java only?(we can evaluate using Go Lang) Review/stabilize export layer APIs Define supported MVP export protocols/standards for 1st release Implement Export Services extensions (SDK?) & client registration to meet MVP Add/improve export service docs/examples Evaluate how to handle Application Security and how to plugin to EdgeX Security Module (Sync with EdgeX Security WG). Supporting Services Define Supporting Services Required for MVP. Define Security for Supporting Services (Sync with EdgeX security WG).

18 Applications WG - To Do List
Create Use Cases. Create Test Cases. QA tests of standalone Export Services. E2E test cases. Create List of Cloud Services EdgeX should export data to. Export Services Data Model: Haystack, OPC-UA(more common for south connection to devices). Gap Analysis (Current Project Status vs. MVP). Coding Standards. Define Development Process. Create Development Tasks. Create Timeline.

19 Applications WG - To Do List - Export Services
Current Reference Implementations: Microsoft Azure MQTT Evaluate additional Connectors (Proprietary / Commercial): AWS / Greengrass Google IoT Core SAP HANA IBM Watson IoT Reachout to those companies and ask them to contribute to project.

20 Applications WG - Projects
Project 1: Refine current Microsoft Azure MQTT implementation Implement Microsoft Azure Connector over MQTT. In Boston EdgeX F2F ARM has complained that existing implantation is not production ready. Get more details on the issue. Project 2: Add Security Layer to Export Services Work with Core, Security and Management Work Groups on adding Security to Export Services. Project 3: Evaluate Haystack Evaluate Haystack as data model for exporting EdgeX data. Ideally a Haystack should be implemented as transformation data service that can then be exported through a number of Export Services. Purpose of this project should be to evaluate various approaches. Justin Scott offered to help with this or we can try to enlist someone from the Haystack community.

21 Applications WG - Projects
Project 4: Integration with AWS/Greengrass Create integration with AWS Justin Scott with Building Robotics already offered to do this (at least a general AWS integration). Project 5: Reference EdgeX UI Choose UI Stack (Angular?). Design UI User Flow, Design UI Screens. Project 6: Integrate with Mainflux Server Stack – Will be done by Mainflux Team Create Go Lang based Export/Distribution service that integrates with Mainflux stack on the server side. Potentially use this as the foundation to explore system and device management features. For example the use of LWM2M. Project 7: Push Device Data to Hyperledger Evaluate if there is a need to push device (sensor) data to Hyperledger Blockchain. On meeting in Boston there were few companies who were interested in having this feature. Evaluate if this feature should be scheduled not for MVP but for some later release.

22 Applications WG - Resources
Project Management: PM tools, like Trello, JIRA with Kanban Board and Gantt Charts etc. Developers: Possible Contributors: Justin Scott Jeff Rechten Dave Blohmann QA Resources: Access to EdgeX Reference HW. Access to Microsoft Azure Test Account. AWS / Greengrass Test Account. Google IoT Core Test Account. SAP HANA Test Account. IBM Watson IoT Test Account.

23 Applications WG - Timeline for MVP
Date Action July 15, 2017 R&D - Define Application Work Group Project Scope R&D - Application WG Sub Project Scopes. ??? R&D - Create Development Tasks Implementation - Application WG Sub Projects Done. Testing - Application WG QA Done. Testing - E2E QA Done/Release ready. Release 1 Alpha Release 1 Beta Release 1 GA

24 Applications WG - EdgeX Scaling - Addressing the “Fog” (2018+)
Facilitate East-West capability Scale/Load balance across EdgeX instances Failover between EdgeX host systems Cluster of EdgeX node management Facilitate North-South capability Gateway (EdgeX) Device Service Gateway (EdgeX) to Gateway (EdgeX) export Export/integration with other node types

25 Device Services/ SDK Tony Espy

26 Device Services SDK MVP
Review current code generation approach ~40 template classes copied to new DS, many unchanged Re-factor to: Reduce duplicated code across DSes Review Spring Frameworks usage Harden code (per Core Service recommendations) Basic Eclipse integration (ie. no more cmd-line required)

27 Device Services SDK – Known Issues
Minimal documentation, missing javadoc Built-in Device Scheduler Clock reset issues Code TODO suggests Quartz as possible replacement Get rid of REST API calls to self (per optimization) Use of SDK requires git/github (ie. no SDK download) device-sdk repo is an artifact of device-sdk-tools Ideally this should be done via CI Add hooks for security & system management

28 Device Services MVP Stick with Device Services as released by Dell for MVP RISK: currently device-virtual is the only service released by Dell! Services intended to be released include: BACnet, BLE, Modbus, MQTT, SNMP, and Fischertechnik Apply changes that fall out of Device SDK Tools improvements Hardening + hooks for security & system management Demonstrate native snap-based DS on Ubuntu Core

29 Device Services MVP BACnet: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE):
Uses a 2nd microservice that wraps a Dell Python BACnet protocol library (IP only, no serial support) Eval replacement service based on BACnet stack [C] or BACpypes [Python] Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): Uses a 2nd microservice that wraps the Python pygatt tool pygatt backends: BGAPI (proprietary) and deprecated bluez tools; limitations with both. Create new OS-specific (eg. bluez on Linux) service(s)

30 Device Services MVP Fischertechnik: Modbus
Based on internal Dell Java project Keep as is Modbus Based on Java j2mod library

31 Device Services MVP MQTT: SNMP:
Based on Eclipse/Java paho MQTT project Demonstrates interoperability with an Android MQTT client Keep as is SNMP: Based on Java snmp4j project

32 California Release alternative language SDKs based on Barcelona investigation/work Continued improvement to Java SDK and existing Device Services Release any new Device Services Continued work on systems management & security Updates to SDK back out to existing DS

33 Security MVP John Walsh

34 Security MVP – WG Report
UI need?? Longer term security release roadmap Where going and how to get there Use framework to color code framework to designate progress Standards discussion Don’t want to re-invent the wheel Evaluate docs from various standards bodies for how to leverage Aware of security IoT docs? – send Doug an with details First cut at security framework (risk – weak on contributions) Finalize plan for Barcelona including (possibly) work from other vendors to showcase at Barcelona Abstract security away from virtualization/containerization but not specific to Docker Purple Foundation?? – how it might apply Multiple OS layers/ support multiple OS suppliers California is a target for release but still to be determine/scoped for what is delivery Root of trust – assumption of secure platform, requires some level of root of trust – need to define requirements still to be done

35 Salim AbiEzzi / Jim White
System Management MVP Salim AbiEzzi / Jim White

36 Sys Mgmt MVP for Barcelona
Define the EdgeX system management story but postpone a lot of implementation to California WG to agree on requirements WG to agree on what features are going to be in EdgeX and what is reserved for OS, 3rd party systems, other open source systems, etc. WG to define what system management services need to be implemented as part of EdgeX (if any) WG to define what system management hooks need to be implemented WG to define any system management standards that will be followed/used in system management implementations (ex: LWM2M)

37 Sys Mgmt Stretch Goals Add some simple system manage hooks/capability into BaseService of EdgeX micro services Dell has already done some POC work with things like start, stop, …

38 Barcelona Demo Keith Steele

39 Barcelona IoT Solutions World Congress Demos
Do we have one common theme with multiple peds Didn’t work so well with HM Proposal for EdgeX Test Bed Jim Action item – find out from Jason details and commitments Companies responding had a commitment for resources Notified by end of July TSC board sit down with marketing and discussion messages Need July deadline for guidance Ped owners to have freedom on how to demo – RSA vmWare We need to find out who else and what they are planning Next tech meeting by when and where Task for TSC board

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