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2010 State Purchasing Forum

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1 2010 State Purchasing Forum
CONTRACTING COMPONENTS A PANEL DISCUSSION Moderated by: Connie Rissberger 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 1

2 2010 State Purchasing Forum
Purpose To identify those key components a contracting professional needs to successfully process a contract. 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 2

3 Panelists NYS Department of Labor: Mary McDonnell
NYS Worker’s Compensation Board: Steve Carbone NYS Office of the State Comptroller: Bill Hughes 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 2010 State Purchasing Forum 3

4 2010 State Purchasing Forum
Agenda Based on their area of expertise, each panelist will be available to answer questions with respect to: NYS Department of Labor Prevailing Wage; Worker’s Compensation Board; and Office of State Comptroller Contract Process 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 4

5 NYS Department of Labor
What are prevailing wages? How are they used? What am I responsible for ? 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 5

6 Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Disability Benefits Requirements
What is Worker’s Compensation Insurance? Why is it important? Who needs to be covered? What forms are required? 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 6

7 Office of the State Comptroller
Ask yourself: What does OSC want me to include in a successful contract What supporting documentation and examples can I obtain from this session. What resources are available 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 7

8 2010 State Purchasing Forum
Contact Information William Hughes NYS – OSC Bureau of Contracts (518) Steve Carbone NYS Worker’s Compensation Board (518) Mary C. McDonnell NYS - DOL Bureau of Public Work – Central Office (518) 4/14/10 2010 State Purchasing Forum 8

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