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The use of Assessment Manager to track pupil progress

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1 The use of Assessment Manager to track pupil progress

2 Logging on Log into Sims.Net Double click on Focus Assessment
Mark Sheet Entry Depending on position in school, assess to various templates are controlled by school

3 Men Maths StanScore - Yr7
Recording - Yr 7 Tests : Year 7 Export Date : 25/02/2011 Surname Forename NRIT Score - Yr7 Eng Stan Score - Yr7 Eng StanScore S9 - Yr7 Y7 Eng Progress Maths Stan Score - Yr7 Maths StanScore S9 - Yr7 Y7 Maths Progress Men Maths StanScore - Yr7 ANDERSON Elaine 120 102 5 Average 108 6 ANDERSON Jack 100 107 ANSELL Ricky 95 110 112 7 Above Ave BALAS Adriana 106 101 103 DUFFY Lindsay 114 115 Above Average 116 FERGUSON Liam 105 99 FISHER Angela 104 FISHER Anna FREEMAN James 93 4 HARDY Susan 98 HUMPHRIES Isabella 88 MANTLE Jonathan 96 MCAREAVEY Greg 90 MCGLINCHEY Michael 97 94 MEENAN Karen PHILIPS Sophie 117 STONE Nicola WALSH Angela 122 8 WEARNE Michelle WELLER Brian 80 2 Below Average 82 3 Below Ave WILLIAMS Paul 92

4 Recording Sheet Enter English and Maths scores in Recording Template.
Feeds into Analysis English and Maths sheet Also feeds into PIM and PIE Analysis sheet.

5 Recording sheet Allows comparison with literacy and numeracy, cursory glance Use to help set target However

Analysis - Maths Standardised Scores : Year 7 Export Date : 25/02/2011 Surname Forename Maths Stan Score - Yr3 Maths Stan Score - Yr4 Yr3-4 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr5 Yr4-5 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr6 Yr5-6 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr7 Yr6-7 Diff ANDERSON Elaine 114 110 -4 109 -1 104 -5 108 4 ANDERSON Jack 88 94 6 99 5 107 8 102 ANSELL Ricky 105 101 100 98 -2 112 14 BALAS Adriana 92 -6 90 96 103 7 DUFFY Lindsay 2 116 16 FERGUSON Liam 106 119 -19 FISHER Angela 120 FISHER Anna 76 82 97 9 FREEMAN James 78 -10 95 17 HARDY Susan 89 1 HUMPHRIES Isabella 111 3 -11 MANTLE Jonathan 86 MCAREAVEY Greg 84 12 MCGLINCHEY Michael MEENAN Karen PHILIPS Sophie STONE Nicola -8 WALSH Angela 122 WEARNE Michelle WELLER Brian 69 74 79 WILLIAMS Paul 118 -20

7 Let us look at the following pupils
Elaine Anderson Angela Fisher Isabella Humphries Greg McAreavey Sophie Philips Brian Weller Paul Williams

Surname Forename Maths Stan Score - Yr3 Maths Stan Score - Yr4 Yr3-4 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr5 Yr4-5 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr6 Yr5-6 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr7 Yr6-7 Diff ANDERSON Elaine 114 110 -4 109 -1 104 -5 108 4 FISHER Angela 120 116 112 HUMPHRIES Isabella 111 -2 3 100 -11 MCAREAVEY Greg 84 96 12 98 2 94 90 PHILIPS Sophie 107 105 6 5 WELLER Brian 69 74 76 79 82 WILLIAMS Paul 92 99 Average

9 Analysis Class trends , group of pupils, individual pupils
Literacy and or Numeracy ,areas of strengths or weaknesses Other concerns Unforeseen circumstances Personal

Analysis - Maths Standardised Scores : Year 7 Export Date : 25/02/2011 Surname Forename Maths Stan Score - Yr3 Maths Stan Score - Yr4 Yr3-4 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr5 Yr4-5 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr6 Yr5-6 Diff Maths Stan Score - Yr7 Yr6-7 Diff ANDERSON Elaine 114 110 -4 109 -1 104 -5 108 4 ANDERSON Jack 88 94 6 99 5 107 8 102 ANSELL Ricky 105 101 100 98 -2 112 14 BALAS Adriana 92 -6 90 96 103 7 DUFFY Lindsay 2 116 16 FERGUSON Liam 106 119 -19 FISHER Angela 120 FISHER Anna 76 82 97 9 FREEMAN James 78 -10 95 17 HARDY Susan 89 1 HUMPHRIES Isabella 111 3 -11 MANTLE Jonathan 86 MCAREAVEY Greg 84 12 MCGLINCHEY Michael MEENAN Karen PHILIPS Sophie STONE Nicola -8 WALSH Angela 122 WEARNE Michelle WELLER Brian 69 74 79 WILLIAMS Paul 118 -20

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