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Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation

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1 Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation
Peter Torkler Jurmala

2 Our goal and objectives How do we work How do we finance Projects
Who is baltcf Our goal and objectives How do we work How do we finance Projects What´s next 1 2


4 Who is baltcf The Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation (baltcf) is a private German civil law foundation registered in Germany as International Baltic Sea Foundation for Nature Conservation The foundation was established in 2014 after an agreement in 2011, when German NGOs (BUND and WWF) and the Nord Stream AG negotiated the setting up of two independent foundations As a result 25 Mio. Euro where transferred on the accounts of baltcf The foundation acts strictly as a non for profit organisation according to German foundation law The foundations only legal representatives are the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, supervised by the Board of Trustees 3 2

5 What is our goal The foundations goal is to improve the ecological stability in the Baltic Sea In order to achieve our goal we will support nature and environmental protection projects in the entire Baltic Sea region Our statutes allow a wide range of activities related to the following objectives: 4 5

6 Objectives Improving the regenerative capacity of the marine environment Reducing pollution and eutrophication Securing biodiversity and improving habitats for rare or protected species Managing marine protected areas Securing and developing terrestrial protected areas in the immediate catchment area of the Baltic Sea Compensating negative effects in the Baltic Sea’s natural environment. 4 2

7 How do we work We are committed to transparency and sustainability in all areas of our activities: project selection, managing our assets, office management…all information is available on our website: We are a small team of two people managing the foundation and the communication with applicants We identify needs and projects mainly through direct communication with potential beneficiaries Since mid 2015 we received and evaluated more than 40 Ideas and concepts through NGO´s and their networks We currently support 13 projects with a project budget of 2,6 Mio. Euro and 1,3 Mio. Euro baltcf funds committed 7

8 How do we finance We only grant financial support to projects – we do not run own projects Beneficiaries are preferably NGOs but can include public and private bodies We do not finance activities that are the legal obligation of authorities We only finance what is in line with our statutes – we are open to cooperation with other donors and can provide co-funding We do not finance research activities We assess applications in two stages strictly based on our funding guidelines and application forms Projects are decided by the Board of Directors, for projects > the decision is taken by the Board of Trustees and supported by a Project Advisory Committee 8

9 3

10 3 Games 283 people 5 tons of rubbish

11 6 Partners created partnership to apply for INTERREG in Autumn 2017
Mobilising private landowners and communities in support of biodiversity and a healthier Baltic Sea – Through multi-functional wetland restoration reduce pollution and create new values 25 participants from 5 Baltic countries (Sweden (host), Germany, Poland, Lithuania & Latvia) 6 Partners created partnership to apply for INTERREG in Autumn 2017

12 Protecting habitats of Aquatic Warbler and improving ecological conditions of the Baltic Sea by optimising water management in Rozwarowo Marshes SPA, Poland 12

13 Pike factories – creating wetlands for natural pike reproduction and improving water retention

14 Protect the Baltic Harbour Porpoise 2 Years, 270T project, 210T baltcf
Secure a well-managed MPA covering the main breeding area for harbor porpoises in the Baltic Sea Facilitating stakeholder dialogue Proposals for management plan and fisheries regulations Lobbying directed at politicians and ministry and agency staff

15 bog stil providing ecosystem services degraded forest on the peat.
Restoring degraded peatlands in Słowiński National Park Poland, for restoring natural habitats and restoring peatlands ecosystem services 5 years, 1,4 Mio project, 320T baltcf, (part of PeatRestore LFE climate 2017) Peatbogs restoration measures (ditches blocking with (adjusting technical designs, trees removing Testing of innovative methods of peat forming vegetation restoration after peat mining bog stil providing ecosystem services degraded forest on the peat. water basin created after peat excavation

16 What´s next We introduced project calls, first call ended in August 2017 Next call around January 2018 Identify project needs in in line with Baltic and national priorities Strengthen cooperation with other donors and national and international organisations Continue dialogue about the specific needs before we decide on more specific priorities Areas of interest are: Wetlands and rivers… Marine protected areas and species… Waste and pollution….local solutions but not large scale industrial investments 16


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