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General Practice as Part of the Solution Alcohol and Other Drugs

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Presentation on theme: "General Practice as Part of the Solution Alcohol and Other Drugs"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Practice as Part of the Solution Alcohol and Other Drugs
Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs

2 Agenda Welcome Presentation - Michelle Powell and Dr James Courts
Mental health and alcohol and other drug reform - Lesley Maher Table discussion/session Completion of evaluation Lucky Ticket draw We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians on the land upon which we meet, and pay our respect to the elders past and present. Introduce Matt Lucky draw – you will need to be in the room to claim your prize. If you are not in the room, the prize will be redrawn

3 Mental Health Reform

4 What is the mental health reform?
Federal Government engaged the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) to review mental health programs NMHC released report in November 2014 Australian Government response to report released in November 2015

5 Reform is about …. localised services delivered through Primary Health Networks
Identify needs and challenges that are specific to communities that do not always fit the one-size-fits-all model of service delivery run from Canberra. PHNs will be put in charge of commissioning the mental health services they consider necessary and appropriate to the needs of their local communities, rather than them being contracted at a fragmented national level in Canberra.

6 Stepped Care Approach What do we need to achieve?
Severe and complex mental illness (packaged care) Moderate mental illness and access to psychological services Mild mental illness (self help psychological) At risk groups (early symptoms, previous illness) Well Population Australia will move towards a ‘stepped care’ model in stages over the next three years. This will see Australians receive varying levels of primary care treatment and support depending on their level of need as determined by a health professional, whether that be ‘at risk’, mild, moderate or severe/complex. This will shape the delivery of primary mental health services towards a more modern, flexible and nimble model of care, rather than the current “one-size-fits-all” approach. What do we need to achieve? What services are relevant? What are the typical workforce requirements?

7 Mental Health Six focus areas: Youth, including children
2016/17 and 2017/18 commissioning headspace Indigenous (mental health and suicide) new funding from 2016/17 Suicide prevention 2016/17 commissioning Wesley Mission to continue Expanded Horizons Program

8 Mental Health Low intensity services
online resources Hard to reach groups (under serviced) children under 12 people experiencing, or at risk, of homelessness women experiencing perinatal depression people from CALD backgrounds Indigenous men ATAPS services Severe and complex MHNIP packages of care (in 2018/19)

9 Packages of Care (funded from 2018/19)
For the first time, Australians with a severe and complex mental illness will also have access to an integrated care package tailored to their individual needs. A package would see people identified by health professionals as having complex care needs eligible to access a package of integrated health services, provided by a multi-disciplinary team, including: comprehensive assessment and care-coordination support; psychological services; mental health nursing; drug and alcohol services; vocational assistance; and peer support. GPs will play a key role in relation to these packages of care. This will be a learning experience for us all, the PHN will support GP’s and multi-disciplinary team members along the way.

10 GCPHN Response Service Design Needs Assessment Sector Profile
Service Mapping Service data validation Sector Profile Needs Assessment Service Design To be completed in August To be completed in July In Progress (to be completed by end of June) Service mapping – data gathering of organisations, programs, eligibility, location, geographic coverage etc Data validation – “deep dive” process – meeting with organisations to validate service mapping data and seek further information about organisations – waitlists, known gaps and barriers, unfunded services etc Sector profile – analysis of the above data to develop a population and sector profile NEEDS ASSESSMENT – SEE NEXT SLIDE SERVICE DESIGN – SEE SLIDE AFTER In Progress (to be completed by end of June) Completed

11 Needs assessment Data from population and sector profile Evidence based data eg: service usage, hospital admissions etc Needs Assessment What are the service gaps on the Gold Coast? SEE NEXT SLIDE FOR SERVICE DESIGN Prioritises GCPHN purchase of services to meet identified gaps

12 What is service design? Comprehensive service reviews of existing services: Determining clinical effectiveness Measuring program outcomes Efficiency of service models Identifying gaps and barriers where no services exist or where existing services could be funded to provide The outcome of the service design process will be the development of commissioning plan to purchase services to meet identified gaps and appropriate distribution of funding across the Gold Coast region

13 Alcohol and Drug Reform

14 Alcohol and other Drugs
Commonwealth Government announcement regarding ICE Taskforce funding – December 2015 Funding broadened to alcohol and other drug treatment services, including ICE Same process in relation to planning and service design as for mental health

15 Alcohol and other Drugs
In scope treatment services for AoD funding: • Early intervention targeting less problematic drug use, including brief intervention • Counselling • Withdrawal management with pathways to post acute-withdrawal support and relapse prevention • Residential rehabilitation with pathways to post rehabilitation support and relapse prevention

16 Alcohol and other Drugs
Day stay rehabilitation and other intensive non-residential programmes • Post rehabilitation support and relapse prevention • Case management, care planning and coordination • Supporting the workforce undertaking these service types through activities that promote joined up assessment processes and referral pathways and support continuous quality improvement, evidence based treatment and service integration and coordination.

17 Questions?

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