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A public health programme addressing substance misuse: “North Yorkshire’s experience of commissioning a recovery focussed adult drug and alcohol service”

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Presentation on theme: "A public health programme addressing substance misuse: “North Yorkshire’s experience of commissioning a recovery focussed adult drug and alcohol service”"— Presentation transcript:

1 A public health programme addressing substance misuse: “North Yorkshire’s experience of commissioning a recovery focussed adult drug and alcohol service” Angela Hall Health Improvement Manager Caroline Townsend Commissioning Manager Public Health Team & Commissioning Team, Health and Adult Services

2 What we’ll cover Rationale Process Mobilisation
Commissioning arrangements Impact so far

3 Rationale Feedback NY Population c.600,000. Cover 7 District Councils, 6 CCGs. 3 Coroner’s Officers. 2 Mental Health Trusts. 5 main NHS CCGs

4 Project decision, risk, action records
May 2012 Service reconfiguration programme approved Local Authority – lead organisation due to imminent transfer of public health responsibilities April 2013 May 2012 – March 2013 Engagement – including market place event Options appraisal Preferred model agreed Dedicated website launched March 2013 – June 2013 Consultation launched by Director of Public Health Consultation on preferred model (12 weeks) – mixed method Process Including meetings; dedicated website; letters; briefings; FAQs; Overview & Scrutiny; presentations Communications: Project steering group: Public Health, procurement, legal, comms, corporate project management Project decision, risk, action records June 2013 – October 2013 Consultation Report completed and shared Feedback sessions completed Model refinement Procurement preparation Council approval processes October 2013 – May 2014 Procurement launched - via YorTender Tender evaluation – including clinical and service user input Contracts awarded June – Oct 2014 Mobilisation 1st October 2014 – Service Go Live

5 Mobilisation June 2014 September 2014
Initial joint meeting with senior leadership teams to establish expectations and timescales Fortnightly joint mobilisation meetings with senior leadership teams Mobilisation plan Mobilisation decision, action and risk record – including communications September 2014 Brand developed Data transfer requirements and arrangements agreed Briefings – including service user briefings Provider due diligence Property sourced and planning requirements explored and satisfied NHS sponsorship obtained for SystmOne Meetings with interdependent services – e.g. Pharmacies, CMHTs, GP practices Transferring service users notified Including meetings; dedicated website; letters; briefings; FAQs; Overview & Scrutiny; presentations Communications:

6 Model Group Work Mutual Aid Community Groups & Activities GPs
SPOC Group Work Mutual Aid Triage Recovery & Mentoring Service Community Groups & Activities GPs Pharmacies Next Steps e.g.Dentists, Smoking cessation, Housing, ‘ETE’ Volunteers Treatment Treatment Service Recovery & Mentoring Service Recovery & Mentoring Visible recovery communities

7 Commissioning arrangements

8 Impact so far… Have a clear and consistent access point √
To better meet the needs of people across the county √ Have a clear and consistent access point √ Support increased numbers of dependent drinkers √ Have a clear focus on recovery – supporting as many people to recover as possible, including abstinence √ Provide a cost effective solution by offering best value for money √ GH

9 Impact so far - better meet needs
“When they all merged into Horizons the difference was massive. There is more support there now. There are more activities to do, there is more group work… If somebody’s feeling down, they can just drop in whereas before if you’d have dropped in, they’d have been saying ‘you’ve not got an appointment.’” (Peer Mentor 2, Recovery & Mentoring Service Scarborough) GH Source: Academic evaluation, Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, December

10 Impact so far - support increased numbers of dependent drinkers
GH Source: Public Health England Local Area Trend Report

11 Impact so far - have a clear focus on recovery
Source: Public Health England Diagnostic Outcomes Monitoring Executive Summary Reports*

12 Impact so far - provide a cost effective solution by offering value for money
Opiate only clients 3♥ clients gained 3 years of quality adjusted life expectancy through services moving people into recovery, increasing their quality of life, and making them live longer. £72k Services produced £72k in cost savings over a client’s lifetime, through reducing the risk of crime associated with drug use, which can add up to a considerable cost over an individual’s drug taking career. Alcohol only clients 8♥ clients gained eight years of quality adjusted life expectancy through services moving people into recovery, increasing their quality of life, and making them live longer. £60k Services produced £60k in cost savings through reducing the healthcare costs of alcohol use, and through a reduced risk of crime and antisocial behaviour associated with alcohol use. Non-opiate only clients 3.6♥ clients gained 3.6 QALYs more than if treatment was not available through improved quality of life while in treatment and recovery. £64/QALY Treatment for non-opiate users cost £64 per QALY gained which would be considered to be very cost effective, although not cost saving. Alcohol and non-opiate clients 8.5♥ clients gained 8.5 years of quality adjusted life expectancy through services moving people into recovery, increasing their quality of life, and making them live longer. £56k services produced cost savings of £56k per client through reduced healthcare costs (such as hospital admissions) and reduced crime and antisocial behaviour costs. Source: Academic evaluation, Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, December

13 Questions Angela Hall E:
W: North Yorkshire Horizons SPOC: W:

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