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N922 Community Recreation Program

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Presentation on theme: "N922 Community Recreation Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 N922 Community Recreation Program
Meeting the CARE Requirement Presenters: Nancy Barnes, Leslie Gould, Patricia Owens Commander, Navy Installation Command…Supporting Command to the Warfighter

2 N922, Community Recreation Program
On Base Community Events Command Picnics/Events Party / Picnic Support Fleet Recreation/Visiting Ships / Squadrons Information and Resources Trips and Outings Outdoor Recreation Equipment Rental Recreation Programming / Classes / Activities Tickets Recreational Green Space Coordination Leisure Travel Commander, Navy Installation Command…Supporting Command to the Warfighter

3 REVISED CR STANDARD Staff Training: Old: All staff have completed C.A.R.E. training. New: All NF staff have completed C.A.R.E. training.

4 Meeting the CARE Requirement
CONTROLLING ALCOHOL RISKS EFFECTIVELY CARE for Servers of Fleet and Family Readiness CARE has changed! – Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively All Community Recreation NF employees must complete CARE training every 12 months. This revised learning event now includes SAPR components. Learn about the changes to the content, the delivery and the process for order classroom materials. Target Audience: CARE Facilitators and Community Recreation Supervisors

5 This Session is Designed to:
Purpose This Session is Designed to: Identify the target audience Overview of new content Delivery methods available Ordering process

6 Controlling Alcohol Risk Effectively®
The Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively® (CARE) program includes updates to learning activities and discussions on how to effectively monitor and control guests' alcohol consumption, tactfully intervene before problems arise, carry out ID-checking policies, and handle minors according to your venue's policies.

7 What CARE Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively--when alcohol is served responsibly, it enhances the experience for our guests, makes managing special events easier and makes CR NF Staff feel supported and better about doing their jobs (the content had not been updated for quite a while and the new materials are much more user friendly--in color, supported by a PowerPoint presentation, new updated pocket guide, addition of SAPR content and questions on the exam, ABC videos provided to enhance from the "What Would You Do?" series)

8 Who All MWR Community Recreation NF employees are required to successfully pass the exam annually, Trainers must pass the trainer exam every three years. NF Employees:

9 Why It had been several years since the materials were updated and it had become that some were "teaching" to the test instead of instilling why it is important for our customers and constituents to act responsibly

10 Where Train the Trainer was conducted in Millington in April and trainers were certified from regions around the globe, they in turn are training trainers in their respective regions and depending on region size/geographic composition are training each installation .

11 Online The four-hour Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively® (CARE) online program provides flexible, self-paced training to prepare employees for handling the challenges of responsible alcohol service. This interactive online program features audio/video, learning activities and review questions.  Servers will learn how to: Effectively monitor and control guests' alcohol consumption Tactfully intervene before problems arise Carry out their establishment's ID-checking policies and spot fake or altered identifications Handle minors according to their operation's policies Describe the physical effects of alcohol Explain the laws regarding alcohol service and how they affect their work

12 CARE Online Price Chart
#of Units Price Non- Member Price AHLA Member   1 - 9 $29.95 $25.95 $28.95 $24.95 $27.95 $23.95 100+ $26.95 $22.95

13 When Effective May 2016 only the new content will be available, in the meantime, if regions have a stock of materials on hand, they may elect to use

14 How Certified CARE facilitator/trainer and it is recommended that you coordinate with a region or installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator to be present to handle any questions that may arise due to the content on the new videos and provide SAPR Safe Helpline materials.

15 FAQs If a trainer currently holds a valid certification until 2017 do they need to retake the material? Answer: The certification comes from Education Institute (EI) and will remain valid until its expiration, however, it is highly encouraged that trainers present with the opportunity to see the new curriculum sit through the class

16 FAQs Continued Who are the Master Trainers for CARE?
Answer: Marlin Ruhl and Frank Esteves If travel is required, who pays? Answer: That is up to each region to determine Does everyone need to go through the new content meaning existing managers, bartenders and servers? Answer: It is highly recommended that everyone go through the new content so they understand the importance of why and are able to serve our guests and provide them with an enhanced guest experience

17 FAQs Continued What is the length of time it takes for the new content? Answer: CR NF Employees takes approximately 5 ½ hours including exam time, Trainer the Trainer is a 2-day event as the second day is spent focusing on supporting facilitators/trainers with the proper tools and gives them time to practice in a “safe” environment.

18 Questions?? Questions and POCs Nancy Barnes:
Points of Contact (POCs): s: Nancy Barnes: Patricia “Patty” Owens: Leslie Gould:

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