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School garden - Norgårdenskolan

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Presentation on theme: "School garden - Norgårdenskolan"— Presentation transcript:

1 School garden - Norgårdenskolan

2 Step 1 - sowing First of all we put the soil in the some cups.

3 Step 2. We plant: potatoes, tomato, garlic, apple and pepper.
Step 2 was to do holes with the finger and then put the seeds in there. And the potato we just put right down in the soil.

4 Step 3 We put tree sticks in each plant so we could now witch plant was witch. And at least we watered the plants so it would grow faster.

5 Step 4 The next step in the process was to put the plants near the window so the plants would grow better with the sunlight. Every plant needs light to grow..and also water

6 The results after 2 weeks:

7 The results after 3-4 weeks
In the picture here you can see that we replanted the potatoes becouse they needed more space to grow.

8 The results after 5 weeks
We reaplanted the plant again and we did also put a black paper round the soil to the potatoes so the potateos not turn green. (Like green chips).

9 What we learned ¤ We have learnt how seeds grow.
¤ We don´t need to buy seeds because we learnt that we can pick out seeds from matured tomatoe and red pepper. This was new for us. ¤ We learnt that we could see how fast it grows inside in the window. We had our plants in the windows and it was winter season but still it was sunny. Our windows worked like a green house. ¤ We had a week holiday in between and when we came back they had grown a lot. Even without water.

10 ¤ The garlic did not grow at all.
¤ We saw that the plants there we got seeds from a mature vegetables grown better. ¤ But parsly and spinach didn't grow much and we think it was because you plant them outside in Sweden in end of May so we think that it have been to warm in the window. ¤ The garlic did not grow at all.

11 Problems In our school we can´t grow seeds and plants outside because we have no garden just asphalt. We are also depending on weather. In primary school we had already grown plants and there we learnt about pollution so for us this felt childish. We also wanted to have use for our vegetables. The tomatoes and red pepper matures in July and than we have summer holiday and all of us leaves Norgården. We couldn´t see the result.

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