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Bloom Filters An Introduction and Really Most Of It CMSC 491

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1 Bloom Filters An Introduction and Really Most Of It CMSC 491
Hadoop-Based Distributed Computing Spring 2016 Adam Shook

2 Agenda Discuss what a set data structure is using math terms
Discuss the concept of a Bloom filter Explore the mathematical magic behind Bloom filters

3 Set! A set is an unsorted data structure containing unique values
Most common uses are: Error-free set membership tests Storing unique members of data (remove duplicates) Iterating through data in no particular order Other fun operations like unions, intersections, subsets, etceteras! Other sets support sorting and duplicate values But we aren’t here to talk about those

4 Set Insertion peter lois chris stewie stewie lois chris peter insert

5 Set Membership Test peter stewie lois chris peter is_member

6 Set Membership Test adam stewie lois chris peter is_member

7 Use Case! I’ve got a bunch of interesting keywords, A
I’ve got a data set B I want to check if a record in B contains a word in A Make a new data set C for some cool data science for each record x in B for each word w in x if w in A emit x

8 Use Case, Solved! Stuff all the data in A into a set
Get an A+ on your computer science project Impress the boss But what if A is stupid big? credit to mr. squarepants

9 Memory Footprint A contains 1 billion unique strings, average of 32 characters in length 8 bits per character 32 characters per string 1 billion of them 8 bits * 32 * 1,000,000,000 … Roughly 29.8 GB of raw storage required to hold these elements + overhead + even more if you are using Java For the sake of argument, let’s all agree that A doesn’t fit comfortably on a computer…

10 credit to xkcd and paint

11 Making a Set Smaller What two ‘features’ of a set can we relax to meet our requirements and have a reasonable memory footprint? Functionality Only want set membership operations Accuracy Don’t really need to be 100% accurate

12 Use Case, Revised! I’ve got a bunch of interesting keywords, A
I’ve got a data set B I want to check if a record in B contains a word in A Make a new data set C for some cool data science I don’t really care if some stuff in C doesn’t contain words from A for each record x in B for each word w in x if w is likely in A with false positive p emit x

13 Let me paint you a story…
We travel back to 1970… Burton Howard Bloom was investigating means to eliminate unnecessary disk accesses for particular algorithms Came up with the a probabilistic data structure for set membership Useful for programs with expensive operations where the operation is often unnecessary A structure only 15% of the size of the original can eliminate 85% of unnecessary disk accesses Hyphenation algorithm – for a dictionary of 500,000 words, 90% of which follow simple hyphenation rules, 10% require expensive disk accesses to retrieve specific patterns. With enough memory, you can use a set to eliminate unnecessary accesses. With limited memory, you can eliminiate most unnecessary acc

14 Bloom Filter A space-efficient means to test if an element is a member of a set Elements can be added, but cannot be removed Storage cost for a single element is independent of the element size The members are not stored, so they cannot be retrieved There are no false negatives, but false positives are possible

15 How It’s Made – Training a Bloom Filter
Given An array of bits size m, initialized to 0 k hash functions n elements foreach element ni in n foreach function ki in k m[ki(ni) % m] = 1 Training a Bloom filter is O(n)

16 How It’s Made – Training a Bloom Filter
peter lois chris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

17 How It’s Made – Membership Testing
Given A trained Bloom filter of size m The same k hash functions An element x foreach function ki in k if m[ki(x) % m] is 0 return false return true Testing a Bloom filter is O(1)

18 How It’s Made – Membership Testing
1 peter

19 How It’s Made – Membership Testing
1 adam

20 I know what you’re thinking

21 The Catch What we make up for in space, we give up the accuracy…
I give you… the false positive! 1 cleveland

22 credit to xkcd and paint

23 Controlling the False Positive Rate
Given Approximate number of elements in A, n A willingness to tolerate a percent p of false positives k is the optimal number of hash functions We can approximate m If you want the full details, read the paper or Wikipedia

24 Back to our use case… n = 1,000,000,000 p = .1
After dusting off the calculators…. m = x109 bits or GB An improvement of 29.8/0.558 = 53.4!

25 And now that we have m… We can use n and m to calculate k = m/n * ln(2) But I haven’t heard of 3.32 hash functions so let’s call it 4

26 References Wikipedia

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