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Chapter 5 Light and Matter: Reading Messages from the Cosmos

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1 Chapter 5 Light and Matter: Reading Messages from the Cosmos

2 5.1 Light in Everyday Life Our goals for learning:
How do we experience light? How do light and matter interact?

3 How do we experience light?
The warmth of sunlight tells us that light is a form of energy We can measure the flow of energy in light in units of watts: 1 watt = 1 joule/s

4 The Visible Light Spectrum
The light that we “see” is a very small part of what’s called the electromagnetic spectrum.

5 Colors of Light White light is made up of many different colors
Newton showed that white light is composed of all the colors of the rainbow. White light is made up of many different colors

6 Chromatic Dispersion When white light enters a medium, the different wavelengths that comprise the light will travel at different speeds. If the angle of incidence is greater than zero, the wave will exhibit chromatic dispersion. Note: The shorter the wavelength, the greater the bending.

7 How do light and matter interact?
Emission Absorption Transmission Transparent objects transmit light (glass) Opaque objects block (absorb) light (brick) Reflection or Scattering

8 Reflection & Scattering
Light incident upon an object with a smooth surface will create specular reflection. Light incident upon an object with a rough surface will create diffuse reflection through scattering of light.

9 Law of Reflection The angle of incidence with respect to the normal is equal to the angle of reflection.

10 Interactions of Light with Matter
Interactions between light and matter determine the appearance of everything around us.

11 Reflection and Absorption of Light and Color
The color observed by any object is the same as that “not absorbed” by the object. For example, a red brick on a house will absorb all colors of the EM visible light spectrum except for red. How does this apply to the clothes we wear?

12 Thought Question Why is a rose red?
The rose absorbs red light. The rose transmits red light. The rose emits red light. The rose reflects red light.

13 What have we learned? How do we experience light?
Light is a form of energy Light comes in many colors that combine to form white light. How does light interact with matter? Matter can emit light, absorb light, transmit light, and reflect (or scatter) light. Interactions between light and matter determine the appearance of everything we see.

14 5.2 Properties of Light Our goals for learning: What is light?
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

15 What is light? Light is the range of frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum that stimulate the retina of the eye. Light can act either like a wave or like a particle Particles of light are called photons (You can imagine them to be tiny little balls)

16 Waves A wave is a pattern of motion that can carry energy without carrying matter along with it

17 Properties of Waves Crest: The high point of a wave.
Trough: The low point of a wave. Amplitude: Maximum displacement from its position of equilibrium (undisturbed position). John Wiley & Sons

18 Property of Waves (cont.)
Frequency(f): The number of oscillations the wave makes in one second (Hertz = 1/seconds). Wavelength(): The minimum distance at which the wave repeats the same pattern (= 1 cycle). Measured in meters. Velocity (v): speed of the wave (m/s). v = f Period (T): Time it takes for the wave to complete one cycle (seconds). T = 1/f

19 Light: Electromagnetic Waves
A light wave is a vibration of electric and magnetic fields Light interacts with charged particles through these electric and magnetic fields

20 The Inverse Relationship c = fl
Since velocity is constant for light in a given medium (air, glass, water, etc), the frequency and wavelength must be inversely proportional. As one increases, the other decreases Position Wavelength Frequency

21 The Inverse Relationship
wavelength x frequency = speed of light = constant c = f

22 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Use this tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial to go over the inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency.

23 Particles of Light Particles of light are called photons
Each photon has a wavelength and a frequency The energy of a photon depends on its frequency

24 Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy
l x f = c l = wavelength , f = frequency c = 3.00 x 108 m/s = speed of light E = h x f = photon energy h = x joule x s = photon energy Note: Since frequency and wavelength are inversely related, high energy radiation will have a high frequency and a very small wavelength.

25 What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

26 Thought Question The higher the photon energy…
the longer its wavelength. the shorter its wavelength. energy is independent of wavelength.

27 What have we learned? What is light?
Light can behave like either a wave or a particle A light wave is a vibration of electric and magnetic fields Light waves have a wavelength and a frequency Photons are particles of light. What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Human eyes cannot see most forms of light. The entire range of wavelengths of light is known as the electromagnetic spectrum.

28 Special Topic: Polarized Sunglasses
Polarization describes the direction in which a light wave is vibrating Reflection can change the polarization of light Polarized sunglasses block light that reflects off of horizontal surfaces

29 Light Polarization Light is generally emitted from its source with the electric field oscillating in various directions. Polarizers eliminate the oscillations in all directions but one. Polarized light has only half the energy of the incident beam.

30 Light Polarization in Nature
Light incident upon the molecules in the atmosphere will excite electrons in the atoms to oscillate in a direction 90o from the incident beam. Oscillating electrons act as antennas that re-emit the light that is now polarized. Over 50% of the polarized light that reaches the ground is polarized horizontally. Why should this matter?

31 Light Polarization in Nature
Some of the light incident upon horizontal surfaces such as the highway or the surface of a body of water will be reflected. If the electric field of the incident light vibrates parallel to the surface, it will be more prone to being reflected. Hence, the reflected light is largely polarized.

32 5.4 Learning from Light Our goals for learning:
What are the three basic types of spectra? How does light tell us what things are made of? How does light tell us the temperatures of planets and stars? How do we interpret an actual spectrum?

33 What are the three basic types of spectra?
Continuous Spectrum Emission Line Spectrum Absorption Line Spectrum Spectra of astrophysical objects are usually combinations of these three basic types

34 This tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial.

35 Three Types of Spectra

36 Continuous Spectrum The spectrum of a common (incandescent) light bulb spans all visible wavelengths, without interruption

37 Emission Line Spectrum
A thin or low-density cloud of gas emits light only at specific wavelengths that depend on its composition and temperature, producing a spectrum with bright emission lines

38 Absorption Line Spectrum
A cloud of gas between us and a light bulb can absorb light of specific wavelengths, leaving dark absorption lines in the spectrum

39 How does light tell us what things are made of?
Spectrum of the Sun

40 Chemical Fingerprints
Each type of atom has a unique set of energy levels Each transition corresponds to a unique photon energy, frequency, and wavelength Energy levels of Hydrogen

41 Chemical Fingerprints
Downward transitions produce a unique pattern of emission lines

42 This tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial.

43 Chemical Fingerprints
Because those atoms can absorb photons with those same energies, upward transitions produce a pattern of absorption lines at the same wavelengths

44 This tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial.

45 Chemical Fingerprints
Each type of atom has a unique spectral fingerprint

46 This tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial
This tool from the Light and Spectroscopy tutorial. Use it to show unique chemical fingerprints.

47 Chemical Fingerprints
Observing the fingerprints in a spectrum tells us which kinds of atoms are present

48 Example: Solar Spectrum
You can use this slide as an example of real astronomical spectra made from a combination of the idealized types. Here we have the continuous (thermal) spectrum from the solar interior; dark absorption lines where the cooler solar atmosphere (photosphere) absorbs specific wavelengths of light.

49 Energy Levels of Molecules
Molecules have additional energy levels because they can vibrate and rotate

50 Energy Levels of Molecules
The large numbers of vibrational and rotational energy levels can make the spectra of molecules very complicated Many of these molecular transitions are in the infrared part of the spectrum

51 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels absorption lines?

52 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels absorption lines?

53 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels the peak (greatest intensity) of infrared light?

54 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels the peak (greatest intensity) of infrared light?

55 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels emission lines?

56 Thought Question Which letter(s) labels emission lines?

57 How does light tell us the temperatures of planets and stars?

58 Thermal Radiation Nearly all large or dense objects emit thermal radiation, including stars, planets, you… An object’s thermal radiation spectrum depends on only one property: its temperature

59 Properties of Thermal Radiation
Hotter objects emit more light at all frequencies per unit area. Hotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy. Remind students that the intensity is per area; larger objects can emit more total light even if they are cooler.

60 Wien’s Law Remind students that the intensity is per area; larger objects can emit more total light even if they are cooler.

61 Thought Question Which is hotter?
A blue star. A red star. A planet that emits only infrared light.

62 Thought Question Which is hotter?
A blue star. A red star. A planet that emits only infrared light.

63 Thought Question Why don’t we glow in the dark?
People do not emit any kind of light. People only emit light that is invisible to our eyes. People are too small to emit enough light for us to see. People do not contain enough radioactive material.

64 Thought Question Why don’t we glow in the dark?
People do not emit any kind of light. People only emit light that is invisible to our eyes. People are too small to emit enough light for us to see. People do not contain enough radioactive material.

65 How do we interpret an actual spectrum?
By carefully studying the features in a spectrum, we can learn a great deal about the object that created it.

66 What is this object? Reflected Sunlight: Continuous spectrum of visible light is like the Sun’s except that some of the blue light has been absorbed - object must look red

67 What is this object? Thermal Radiation: Infrared spectrum peaks at a wavelength corresponding to a temperature of 225 K

68 What is this object? Carbon Dioxide: Absorption lines are the fingerprint of CO2 in the atmosphere

69 What is this object? Ultraviolet Emission Lines: Indicate a hot upper atmosphere

70 What is this object? Mars!

71 What have we learned? What are the three basic type of spectra?
Continuous spectrum, emission line spectrum, absorption line spectrum How does light tell us what things are made of? Each atom has a unique fingerprint. We can determine which atoms something is made of by looking for their fingerprints in the spectrum.

72 What have we learned? How does light tell us the temperatures of planets and stars? Nearly all large or dense objects emit a continuous spectrum that depends on temperature. The spectrum of that thermal radiation tells us the object’s temperature. How do we interpret an actual spectrum? By carefully studying the features in a spectrum, we can learn a great deal about the object that created it.

73 5.5 The Doppler Effect Our goals for learning:
How does light tell us the speed of a distant object? How does light tell us the rotation rate of an object?

74 The Doppler Effect A B C This figure from the book can give an introduction to the Doppler effect. Wavelength and frequency are the same for observers at either end of the train. Small wavelength and high frequency for train moving towards observer and large wavelength and low frequency for observer behind train. Same phenomena occurs for both light as in B for sound.

75 The Doppler Effect This and the following slides are tools from the Doppler Effect tutorial.

76 Explaining the Doppler Effect

77 Same for Light

78 What does the shift look like?
Stationary Moving Away Away Faster Moving Toward Toward Faster Red Shift: When objects are moving away from us. Blue Shift: When objects are moving toward us.

79 The amount of blue or red shift tells us an object’s speed toward or away from us.

80 Doppler shift tells us ONLY about the part of an object’s motion toward or away from us:
Star #1 is moving directly away from us. Star #2 is not moving toward or away from us. Star #3 has only a portion of its motion directed away from us. Assuming that all three stars are traveling with the same velocity, which one would have the greatest red shift? Star #1. Which star would have no detectable red or blue shift? Star #2.

81 Thought Question: I measure a spectral line in the lab at 500. 7 nm
Thought Question: I measure a spectral line in the lab at nm. The same line in a star has wavelength nm. What can I say about this star? It is moving away from me. It is moving toward me. It has unusually long spectral lines.

82 How do we measure the Doppler Shift?
Lets use the data from the previous slide and the following formula to determine the radial velocity of the star. rest = nm = x 109 m. shift = nm = x 109 m. c = 3.00 x 108 m/s When we plug our values in we get: 1.26 x 106 m/s or 2.81 x 106 mph!. Positive value = red shifted Negative value = blue shifted More tools from the Doppler shift tutorial.

83 Measuring Velocity

84 Measuring the Doppler shift of a gas cloud where an absorption spectrum is observed uses the same process, except that you would use the absorption lines instead of the emission lines.

85 Measuring Velocity

86 How does light tell us the rotation rate of an object?
Different Doppler shifts from different sides of a rotating object spread out its spectral lines This figure from the book can give an introduction to the Doppler effect.

87 Spectrum of a Rotating Object
This figure from the book can give an introduction to the Doppler effect. Spectral lines are wider when an object rotates faster

88 What have we learned? How does light tell us the speed of a distant object? The Doppler effect tells us how fast an object is moving toward or away from us. Blueshift:objects moving toward us Redshift: objects moving away from us How does light tell us the rotation rate of an object? The width of an object’s spectral lines can tell us how fast it is rotating

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