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Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations

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1 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
How to Help Students and Faculty Members Thrive

2 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Considering the Emotions Involved in the Diversity Learning Process: Intellectual AND Emotional Endeavor. Students and/or employees may experience a wide range of emotions and feelings such as anxiety, confusion, anger, relief, validation and guilt (Davi, Dunlap, & Green, 2007 & 2008; Tatum, 1992; Williams et al., 1999 in Harvey and Allard, p. 12) Why the wide range of emotions? Can you think of any examples from your own setting where this is true?

3 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Succeeding in the City, (Harper, 2014). equity/files/publications/Harper_and_Associates_201 4.pdf (You may have to paste the link into your browser). In small groups, review this research. What strategies are effective? Why is this working? What keeps high risk students in school? How does this research connect to your work as a leader?

4 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Being in a situation where issues of oppression, differences, multiculturalism, etc. are going to be the topic...may pose a formidable challenge both to the students and facilitators of the multicultural and diversity-learning processes. Collective rules for discussion: respectful communication, confidentiality, etc. Students may attribute negative emotions to instructor, follow students, the curriculum, etc., not to the emotional process itself.

5 Multiracial Classrooms and Organizations
Research on Empathy: One Goal: change/

6 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Racial Identity Development: The degree to which a person feels at one with, or connected with, the experiences of a racial group (Helms, 1990b). People progress developmentally through various levels or stages of maturity with respect to understanding and internalizing the shared exposure to and reality of racism and oppression that has existed in our society.

7 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
In small groups: Review the models on pages 14 and 15: White Racial Identity Development (Helms) Black Racial Identity Development (Cross et al.) Minority Identity Development Model (Atkinson, et al.) What does this information mean to you? Can you find your ‘level’ of White Racial Identity?

8 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Alternate Model That May Be Useful for Exploring Racial Identity Development. Commonalities / Parallels in each of the models? Compares to Stages of Death and Dying (and Transitional Bridges): Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

9 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Coming to Grips with Our Own Cultural Lenses: “Life the fish that is unaware of water until it has left the water, people often take their own community’s ways of doing things for granted” (Barbara Rogoff) &client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=u niv&sa=X&ei=vQShUqqIDIrE2QXzq4GAAg&ved= 0CCsQsAQ&biw=1149&bih=702

10 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Incorporating values, beliefs, and traditions of many cultures into the curriculum. Read various works/art, etc. of different ethnic groups. Use mathematical principles to address multicultural tasks (ex: using graph paper to design a Navajo rug). View historical events from diverse perspectives. Other ideas?

11 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Breaking down ethnic stereotypes: Focus on first image that comes to mind: The Netherlands (Holland) Mexico Hawaii What did you see? Evidence of ethnic stereotypes. Understanding of differences between individuals within diverse groups.

12 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Acknowledge that students may have multiple cultural affiliations. Do you have multiple cultural affiliations? What are they?

13 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations
Promoting productive interactions among students from diverse racial and ethnic groups. Examples from your own schools? How about economic diversity? Ideas that work:

14 Multicultural Classrooms and Organizations:
Fostering Democratic Ideals: Human Dignity Equality Appreciation of diverse viewpoints Equity in instruction Other? Examples from your own schools, etc.?

15 Diversity for Leaders mastercards-resource-groups-role-models-engagement- talent-development/ Final: How will you apply the concepts discussed in class in your school, university, or organization? What does your vision for diversity look like? What worked for you in this class? What would improve the course in the future?

16 One Page Final:  Final:
How will you apply the concepts discussed in class in your school, university, or organization? What does your vision for diversity look like? What worked for you in this class? What would improve the course in the future? Thanks everyone! It’s been a privilege and a pleasure.

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