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Impacts of Biotechnology

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1 Impacts of Biotechnology
Genetics: Day 5 Impacts of Biotechnology

2 Bell Ringer 5 MIN Write down today’s learning target and answer the 3 questions below What is biotechnology? (Break down the word and make an inference if you don’t know) What is cloning?  What do you know about genetic engineering? How do you feel that these impact society and the environment?

3 Agenda Bell Ringer (5 Min) Introduction (5 Min)
Notebook Input (15 Min) Exploring the Impacts of Biotechnology Activity (35 Min) Independent Practice (20 Min) Exit Ticket (10 Min)

4 What’s a GMO? 5 MIN

5 Essential Question What are the societal stances of the practical and ethical implications of biotechnology?

6 Today you write what is red and underlined
The title of today’s notes is: Impacts of Biotechnology

7 What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology is the manipulation of living organisms and organic material to serve human needs. Examples: Yeast in bread making and alcohol production Use of beneficial bacteria (penicillin) to kill harmful organisms GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) Cloning of plants and animals Artificial insemination

8 1750 B.C. Origins of “biotechnology” emerge in methods of food production and plant and animal breeding Use of bacteria to produce cheese (food preservation) Use of natural enzymes in yogurt Use of yeast to produce bread Use of fermentation for producing wine and beer

9 The Biotechnology Industry
Focuses on a variety of research areas including: Health/medicine Food science Environmental science Agriscience

10 One of the most common uses of biotechnology is a type of gene therapy to create transgenic organisms


12 Huff Post Science Clip Gene Manipulation In Human Embryos Provokes Ethical Questions embryos-ethics_us_564b8e59e4b08cda348b3497 First 2 min only

13 Transgenic Organisms Inserts a DNA segment that codes for a specific protein into the cells of an organism. When is this gene therapy used? Human disorders Example: People with Type I diabetes cannot produce the protein insulin, so scientists are working on injecting them with a DNA segment that codes for insulin, so their cells then have the instructions to make it!

14 Genetically modified organisms
When is this gene therapy used? Plants Example: Farmers often plant genetically engineered crops that are inserted with a DNA segment that codes for proteins that are toxic to “pests”, so pests won’t ruin their crops Example: Have you seen those GIANT apples at the grocery store? Humans can genetically engineer crops to fit their wants and needs

15 GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms)
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are consumed by millions of people (especially Americans) EVERY DAY. Corn and soybeans are were the first GMO foods introduced offering “natural”insect resistance by the introduction of a gene from a bacterium.

16 Discussion Questions 1. Have you seen that in the supermarket there is a section where they sell organic foods and vegetables? 2. What is the difference between these products and the regular ones? 3. What could be some of the medical implications of utilizing genetically modified foods?


18 Cloning The process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature. Dolly the sheep is the first animal cloned from diploid cells and was produced in Scotland

19 Late 1990’s-Early 2000’s Human cloning is outlawed in the U.S. and the first concerns over the use of human stem cells in research begin to arise. Stem cells – specialized cells that are capable of forming the entire human body. No other type of cell can do this!

20 Impact of Biotechnology
The world’s leading producers of GM crops are the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, and China. Graph shows the biggest producers of GM crops in 2014 based on planted acreage. In the United States, GM crops were cultivated on an area of about 73.1 million acres that year.

21 Dangers of Biotechnology?
Most concerns regarding GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) are regarding plants/crops Do we know all of the effects the GMO will have? If humans eat a transgenic crop, are there any side effects? If a crop is producing a toxin that is harmful to a pest, will that toxin affect other organisms in the ecosystem?

22 Dangers of Biotechnology?
1. The unexpected impacts of genetically modified organisms and biotechnology processes on other organisms and the environment

23 Dangers of Biotechnology?
2. Expense of the utilization of many biotechnology techniques Largest cost comes from the production of transgenic animals

24 Dangers of Biotechnology?
3. Concerns over the safety and ethics of incorporating GMO’s into food for human consumption Allergens Example: The use of Starlink corn in taco shells not approved for human consumption

25 Dangers of Biotechnology?
4. Lack of education among both consumers and producers concerning biotechnology processes and products

26 Let’s Practice! Real world examples
Impacts of biotechnology

27 Is this biotechnology? Dog Breeds

28 Is this biotechnology? Fish Oil Capsules

29 Is this biotechnology? In Vitro Fertilization aka “Test Tube Baby”

30 Is this biotechnology? Cheese

31 Is this biotechnology? Wool

32 Is this biotechnology? Cell Phones
CELL PHONES ARE NOT EXAMPLES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. ALL OF THE PREVIOUS SLIDES ARE! Goal is to have students articulate that although this is a form of technology this is NOT an example of biotechnology

33 “The use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life” – Marriam-webster dictionary Published version of biotech definition

34 “Biotechnology harnesses cellular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our plant” – Biotechnology Innovation Organization Published version of biotech definition

35 FIRST: Teacher will put you into small groups and will give you an article.
30 Min THEN: As a group read article and answer the following questions as a group: 1. Why is this an example of biotechnology, according to the class definition? 2. Describe a possible positive and negative impact of this biotechnology on society and justify your position. 3. What are the benefits of this biotechnology? 4. What groups of people will benefit and how will they benefit? 5. What possible harm could this biotechnology cause? 6. Who could be harmed by this biotechnology? 7. What possible long-term benefits and/or harm could this biotechnology cause?

36 FIRST: take out a blank sheet of paper
15 Min THEN: Write a 3 minute persuasive speech defending or refuting the following idea: Are you in favor with or disagree with the impact biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) has had on individuals, our society, and our environment?

37 Exit Ticket 10 Min

38 Study your genetics vocabulary words! Vocabulary Quiz next class!
Home Learning Study your genetics vocabulary words! Vocabulary Quiz next class!

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