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Published byDuane Wood Modified over 6 years ago
Study of the impact of HV ramp on reconstruction of physical object using 2011 data
Emmanuel Monnier, Elodie Tiouchichine, Elisabeth Petit LAr Week 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Aim of this study LAr inefficiency due to HVRAMP defect: 2% of the data, since september 2011 HVRAMP was: intolerable → tolerable defect Look at wrong behaviors during HVRAMP. Look at reconstructed objects in CosmicCalo/JetTauEtmiss stream Is there any effect of the HV ramps on these objects? Previous results: 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Methods/Selection Consider only 2011 runs with HV activity, in the CosmicCalo/JetTauEtmiss data → 111 runs considered in this analysis Compare reconstructed objects (jets, photons, electrons) in three kind of Lbs depending of HV activity (HV trip, HV ramp, HV stable) LB trip: when an HVline is tripping . LB ramp: when an HVline is ramping and there are no trip anywhere. LB stable: when HV is stable for each HVline of each partition Selection : Event in the LAr window veto are rejected (LarError==2) LB with SEVNOISEBURST are removed 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Conclusion of previous study
Run : Trip in the EMB followed by the ramp of 12 HV lines during ~20 Lbs In the trip area (region in eta x phi fed by the HV line which trip): More objects reconstructed when HV ramp LBs than during good lbs Almost all jets are bad jets and none of the photons pass the loose Id Have to confirm/infirm these conclusions with more statistic → Aim of this presentation LB Type HV Trip HV Ramp Good LBs Jets / Evts (0.67 ± 0.02)*10-2 (0.11 ± 0.02)*10-2 (0.04 ± 0)*10-2 Photon / Evts (0.26 ± 0.01)*10-2 (0.12 ± 0.02)*10-2 (0.02 ± 0)*10-2 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
From V. Grassi ,HV status presented at the Lar week :
4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Repartition of the trips during 2011 data taking period (without PS trip) EMECC EMECA EMB HECC HECA 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jet cleaning in HV Trip Number of jets per event: Jet cleaning is working well even in HV Trip LBs Mean :0.26 Mean :0.039 Mean :0.001 All jets No looser bad jets No tight bad jets Jet cleaning 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets results Number of jets per event in the trip area: Many more jets reconstructed / evt during HV Trip Same rate of jets reconstructed when the HV is ramping or stable Mean :0.032 Mean :0.001 Mean :0.001 HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets results Number of jet after cleaning looser bad jets, per event, in the trip area: Requiring no looser bad jets remove many jets in the HV trip Lbs No remaining jet when tight bad jets removed Mean :0.0005 Mean :0.0004 Mean :0.0001 HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Summary on jets in the trip area
LB type HV Trip HV Ramp Stable Jets / evts (3.2 ± 1.0)10-2 (0.12 ± 0.04)10-2 (0.11 ± 0.08)10-2 Jets / evt (cleaning looser bad jets) (5.0 ± 2.0)10-4 (4.0 ± 1.4)10-4 (1.1 ± 0.7)10-4 Jets / evt (cleaning Tight bad jets) 0 ± 0 O(10-7) O(10-5) ~ 30 times more jets during HV Trip than HV stable The rate of jets during HV Ramp and HV Stable are compatible All the jets are bad jets 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Photons results Photon per event in the trip area: Loose photon per event in the trip area: No differences between all categories of Lbs Mean :0.007 Mean :0.001 Mean :0.004 HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable Mean :0.0009 Mean :0.0001 Mean :O(10-5) HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Electrons results Electrons per event in the trip area: Electrons Loose ++ per event in the trip area: More electrons during HV trip than HV stable Almost no reconstructed electron during HV ramp and HV stable None of the electrons pass the loose ++ Id Mean :0.05 Mean :O(10(-4) Mean :O(10-5) HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable Mean :0 Mean :0 Mean :O(10-7) HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
ETmiss distribution - Use of MET_Topo (topoclusters) Etmiss have the same behavior When HV is ramping or stable The jet cleaning remove the tail of the distribution in all kind of LBs All events No looser bad jets No tight bad jets Jet cleaning NB : LB 234 of the run rejected (see backup slides) 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Quick look at JetTauEtmiss stream
We want to know if there is effect in physic stream Runs: ,185644, → 65 pb-1 (~10-7 event) With 21 Trips EMB EMECA EMECC HECC HECA 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets results – JetTauEtmiss stream
In trip area: LB type HV Trip HV Ramp Stable Jets / evts (16 ±7.5)10-2 (11 ± 4.5)10-2 (10 ± 4.5)10-2 Jets / evt (cleaning looser bad jets) (10 ± 4)10-2 (10 ± 4.5)10-4 Jets / evt (cleaning Tight bad jets) (6 ± 2.3)10-2 (7 ± 2.8)10-2 (7 ± 2.9)10-2 The rate of jets is stable in all type of Lbs within the error bars 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Photons/Electrons results – JetTauEtmiss stream
In trip area: LB type HV Trip HV Ramp Stable Photons / evt (5.9 ±3.5)10-2 (2.3 ± 1.2)10-2 (10 ± 4.5)10-2 Loose photon / evt (1.7 ± 1.3)10-2 (0.1 ± 0.0)10-2 LB type HV Trip HV Ramp Stable Electrons / evt (7.5 ±2.3)10-2 (5.1 ± 1.9)10-2 (5.1 ± 2.0)10-2 Electrons loose / evt (0.6 ± 0.3)10-2 (0.4 ± 0.1)10-2 (0.4 ± 0.1)10-4 Electrons Loose++ / evt The rate of Electromagnetic object is stable in all type of Lbs within the error bars 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Etmiss distribution – JetTauEtmiss stream
All events No looser bad jets No tight bad jets Jet cleaning Many tails in HV trip events Same behavior when HV is stable or ramping High tails well removed by the jet cleaning 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Conclusion Look at reconstructed objects during HV ramps → whole 2011 dataset in empty bunch stream (CosmicCalo) and collision stream (JetTauEtmiss) Compare rates during trip, ramp and stable HV Rate increases during trip as expected Same rate during ramp and stable HV Jet cleaning and egamma Id applied All fake objects removed Conclusion : Safe to use LBs with HV ramps in analysis Outlook: Look at 2012 data Specially trip of new modules 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
BACKUP 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Bad jets definition 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Noise Burst Follow this link for more informations : Definitions : Q = Quality factor quadratic difference between measured and expected shape of the pulse Bad channel = Q > 4000 Bad FEB = More than 30 bad channels in the FEB Noise burst = 5 or more Bad FEB found in the event 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Flag SEVNOISEBURST When the time stamp of the noise burst is find a LAr time windows veto of 2 sec around the time stamp is applied during the Bulk processing→ LArError == 2 But the defect SEVNOISEBURST can be applied for the lumiblock when: The cleaning didn't worked well (Burst during more than 2 seconds)(extremely rare) Burst detected in the collision stream and not in express stream so the time stamp of the brust was not updated in the db before the bulk processing. → 1% of LB (Lar tream is working on a trigger dedicated which will allow to see this noiseburst at the express processing level) 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Information on the new Module
Look at Valerio's presentation: 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Study 1- results Run : Trip in the EMB followed by the ramp of 12 HV lines during ~20 Lbs Number of jets /event in the trip area (*10-4) Number of photons /event in the trip area (*10-4) More objects reconstructed during RAMP Lbs than Good Lbs. 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Study 2 - results Special HV ramp runs : 368 HV lines in EMEC A eta = [ ], ramping up/down from Vop (operational voltage) to Vop-400V and vice versa ~Same number of object reconstructed during HV ramp and at stable HV 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Study 2 - experimental set-up
Special HV ramp runs : 368 HV lines in EMEC A eta = [ ], ramping up/down from Vop (operational voltage) to Vop-400V and vice versa Ramp a hundred of HV lines at the same time can have biased our results. % of LB ramping up/down per sector over the LB analyzed 0% of LB ramp up/down 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Study 2 - Problematic items
After Cleaning Photon map Noise burst Sporadic noisy cell in the barrel C (Presampleur) remain after cleaning 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Study 2 - Problematic items
We already know that few regions in the LAr Calorimeter are affected by a strange activity when there are noise burst. Photon map We would expect homogenous map but it's not the case Typical activity observed when there is a noise burst Hot spots due to noise burst? 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Conclusion on this two last study
The two last study don't lead us to the same conclusion. First study (HV ramp after real trip): More objects reconstructed during RAMP Lbs than Good Lbs Second study (Special LAr HV ramp): Same number of object reconstructed during HV ramp and at stable HV However we don't trust in the last one because in the stream Cosmic Calo we are dominated by the noise bursts 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
ETmiss distribution - Use of MET_Topo (topoclusters) Etmiss have the same behavior When HV is ramping or stable The jet cleaning remove the tail of the distribution in all type of LBs All events No looser bad jets No tight bad jets Jet cleaning NB :Bump in Ramp Lbs induced by LB 234 of the run 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets / event HV Trip LB Mean :0.26 HV Ramp LB Mean :0.19 HV Stable LB Mean :0.20 HV GRL LB Mean :0.18 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets / event – no looser bad jets in the event
HV Trip LB Mean :0.039 HV Ramp LB Mean :0.040 HV Stable LB Mean :0.040 HV GRL LB Mean :0.044 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets / event – no Tight bad jets in the event
HV Trip LB Mean :0.001 HV Ramp LB Mean :0.003 HV Stable LB Mean :0.005 HV GRL LB Mean :0.005 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Summary on jets LB type HV Trip HV Ramp Stable GRL WZjets Jets / evts 0.26 ± 2.0e-2 0.19 ± 1.2e-2 0.20 ± 1.3e-2 0.18 ± 1.2e-2 Looser bad jets / evt 3.9e-2 ± 4.2e-3 4.0e-2 ± 3.5e-3 4.0e-2 ± 7.4e-3 4.5e-2 ± 6.5e-3 Tight bad jets / evt 1.0e-3 ± 2.3e-4 3.1e-3 ± 8.3e-4 4.9e-3 ± 3.6e-3 5.5e-3 ± 3.9e-3 ? % more jets during trip than grl ? % more jets during ramp than grl ? % of these jets are Tight bad jets 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Jets results Number of jet after cleaning tight bad jets, per event, in the trip area: All jets in all Lbs are Tight bad jets Mean :0 Mean :0 Mean :O(10-5) HV Trip HV Ramp HV Stable 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Photon / evt 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Photon / evt passing Loose Id
4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Electron / evt 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Electron Loose / evt 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
Electron LoosePP / evt 4/23/2018 E. Tiouchichine - LAr Week
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