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War Hawks and Native Americans in War of 1812

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1 War Hawks and Native Americans in War of 1812

2 Tecumseh Chief of the Shawnee

3 Tecumseh. Chief of the Shawnee
“Whites have taken upon themselves to say this land belongs to the Miamis, to the Delawares and so on. But the Great Spirit intended Native American Land to be the common property of all the tribes, and it can’t be sold without the consent of all.”

4 Native American Tribes

5 1.Why would Native Americans be scared of American Expansion?
2. How could the USA be afraid of Native Americans? 3. What would you do if you were Tecumseh, leader of the Shawnee to stop the growth of Americans into your lands? 4. Why would Americans be nervous if the English were friendly with Tecumseh?

6 Tecumseh and The English
The English and Tecumseh will unite in the Ohio River Valley Area. The British are in Canada. This will make the United States Nervous for obvious reasons.


8 War Hawks in the war of 1812 What do War Hawks stand for or believe?
Why would pressure from a government’s citizens help push a country to actually declare war?

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