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WIOA Operations Certification

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1 WIOA Operations Certification
WIOA Fundamentals WIOA Operations Certification

2 This seminar was produced and published by MaryAnn Lawrence of PowerNotes LLC PowerNotes LLC and JobShop, Inc. have formed a partnership to provide web-based training to workforce professionals This seminar is part of the WIOA Operations Certification owned by PowerNotes LLC. JobShop, Inc. manages the web-based registrations and delivery. The seminar is also available via webinar and classroom training. Contact MaryAnn at

3 Seminar Leader Mary Ann Lawrence CEO for PowerNotes LLC
Mary Ann has extensive experience in workforce development with more than 35 years at the local, state, and national levels of the system in leadership positions. Seminar Leader

4 Learning Objectives Know Roles and Responsibilities of Local and State Boards Understand Local Area Designation Understand Local Board Structure Changes Learn About Partner Considerations Know Changes to Program Design Understand New Service Focus Areas

5 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014

6 Roles and Responsibilities

7 State Workforce Board Functions

8 Local Workforce Board Functions
P.L Sec. 107(d)

9 Themes Regional Collaboration Sector Strategies Career Pathways
Accountability Performance Contracting Competitive Procurement Themes

10 Local Area Designation

11 WIOA Local Workforce Development Areas In order for the State to receive funds under the WIOA, the Governor must designate local workforce development areas.

12 WIOA LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS A local workforce development board must be established in each local area and must be certified by the Governor.

13 WIOA Local Workforce Development Areas The Governor of the State shall designate local workforce development areas within the State— through consultation with the State board; and after consultation with chief elected officials and local boards, and after consideration of comments received through the public comment process as described in section 102(b)(2)(E)(iii)(II).

14 WIOA The Governor will approve a request for initial designation
Local Workforce Development Areas The Governor will approve a request for initial designation From any area that was designated as a local area for WIA for the 2-year period preceding enactment of WIOA Performed successfully Sustained fiscal integration

15 WIOA Performed Successfully
Local Workforce Development Areas Performed Successfully Means local area met or exceeded performance goals for WIA common measures for each of the last two consecutive years

16 WIOA Designation Process
Local Workforce Development Areas Designation Process Petition by chief elected officials submitted including: Consortium agreement Certification that the fiscal integrity and successful performance was met List of board members including composition categories and contact info Name of grant recipient/fiscal agent Chief elected official signatures Documented public input solicited

17 WIOA Consortium Agreement
Local Workforce Development Areas Consortium Agreement Distribution of fiscal liability among the chief elected officials Delineate relationships among chief elected officials regarding WIOA Address appointment of individuals to the local board Designate an entity to service as the local grant recipient/fiscal agent

18 Board Structure Changes

19 WIOA Appointments Local Elected Officials
The chief elected official(s) in a local workforce area are authorized to appoint the members of the local board Must meet the WIOA composition requirements

20 WIOA Local Elected Officials Majority must be representatives of business in the local who are: Owners of business, chief executive or operating officer of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policymaking or hiring authority;

21 WIOA Local Elected Officials Majority must be representatives of business in the local who are: Are appointed from among individuals nominated by local business organizations and business trade associations.

22 Local Workforce Board Minimum Membership Business Representatives
Workforce Representatives Other Representatives to include: Adult Education/Literacy Providers Higher Education (including community colleges) Economic and Community Development Wagner-Peyser Employment Services Vocational Rehabilitation May include others determined appropriate by chief elected officials Minimum Membership WIOA maintains the requirement for a business majority, but adds the requirements that business members must be employers with high-quality, work-relevant, training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the State). Not less than 20 percent of board be representatives of the workforce including: labor organizations (nominated by State labor federations) as in WIA; and apprenticeship programs (not in WIA); and may include CBOs with expertise in meeting the employment, training, or education needs of individuals with barriers to employment including youth and out-of-school youth, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. The balance of the local board consists of government representatives, which must include: the local elected official a representative of eligible providers administering adult education and literacy activities under title II; a representative of institutions of higher education providing workforce investment activities (including community colleges); representatives of governmental and economic and community develop entities serving the local area, including a representative of economic and community development entities; an appropriate representative from the State employment service serving the local area; a representative of the programs carried out under title I of the Rehabilitation Act serving the local area; May include other representatives.

23 WIOA Suggested standing committees BOARD STRUCTURE CHANGES Youth
One-Stop Delivery System Disabilities

24 Partner Considerations

25 WIOA Core Program Partners Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth
PARTNER CONSIDERATIONS Core Program Partners Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Adult Education and Literacy Wagner-Peyser Vocational Rehabilitation

26 WIOA Required One-Stop Partners Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth
PARTNER CONSIDERATIONS Required One-Stop Partners Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Adult Education and Literacy Wagner-Peyser Vocational Rehabilitation Career and Technical Education Title V Older Americans

27 WIOA Required One-Stop Partners Job Corps Native American Programs
PARTNER CONSIDERATIONS Required One-Stop Partners Job Corps Native American Programs Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers Veterans Youthbuild Trade Act

28 WIOA Required One-Stop Partners CSBG (Community Acton) HUD
PARTNER CONSIDERATIONS Required One-Stop Partners CSBG (Community Acton) HUD Unemployment Compensation Second Chance TANF (Governor can reject)

29 WIOA PARTNER CONSIDERATIONS Meaningful involvement of partner programs on committees and special task forces

30 Changes in Program Design

31 WIOA Focus on individuals with barriers
CHANGES IN PROGRAM DESIGN Focus on individuals with barriers Good jobs with livable wages and potential for continued growth Career Pathways with jobs and credentials Evidence-based data Employer engagement Work-based learning

32 Service Focus

33 WIOA Shifts from universal to targeted services
SERVICE FOCUS Shifts from universal to targeted services Greater focus on a career rather than a job

34 WIOA Career Services instead of Core and Intensive
SERVICE FOCUS Career Services instead of Core and Intensive Eligibility for services Outreach, intake, orientation Initial assessment Labor exchange services Referrals to programs Labor market information Performance, cost information

35 WIOA Career Services instead of Core and Intensive
SERVICE FOCUS Career Services instead of Core and Intensive Supportive services information UI Information and assistance Financial aid information Follow-up services Comprehensive assessment Individual employment plan Career planning, counseling Short-term prevocational services

36 WIOA Career Services instead of Core and Intensive
SERVICE FOCUS Career Services instead of Core and Intensive Internships, work experience Out-of-area job search Financial literacy services English language acquisition Workforce preparation

37 WIOA Youth SERVICE FOCUS Extends to 24 Co-enrollments encouraged
75% funds spent on out-of-school No out-of-school income eligibility

38 Mary Ann Lawrence, PowerNotes LLC
Cell: Developed by…

39 WIOA Operations Certification
Each seminar in the WIOA Operations Certification fits together to make a meaningful series to build the skills and knowledge of workforce professionals across all types of partner agencies.

40 WIOA Operations Certification
WIOA Fundamentals Career Pathways Case Management Customer Flow Assessment Career Services Training Services Co-Enrollments Youth Participation Program Eligibility WIOA Operations Certification

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