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SunGard Workflow 4.3 Process Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "SunGard Workflow 4.3 Process Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 SunGard Workflow 4.3 Process Modeling

2 Introductions Your Name Title/Function Banner Experience Expectations

3 Course Goals The goal of this course is to provide you with the knowledge of Workflow basics and time to practice building workflow models so that you can begin to develop workflows that support the business processes of your institution.

4 Training Agenda – Day 1 SunGard Workflow Overview
Defining the Users – ‘Who’ Workflow Work – ‘What’ Parts of a Workflow – ‘How’ Running a Workflow Hands On Exercises

5 Training Agenda – Day 2 Business Component Catalog Workflow Guidelines
Custom Activities Business Rules Banner Integration Approvals in Workflow Hands-on Exercises

6 Training Agenda – Day 3 Attachments Shortcuts Documentation
Planning for Consulting Visit Class project: Create workflow based on suggested business scenario Hands-on Exercise

7 SunGard Workflow Day 1

8 Session Objectives Demonstrate Workflow and discuss: What is Workflow
Why use Workflow How does Workflow work

9 Workflow Demonstration
Starting a workflow Responding to workflow activities Welcome demo

10 Workflow: Workflow Defined
“…the automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information, or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.” the Workflow Management Coalition™

11 What is Workflow A toolkit that graphically depicts and automates a business process Automates the flow of work throughout the entire organization

12 Why Use Workflow SunGard Workflow is a solution that promotes:
Efficiency Saves time by sending work automatically to users Consistency Adheres to defined procedures Communication s and notifications sent throughout your entire organization and beyond! Remove or revise

13 Workflow Features Provides seamless integration to SunGard Banner
Provides seamless integration to third party applications Integrated with Luminis Provides ability to launch a desktop application or web application Spans the entire institution

14 Workflow Features (cont)
Includes effective dating of workflows Accommodates confidential workflows Provides “Proxy” for work assigned Provides a clear visibility of work Can be deployed quickly

15 How Does Workflow Work Business Process Business Banner Goal Form
Supports Trigger Banner Form Business Event Workflow model Value Creates Resources Requires

16 How Does Workflow Work Workflow user completes activity
Work is passed automatically to next user Decisions are made based on data values Parallel as well as sequential processing is managed Automatic notifications can alert users when activities should be preformed Add quick flow comparison later (during analysis)

17 How does it work? Records Central Admin Parking Permit Email Admin
Decision: Is person married? Records Add Emergency Info Central Admin Open SPAPERS and add marital code Parking Permit Complete Parking Form Admin Add address Sent!

18 Worklist and Status Search
Workflow Searches Welcome demo

19 Workflow Development ANALYZE – Exploring, Understanding, Improving
CREATE – Model, Components, Events TEST – Executing, Learning Create Test Analyze Change animation

20 Business Process Analysis
Business process swim lane model Enrollment Management Registrar Facilities Academic Dept Completes CSA Forwards CSA to appropriate offices Continues enrollment Completes registration forms Approves enrollment plan Creates schedule and faculty listing Books rooms and orders books, etc Registers students Role Who How Activity What Model

21 Workflow Model Model Activity Role

22 How Who What When Basic Building Blocks Catalog Users Category
Parameters What Category Components Catalog Who Users Roles Workflow Model How Events Business Process When

23 Session Objectives Define and create: Roles Users Link Users and Roles

24 Organizations Organizations allow Workflow to provide an ability to divide tasks and responsibilities between a consortium of schools, an institution, a department or a sub-department. An organization is where work is done. SGHE Salt Lake City Rochester Malvern

25 Roles Title given to a group of skills
Role is not organization specific Roles are assigned to one or more users at an organization Examples: Administrator Registration Clerk Admissions Counselor

26 Users Person who uses the workflow system
User account contains user address, effective dates, password and other information specific to person Workflow user accounts can be synched with Banner user accounts Examples: admin snocella jdoe

27 User/Role/Organization Assignment
Categorizes users who have similar skills and responsibilities at an organization Determines which users will see workitems on their worklist Types Primary – A role the user does every day Proxy – A role the user can be proxied to do work for a specified period of time Example: jdoe (user) is an Admissions Counselor (role)

28 User/Role/Organization Assignment
Categorizes users who have similar skills and responsibilities at an organization Determines which users will see workitems on their worklist Type: Primary or Proxy determines if user always sees workitem or only sees workitem in another user’s absence. Example: user jdoe has the role of Admissions Counselor at SunGard University

29 Distribution of Work - Roles
Roles are assigned to workflow activities All users assigned to the role see the activity in their worklists

30 Distribution of Work – Directed Activities
Allows activities to be directed to a specific user within the role Purpose Send activity to specific user Send Confidential activity to specific user Set by the ‘Performer Rule’ on the activity property sheet in the modeler

31 User Management Name Email Address Password Effective Dates
Authentication Automatic Notification Options Launch Preferences – client / INB Role Assignments Proxy Assignments

32 User and Role Management Demonstration
User Management Role Management User/Role Association

33 Exercises 1. Log on to Workflow 2. Create a Role
3 Modify a User profile 4. Associate Users/Roles Central Admin Admin Records Specialist Change some pics

34 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

35 Session Objectives Discuss and create: Workflow Models
Workflow and Activity Definitions

36 How Who What When Basic Building Blocks Catalog Users Category
Parameters What Category Components Catalog Who Users Roles Workflow Model How Events Business Process When

37 Start Indicates the beginning of a workflow
Every workflow must begin with a Start Appears automatically in the modeler when creating a new workflow

38 Activities Step in a workflow
Types - component, , manual, approval, custom Activity details such as activity name and role are defined in the property sheet

39 Transitions Represent the flow of work
All Objects must transition to and/or from a start, another activity, parallel, branch, stop Self connectors can be used to repeat activities

40 Branching The flow of work is based on business rules
Business rules must use data from the workflow to determine flow of work Guard conditions are the statements attached to each path that determine which path the workflow will take

41 Parallel Activities Activities that occur simultaneously
Begins and ends with parallel bars

42 Parallel Activities Activities in parallel paths are independent of other parallel paths

43 Stop All workflows must have at least one stop to indicate the work is complete Workflows can have more than one stop

44 Workflow Definition Definition: Management: Supplemental: Tracking
Organization, Name, Description, Version Management: Administrator and Owner Supplemental: Context Parameters, Document Tags, Confidential, Status, Best Practice, Attribute Mappings Tracking Metrics Tracking, Work Calendar, Estimated Time and Lagging Percentage

45 Workflow Activities Steps within a workflow
Five different activity types: Component Manual Approval Custom

46 Component Activity Component is defined in the Business Component Catalog (discussed on day 2) Examples: Open Banner form Run sql Query Open desktop application Properties default from BCC Notification of work item can be ed to users in role

47 Manual Activity Used to give message or instructions to user
Message can include context parameters Notification of work item can be ed to users in role

48 Approval Activity User can review activity before approving
Notification of work item can be ed to users in role

49 Email Activity Email specifics are defined within activity
Can use context parameters in any field Can provide error detection and alerts

50 Custom Activity Define Custom Form (more on Day 2)
Used to enter additional information into workflow Data fields Text Radio Buttons Lists & Drop-downs Comments Attachments

51 Exercises 5. Enter Workflow Definition 6. Create the diagram
Central Admin Admin Records Specialist Change some pics

52 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

53 Session Objectives Define and discuss: Parameters Parameter Mappings

54 Parameters Parameters are the data used in a workflow
Parameters are passed to the workflow when starting a workflow and by completing activities There are three types of Workflow parameters Context parameters Component parameters Attributes

55 Context Parameters Context parameters define all of the data fields used at any time in the workflow Context Parameters are defined in the Workflow Model

56 Component Parameters Component parameters define data fields used in a particular activity Component parameters are defined in the business component used by the activity Component Parameters will be discussed again on Day 2

57 Attributes Attributes are internal data that can be used in a workflow instance Attributes are derived from the workflow, rather than from the external source Examples: Originator, Originator , Workflow instance name, Start date/time, Performer logon, Performer

58 Parameter Mapping Component parameters and attributes must be mapped to context parameters Since each component may use different information (component parameters), the information used must be linked to the “pool” of information used by the overall process (context parameters) in order to pass them from activity to activity. This link must indicate if the parameter is used as input (information required by the component) or output (information provided by the component)

59 Parameter Mapping Context Parameters Activity Activity Activity
Component Parameters Component Parameters Component Parameters Component Parameters Guard Condition

60 Context Parameters – ID, MaritalStatus, LNAME
ID = ID LAST_NAME= LNAME MaritalStatus = Mrtl_Status ID = ID Activity Activity Business Component ID, LAST_NAME Business Component ID, MrtlStatus

61 Parameter Mapping Parameter is mapped FROM context TO component if data value is passed to the component Parameter is mapped FROM component TO context if data value is set or updated in the component

62 Required and Guaranteed Parameters
Context Parameters are Required if they must have a value at the start of the workflow Component Parameters are Required if they must have a value when the activity starts Component Parameters are Guaranteed if a value is expected at conclusion of the activity “RINGO” – Required IN, Guaranteed Out

63 Workflow Modeler Demonstration
Creating a workflow model Validating a workflow model Workflow model status

64 Exercises 7-10. Define Properties for Activities
11. Validate the model Central Admin Admin Records Specialist Change some pics

65 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

66 Session Objectives Run a workflow:
Manually initiate a workflow via the modeler Review the Workflow worklist Perform work activities

67 Review of the Workflow Workspace
Users receive activities in their worklist according to their roles Launch items from worklist View status

68 Welcome Workflow Demonstration
Worklist Work Item Details Workflow Status Banner

69 Workflow Submit and Release Icons
Banner Data Entry Workflow Submit and Release Icons

70 Exercises 12. Start the workflow from the modeler 13. Respond to work
14. Review Workflow Status

71 Exercises Follow-up Problems encountered ? Questions or comments?

72 Session Objectives Define and discuss: Business Process

73 Business Process Business Processes define what work should be done
Workflows are associated to business processes Effective dates control when a workflow starts Only one workflow can be effective at a time Guard conditions control whether or not to starting workflow

74 My Processes Start a Business Process manually
Business Processes appear on user’s list depending on the Authorized Initiator role

75 Business Process Demonstration
Create Business Process Associate workflow Add Authorized Initiators

76 Exercise 15. Create Business Process 16. Start My Process

77 Exercise Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

78 Workflow Metrics Work Calendar Metrics Tracking Estimated Time
Lagging Percentage

79 Metrics Demonstration
Workflow with Metrics enabled Overdue workflow Visual notification on Worklist notification

80 Questions

81 Sneak Preview of Day 2 Re-evaluate the business process defined by the exercises and add the following Automated Activities Custom Activities Decisions (Business Rules) Parallel Activities Automated Workflow Starts (Business Events)

82 Questions Questions on Day 1

83 SunGard Workflow Day 2

84 Review of Day 1 SunGard Workflow Overview User/Role Management
Workflow Model Manually start a workflow

85 Training Agenda – Day 2 Business Component Catalog Modeling Guidelines
Custom Activities Banner Integration Approvals in Workflow Hands-on Exercises

86 Session Objectives Define and discuss:
Business Component Catalog Structure (BCC) Business Components Delivered BCC When to Add or Modify Components

87 How Who What When Basic Building Blocks Catalog Users Category
Parameters What Category Components Catalog Who Users Roles Workflow Model How Events Business Process When

88 Business Component Catalog
Repository for Business Components Allow for logical organization of Business Categories Category – Used to logically organize Business Components Name Description List of Business Components Naming Convention will help search Category 1 Component 1 Component 2 Category 2 Component 1 Component 2 CATALOG

89 Business Components A unit of work
Work that gets done in a workflow activity launch a Banner form perform a sql query or procedure launch a desktop application Reusable in workflow activities

90 Business Components Contain properties about what will be launched
Contain parameters that will later be mapped to workflow activities Display any Workflows using the component

91 Business Component Catalog Demonstration
Elements of a Component Categories Usage Launch a Banner Form Run a SQL Query Run a Stored Procedure

92 Interactive Components
Require a user to perform activity Typically opens a Banner form and populates key block information Must have a role assigned Examples of when to use an interactive activity: Entering new data on a Banner form Updating information on a Banner form

93 Internal Components Activities that occur without any user intervention Typically run SQL queries and stored procedures created by a technical resource No associated role Examples of when to use an internal activity: Extract additional data Calculate values Update a record in the database

94 Delivered BCC Workflow delivered with a component to launch each Banner form Added during install Approximately 1200 components Components are categorized by product and module

95 Retrieving Banner Data
Single occurrence data fields can be returned from a Banner form to Workflow Parameter name is blockname.fieldname Example: Form: SPAIDEN Field: Last Name Parameter: SPRIDEN_CURRENT.PERS_LAST_NAME

96 Banner Form SPAIDEN Last Name occurs once on SPAIDEN

97 Retrieving Banner Data
Multiple occurrences of data fields can NOT be returned from a Banner form to Workflow Look for scroll bar or fields with same underlying field names Use a sql statement or procedure to return data Example: Form: GOAEMAL Field: Name Multiple data fields are displayed on form

98 Banner Form GOAEMAL Address fields occur three times on GOAEMAL

99 When to Modify Components
Add parameters to a component to return additional data from a Banner form Revise sql or stored procedures Before modifying a delivered component, copy it to a institution specific category

100 When to Add Components Run new SQL queries or stored procedures
Run desktop applications Launch a local custom Banner forms Note: Custom Banner forms must be Workflow-enabled Refer to the Workflow Technical Integration Guide

101 Questions

102 Modeler Demonstration
Copying a workflow model Creating Parallel lines Bending a transition line

103 Exercises 17. Copy and modify the existing workflow
18. Update context parameters

104 Session Objectives Discuss Modeling Considerations: Activity inputs
Parallel path transitions Distinct parallel paths Stops for alternate paths

105 Activity Inputs Input into each activity, decision, and stop may have one or more sources.

106 Parallel Path Transitions
The number of paths leading from the first parallel bar must equal the number going into an ending parallel bar.

107 Distinct Parallel Paths
Activities within a parallel path cannot cross into other parallel paths.

108 Distinct Parallel Paths - Data
Workflow Context Parameters which are output from an Activity on a parallel path can not be mapped for input or output to an activity or guard condition on another parallel path.

109 Stops for Alternate Paths
Alternate paths do not have to be joined prior to a Stop…

110 Stops for Alternate Paths
…except when part of a parallel path.

111 Questions

112 Session Objectives Define and discuss: Custom Activity

113 Define a Custom Activity
Custom activity object on the modeler tool bar User defined custom form User defined radio group options User defined drop down list values Text boxes Data fields Display information

114 Define a Custom Activity
Requires a role Parameters Each custom field is associated with a parameter Custom activity parameters must be mapped to context parameters Purpose Provide user the capability to capture data Add attachments during the execution of a workflow

115 Custom Activity Demonstration
Create form Add fields Text Radio group Drop down list Add instructions Re-position objects

116 Exercises 19. Define Parking Request activity

117 Session Objectives Define and discuss: Guard Conditions
Using a Guard Condition Examples

118 Guard Condition Usage Guard conditions determine the appropriate path to take in a workflow model Guard condition is placed on transition between activities Guard conditions determine if a workflow should be started when an event is processed Guard condition is placed on Business Process Associated Event

119 Define a Guard Condition
Statement that is either true or false Statement contains: Context parameter or Event parameter Operator (=, <>, <, >, etc) Hard coded value or comparison to other parameter One and only one guard condition must be true when the workflow runs Only guaranteed parameters can be used in a guard condition

120 Guard Condition Statements
Examples: Admit_Decision = “A” Where Admit_Decision is a context parameter Term = “Spring 2003” Where Term is an event parameter Amount <= Balance and Balance > 0 Where Amount and Balance are context parameters

121 Guard Conditions There can be multiple transitions from a decision

122 Guard Conditions One and only one condition must be true at run time
Assume: StuLevel = “CE” StuLevel = “UG” StuLevel = “GR” StuLevel = “UG” StuLevel <> “UG”

123 Questions

124 Exercises 20. Define guard conditions
21. Define Emergency Contact activity.

125 Session Objectives Define and discuss: Activity

126 Define a Email Activity
activity object on the modeler tool bar can be sent to any address Context parameter Role Subject and Body of can include context parameters HTML can be used to provide additional formatting


128 Exercises 22. Define automated activity. 23. Define Email activity.
24. Validate model.

129 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

130 Session Objectives Define and discuss: External Events Workflow Events

131 How Who What When Basic Building Blocks Catalog Users Category
Parameters What Category Components Catalog Who Users Roles Workflow Model How Events Business Process When

132 Business Events Overview
Banner DB trigger Pow Event Dispatcher Database change Fires DB Trigger Writes the Event data Picked up by Event Dispatcher Starts a workflow Workflow

133 Business Events Data Flow
Start WF Banner Event Tables WF Event Definition DB Trigger WF Context Component Parameters 1. Data from application loaded into the event tables using the Banner Event Definition 1 2. Banner Event data passed to Workflow as defined by the WF Event definition 2 3. WF Event data passed into workflow context 3 When the WF starts, data is passed between WF and Banner as defined by the model

134 Database Triggers & Scripts
Define criteria for creating event Capture data to be passed to Workflow Write the event/parameters values to the event tables in Banner Triggers fire in real-time Scripts are usually run on a schedule Note: Database triggers are discussed in technical training sessions

135 Business Events Business Events are used to automatically start a Business Process Pass data from Banner into Workflow Steps to making process work: Create Event Definition in Banner Create Event Definition in Workflow Create Business Process in Workflow NOTE: Banner Events are discussed in Workflow Technical Training. For more information refer to Banner Bookshelf.

136 Workflow Event Definition
Event is first defined in Banner Workflow Event Wizard retrieves event definition from Banner Event parameters define data passed from the external event into Workflow

137 Workflow Model Association
Associate Workflow model to business event Map event parameters to workflow context parameters One event can start one or more workflows

138 Event Parameters Event parameters are mapped to workflow context parameters Event Workflow

139 Event and Business Process Relationship
What to start Start/Do not start Pass Data into Workflow Business Event Workflow

140 Exercises 25. Business Event set up 26. Modify Business Process

141 Testing Business Events
Use Simulate Event option to test Workflow Business Event Not necessary to fire trigger or execute script Enter a Workflow Specific Name and required parameters

142 Exercises 27. Test the improved workflow
28. Respond to work items on worklist 29. Start the workflow via an event

143 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

144 Replaying Events Review status of external event If event failed
Make corrections Replay event

145 Session Objectives Discuss: Approval Activity

146 Purpose Activity used to approve a prior activity
Typically a directed activity

147 Usage Contains a built-in component parameter called ‘ApprovalChoice’
Approve Reject Return for Work ‘ApprovalChoice’ must be mapped to context parameter All three result options must be accounted for in guard conditions

148 Approval Activity Demonstration
Building an approval activity Responding to an approval activity

149 Sneak Preview of Day 3 Attachments Shortcuts Documentation
Planning for WPA or Consulting visit Hands-on Exercises

150 Questions

151 SunGard Workflow Day 3

152 Training Agenda – Day 3 Proxies Attachments Documentation
Planning for WPA or Consulting visit Hands-on Exercises

153 Session Objectives Discuss and demonstrate Proxies
Proxy Role Assignments Add Proxy to User Display work on Proxy’s worklist

154 Proxy Forwards work to another user on a temporary basis
Users can proxy other users IF: User has role assignment and the type is Proxy Proxy assignment must have begin and end dates Can send confidential and/or non-confidential work

155 Proxies User brown must have role assigned as a “Proxy”

156 Proxies User adams adds user brown as proxy

157 Proxies User brown is proxy for User adams

158 Proxies User brown is proxy for User adams

159 Proxies Demonstration
Assigning Proxy role type to user Designating Proxy

160 Session Objectives Discuss and demonstrate Attachments
Global Attachments Document Tags

161 Attachments Append supplemental documents to a workflow
Attach documents to notifications and s Attachment types Global attachments Document tags

162 Global Attachments Static documents uploaded to Workflow
Can be selected and attached to any workflow model Distributed via notifications or activities at runtime Created in the Modeler

163 Attachments Demonstration
Global Attachments

164 Exercises 30. Disassociate Workflow from Event and Business Process
31. Create Global Attachment 32. Add Attachment to

165 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

166 Document Tags Placeholders for documents Specific to workflow model
Attached at runtime

167 Attachments Demonstration
Document Tags

168 Exercises 33. Create and Use a Document Tag
34. Re-associate Workflow with Business Process and Event 35. Run Improved Workflow

169 Exercises Follow-up Errors encountered ? Questions or comments?

170 Documenting a Workflow
Workflow models can be documented using the Modeler Print option. Documentation includes: Model Property details Parameters Component details Custom form details

171 Exercise 36. Document a workflow

172 Workflow Technical Sessions
Workflow Server Administration One day session System administrators, DBAs Workflow Technical Training Two day session Programmers, Analysts, other technical staff SQL for Workflow Three day session Third Party Integration with Workflow

173 Workflow Process Analysis and Consulting
Techniques for gathering and analyzing information about a business process to develop workflow model and business event Consulting Continue Workflow development for institution specific business processes Target Audience Business Process owners Functional participants Technical staff

174 Workflow Documentation
Analyst / Administrator Handbook “Functional” workflow information for users and developers Functional Integration Guide Banner Events Examples Luminis Channels Technical Integration Guide Installation Administration Release Guide What’s New

175 Additional Support Workflow Implementation Questions WORKFLOW listserv
Product Issues Contact Customer Support Client Support Center Consulting Issues Contact Project Manager or Account Manager WORKFLOW listserv

176 Thank you for attending!
Wrap Up Outstanding Questions???? Thank you for attending!

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