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Lobbying Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Lobbying Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lobbying Techniques

2 “American’s have the best Congress money can buy.”
Mark Twain “American’s have the best Congress money can buy.”

3 Direct Lobbying Pressure placed on legislative process
Fact Presentation Congressmen get information they need to make decisions Congressman pass on the information

4 Theobromine Animals that metabolize theobromine more slowly, such as dogs, can succumb to theobromine poisoning from as little as 50 grams of chocolate for a smaller dog and 400 grams for an average-sized dog. The same risk is reported for cats as well, although cats are less likely to ingest sweet food, having no sweet taste receptors.[43] Complications include digestive issues, dehydration, excitability, and a slow heart rate. Later stages of theobromine poisoning include epileptic-like seizures and death. If caught early on, theobromine poisoning is treatable.[44] Although not usual, the effects of theobromine poisoning, as stated, can become fatal. Toxic (LD50) doses of theobromine have only been published for humans, cats, dogs, rats, and mice; these differ by a factor 6 across species. The toxicity for (pet) birds is not known, but it is typically assumed that it is toxic to birds.[45]

5 Direct Lobbying Political Information
Reactions to legislative proposals Intensity of their views Willingness to work for passage or defeat Congressman’s view can be communicated to group

6 Car Industry

7 Colbert Testimony Colbert

8 Public Protests Have the right to peaceably protest
What was the first one in the USA? Direct Action Tactics Emotional commitment Public Opinion Public perception



11 Protest in Albuquerque
Albuquerque Protest

12 Anonymous

13 ELF Video 60 Minutes video on Earth Liberation Front

14 Daniel Andreas San Diego
This is the man mentioned in the 60 Minutes excerpt. He is still on the Most Wanted Terrorist list.

15 Grass Roots Lobbying Citizen Participation in government
The average voters Targets Representatives Public debate Start all periods 4/11

16 Grass Roots Letter and Campaigns

17 Springboro Principal




21 Senate Bill 5

22 Litigating Has become and effective tactic
Use the courts to influence the decision Brown v Topeka Board of Ed NAACP Judicial v Political Route

23 Brown v Topeka Bd. Of Education

24 Litigating SLAPPed Country Club of the North
Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation

25 Lockport Corporation v. Protect Our Mountain Environment
Environmental group opposed commercial development. Eventually sued by the developer for $40 million Alleged environmental group was guilty of "conspiracy" and "abuse of process“ The suit dragged on for several years – cost time and money eventual end of the group. Fear of legal retribution.

26 Electioneering Neither nominate nor seek to win Defeat Candidates
Alliances with political parties Not as broad based as parties Influence platforms Influence nominations Provide $, workers and expertise

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