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Finance Roundtable April 19, 2017 Mansfield ISD

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Presentation on theme: "Finance Roundtable April 19, 2017 Mansfield ISD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance Roundtable April 19, 2017 Mansfield ISD
FY Finance Roundtable April 19, Mansfield ISD

2 Purchasing reminders Ed Harper

3 Attaching Documentation to Skyward Purchase Orders
Just like a PDSA is attached in Skyward, campuses/departments now will attach all quotes/documentation to each PO. This should help decrease the amount of denials.

4 Amazon shipping If you see shipping on your Purchase Order you will need to contact Amazon Customer Service to get it credited. Free shipping should be on anything over $49.00 Less than $49, you will be charged shipping

5 Food Vendors Some vendors may want you to have a check ready for them when the food is delivered. Check with the vendor when the order is placed to see if you need a check when the food is delivered. Others will accept a Purchase Order and we can send them a check or ACH payment. If you are using an Open PO, we can adjust after the fact. For example: If you originally needed 10 pizzas and the last minute you only need 6 pizzas. Purchasing can adjust the PO, you do not have to order the 10 original pizzas.

6 Purchase Orders If you have the catalog numbers please use them on the Purchase Order.


8 CURRENT INVENTORY Please take a handout that lists all items that are currently stocked in the distribution center. Items that are highlighted are being phased out; once it is gone, it will no longer be stocked. If a campus or department needs that particular item, then an outside vendor will need to be used.

9 PAPER Please note Warehouse cutoff dates ES & IS – May 5th
MS, HS & Depts – May 19th Make sure and get your paper order entered.

10 RECORD STORAGE LABELS All boxes that are picked up to be housed in the distribution center must have a record storage label attached. The label must be COMPLETELY filled out, the date of contents is critical information.

Currently, this form is found on the school services page. This form will soon be in Eduphoria. It also must be completely filled out with descriptions and contact information.

12 Accounts Payable reminders

13 Employee MILEAGE Please make sure that the mileage chart that is submitted has the date 02/01/17 on the bottom. If not, it will be returned to you. Delete any un-used lines to save paper. Please put the budget code & PO number on the form.

14 TRAVEL PROCESS Employee Travels Campus / Dept. enters check request
Documents sent to AP with ALL required signatures A/P Department verifies documents Director of Financial Services approves & signs documents Forms scanned and input into Skyward for reimbursement Employee is paid!!!

15 HOTEL PURCHASE ORDERS Date that check will be picked up noted
CITY TAX and ROOM RATE are broken down into Separate Line items

16 Travel reimbursements
Itineraries/agendas/certificate of attendance must be attached to travel reimbursements to validate attendance.  Hotel invoices must be returned to Accounts Payable to match the PO/Check

Please send A/P these items all TOGETHER to process field trip checks: 1. Copy of PO 2. Skyward Rosters 3. Invoice showing # of students (this must match Skyward rosters) 4. List of chaperones / teachers. NOTE: If you are waiting on an updated invoice, hold all the documentation until you have it.

18 CHECKS Communication is the key.
A/P cuts checks ONE week before the travel or field trip occurs. If you need it sooner, then let them know – the best way is to include a narrative on the bottom of the PO. Example: Kati Walker will pick up check on May 11th. However, if you tell A/P that you need a check, pick it up Don’t cry wolf!!!

When you have a blanket PO, receive the amount that you used. For example, Hobby Lobby PO - $ Teacher spent $94.86, please receive $94.86, not the full $100.00—we are paying on the amount received. Skyward is your FRIEND!!! Reimbursements Vendor Information


21 Survey Monkey A survey will be going out asking a few questions regarding PayK12. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

22 PayK12 Please do not call PayK12 for refunds. Refunds are handled through the District’s payment refund form located on the business services department page under business forms.

23 Skyward Sub-Object Detail reports for sponsors
Clone Fund 461 Campus Detail Report by Sub Obj (it has a page break so each sub object will begin on a new page) Print monthly to give to each sponsor

24 Microsoft Outlook Please make sure you are checking your clutter folder in Outlook. Accounting office has been notified that some s regarding Supreme Vending deposits went to secretaries’ clutter.

25 Skyward Cash receipts Cash receipt attachments will be watched closely to prepare for FY Make sure deposit slip are filled out properly including date as well as receipt numbers range. If there is a receipt from a teacher, then there should be a tally sheet as well. Unless the teacher or librarian receipted the student from their own MISD receipt book, then the secretary would receipt the teacher or librarian when the funds are brought to the office. Make sure we can see all documents attached – nothing is cut off.

26 Tally Sheets If a tally sheet is used by a secretary/bookkeeper, then make sure another staff member issues the MISD receipt as well as signs the tally sheet. This shows two staff members verifying the funds.

27 Reminders For MAY Extra Duty Timesheets for monthly payroll are due Bank reconciliation for HS & sales tax forms are due May Finance Roundtable is for Depts, ES, & IS. May Finance Roundtable is for MS & HS.

28 Deadlines For MAY Budget Requisition cut off for ES & IS 5-5-17
Budget Requisition cut off for MS & HS Note: Includes Fund 199 and 461 and Warehouse Orders Does NOT include travel, i.e. Field Trips, Professional Development travel

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