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Advantech Siebel 8.1 SOP ACL CRM June 2009 Beginner Advanced.

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Presentation on theme: "Advantech Siebel 8.1 SOP ACL CRM June 2009 Beginner Advanced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantech Siebel 8.1 SOP ACL CRM June 2009 Beginner Advanced

2 Index Operation Scenario Report

3 Sales Operation

4 Data Relationships Account Contact Activity Opportunity
Service Request Quote

5 System Relationships Siebel CRM Portals Web Reporting Forecast KPI ERP
SAP Events

6 Always Start from the Account Record (Query or Create)
Note !! Always Start from the Account Record (Query or Create) Complete Account info (phone, address, ERPID and business application area, etc) 1 2 3 5 4 Use * as the mass search

7 One Stop UI for Call Center Daily Operation
Account, Contact, Activity, and Opportunity information in one page. (Quota section is only for ATW!) 1 1. Drilldown Account from “Account Name” 2. Hit “One Stop UI for Account” 2

8 Account Required Column

9 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ?
NAME : For the information of the Company Name Siebel distinguishes between Capital and non-Capital characters for the alphabetical ordering where capitals dominate. As making a search (query) with this filed, note to avoid using special characters such as “.” , “-” to bump the operation. ADDRESS LINE 1 : For the information of Company Address (consult next page) ADDRESS LINE 2 : For the additional information of Company Address COUNTRY : A field regarding sorting CITY : Fill in the City Name only ZIP : Zip Code SITE : “Site” filled with City Name or additional information such as “Headquarter” or “Paris Office” could be used to distinguish for a Company with more than 1 address. (Siebel doesn’t accept companies with the same Address and Site.)

10 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ? Account - ADDRESS LINE 1
2 3 4

11 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ?
MAIN PHONE #/ MAIN FAX # : To start with “+” followed by country code (i.e. +33 for France, +49 for Germany, and +886 for Taiwan, etc) Better visibility could be presented by adding spaces according to the local rules. ERP ID : Input SAP customer code if any. BUSINESS APPLICATION AREA : (consult next page) 1- click on icon in the field 2- click on “Add” in new window 3- select from the “Available” list and Add to the “Selected” List BUISINESS GROUP : Select from the drop-down list according to the main product line. MEMO : Used for specific information or reminder to the company Approx. 250 char-limitation (including spaces) for this field ACCOUNT TYPE : Select from the drop-down list according to the main account type . PARENT ACCOUNT : The distributor in charge of the account (consult next page) PARENT ACCOUNT SITE : Will be auto-filled with the “Site” of the distributor.

12 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ? - ACC BIZ. APPLICATION AREA
1 2 3 4

13 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ? - PARENT ACCOUNT
1 2 3 4 5 6

14 How to fill / Maintain Accounts
How to fill / Maintain Accounts ? - ACCOUNT TEAM For assigning or sharing the Account to other team members. (“Account Team” is default-filled with the creator’s Login Id) 1 2 5 3 4 6

15 How to fill / Maintain Accounts ?
ACCOUNT STATUS : Only for Call Center & DMF 01-Premier Channel Partner : Only for PCP 02-D&MS PKA : Do not use = Only for D&MS team in Taiwan 03-Premier Key Account : Only for PKA 04-Channel Partner : Only for CP 05-Golden key Account : Only for China 06-Key Account : Only for KA 06P-Potential Key Account : The Account is potential to become a KA 07-General Account : The Account is followed by RBU sales team 08-Partner’s Existing Customer : The Account is followed by the distribution Channel. The distributor found the lead by himself without the RBU’s action. 09-Assigned to Partner : The Account is followed by the distribution Channel after being assigned by RBU sales team. (* For “Account Status” 08 and 09, “Parent Account” should be filled with Partner’s name) 10-Sales Contact : Default value for prospecting the Account as a customer 11-Prospect : Lead found by ourselves (via Internet or Kompass database, etc) but not having contact. Sales still need to conduct for a potential check. 12-Leads : At the very first stage of a potential Account 13-Press/Media : For Press 14-Inactive : For Accounts to which you never want to send s (i.e. competitors or competitors’ distributors, etc) 15-Unverified: The Account is logged but not reviewed yet.

16 Contact Required Column
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

17 How to create a new Contact ?
Before creating a new contact, you should check if it does exist in the database already Select Screen tab “Contacts” Select in Show List : “All Contacts” (your RBU) Query by “Last Name” or “First Name” You can also query by “ ” address

18 How to create a new Contact ?
If you don’t find the Contact already registered, you can create a New Contact You can create a new contact from “Contacts” Screen tab or directly under a specified Account that you created before. Select “New” under “Contacts” Screen tab, a new blank line will appear or Select “New” under view tab, a new blank line will appear in the upper list and all fields of the Form will be blank

19 How to create a new Contact ?
Firstly drilldown the Account under which your new Contact will be created : or Then select “Contacts” in the View tab and select “New” The button called “Add” will link an existing Contact to this current Account 1 2 3

20 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
LAST NAME : Better in Capital letters Siebel distinguishes between Capital and non-Capital characters for the alphabetical ordering where capitals dominate. FIRST NAME : Siebel requires an entry for this field. If you don’t know Contact First Name, please type “.” only, which is a good way for the marketing purpose to send paper mailings. JOB TITLE : Keep in mind that “Job Title” appears without modification on the paper mailing. An important field for sending new information for the sales purpose.

21 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
COMMENTS : Used for comment information or reminder to the Contact WORK PHONE NUMBER : For direct phone number CELLULAR NUMBER : For mobile phone number WORK FAX NUMBER : For direct fax number For the above 3 fields: To start with “+” followed by country code (i.e. +33 for France, +49 for Germany, and +886 for Taiwan, etc) Better visibility could be presented by adding spaces according to the local rules.

22 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
INTERESTED PRODUCT : Important for big companies in which project managers or services deal with different products 1- Click on the icon on the right of the field 2- Select “Add” 3- You can choose in the “Available” product range and Add them in the “Selected” product range 2 3 4 1

23 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
WEB USER TYPE : The field will be auto-filled if the user registers from the web (a new contact will be created without Account) to show its “source”. INTERESTED eNEWS : Choose your regional newsletter s. Newsletter will be delivered through eDM System. Customers could unsubscribe eDM/eNews which links to Siebel automatically. BUSINESS APPLICATION AREA : to be selected from a list (refer to prior slide - ACC BIZ. APPLICATION AREA ) ASSISTANT PHONE NUMBER : Please start with “+” followed by country phone code (i.e. +33 for France, +49 for Germany … You can add spaces for better visibility of the number according to your local rules MANAGER FIRST NAME : Auto-filled as Manager Last Name is filled MANAGER LAST NAME : For “Organization Analysis” which deals with large companies including many project managers.

24 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
ACCOUNT : SITE ADDRESS : ERP ID : ACCOUNT TYPE : STATUS : CONTACT TEAM : All these fields are taken from the account if you created your Contact under the right Account If not, please select the right corresponding Account :

25 How to fill / maintain Contacts ?
For more fields, please click on the Show More Button NEVER MAIL / NEVER Please select these boxes if Contact doesn’t want to received ings, nor Newsletters … so Marketing team knows that they should not send any to this contact. DATA SOURCE : Source of the Contact (i.e. Trade Show + Name + Date, Mailing, Advertising or List Batch Import from…,etc)

26 How to Assign an Activity to Others?

27 How to Assign an Activity to Others?
1 2 3 4 5

28 How to Maintain the Opportunity 1

29 How to Maintain the Opportunity 2
Proper and meaningful Project Name for each. Account and Contact should be linked. Select Sales method from two, Funnel Sales Methodology – for all sales forces’ general usage DMS-DTOS Sales Methodology – for DMS/DTOS projects Used along with Channel field, you can select sales force from the list. Each Sales method has different Sales Stages Update periodically according to the actual progress

30 How to Maintain the Opportunity 2(cont)
Total Revenue of the project Probability% and Status will be updated according to the stage you chose Expected Value is the result of Total Revenue x Probability automatically calculated A expected Close date should also be provided. The Close Date here is the SHIPPING date

31 How to Maintain the Opportunity 3
Multiple shipment happens sometimes. Sales Stage “90% PO for Mass Production” is for it! Multiple Shipment flag should be ticked. Go to Revenue Forecast page to create forecast. Date, Revenue, Probability should be maintained accurately. Probability automatically inherits from Opportunity. Probability of shipped item should be updated to 100%.

32 How to Maintain the Opportunity 4
Sales can enter needed Product information (PNs, Quantities, Dates) directly in Siebel Opportunity record - Product Forecast screens Concentrate on core Advantech products P-Trade is optional Product has to be maintained once the OPP has been created. (Primary product of this deal first, the information should be as accurate as possible.) Before Probability reaches 75%, the product can be either a model or PN. The Dates and Quantity is not required. When Opportunity Probability >=75%, Accurate PN, Quantity, and Date is compulsory. Siebel Product Forecast data is directly transmitted to Global Supply Chain for inventory planning. Go to Product Forecast tab (at bottom of Opportunity record) Click “New” Add product (choose from query) and total quantity for project Enter monthly forecast quantity of each Product in expected ship month. Top priority to Advantech core products P-Trade PNs optional Repeat for each Product to be forecasted 1 3 2

33 Opportunity Links with Activity -> Go to Accounts – One Stop UI for Account
1 2

34 Opportunity Links with Activity -> Go to Accounts – One Stop UI for Account (cont)
1 2 Opportunity-Project Name will be synchronized. Opportunity: will generate the sales achievement report, when you have the Quotation/Demo Kit chances to contribute to the revenue.

35 Sales Scenarios

36 Scenarios Scenario 1: How to change my position
Scenario 2: How to share data with other member? Scenario 2: Change the primary of Account Scenario 3: Query Tip Scenario 4: User-defined Query template Scenario 5: How to export data ? Scenario 6: How to find predefined opportunities ? Scenario 7: How to review my weekly visit/call report ? Scenario 8: How to assign activities to my sales team and track follow-up actions? Scenario 9: How to let team members to access my calendar ? Scenario 10: How to view my team member ‘s calendar Scenario 11: Sending by using Outlook Scenario 12: How to forward an to keep as an Activity/SR?

37 Scenarios 1.1 : How to change my position
Step1: Navigate to Screen Menu > Tools > User Preferences

38 Scenarios 1.2 : How to change my position
Step2: (1)Navigate to “Change Position” (2)Select a position (3)Click “OK” 1 3 2

39 Scenarios 2 : How to share the account data
1 2 3

40 Scenario 3.1: How to inquire data by grouping multiple fields?
Click Query Assistant Click Query button 1 2 3 Query with Multiple fields by OR / AND relationship

41 Scenario 3.2 : Inquire opportunities closed at May
Query at Close Date as >= 05/01/2003 AND <=05/31/2003 Opportunities Tab

42 Scenario 4 : User defined query template
1 4 2 3

43 Scenario 5 : Export opportunities to the Excel file
Opportunities Tab Export Next to save as an excel file

44 Scenario 6: How to find predefined opportunities
Scenario 6: How to find predefined opportunities ? Use “Saved Queries” at right top.

45 Scenario 7.1: How to review my weekly visit/call report ?
Activities Tab My Activities Weekly Activities

46 Scenario 7.2: How to review weekly visit/call report ?
1 2 3

47 Scenario 8.1: How to assign activities to my sales team ?
Action Description Priority Show alert message on his Siebel home page Assign to whom

48 Scenario 8.2: How my team member responds to my assignment ?

49 Scenario 8.3: How my team member responds to my assignment ?
Drilldown Finish the activity and Update it’s status Follow Up Tab Action Description Customer Action Date Action Status

50 Scenario 8.4: How to review follow-up actions ?
Change the status to close this assignment. My Uncompleted Delegated Activity My Delegated Activities All your uncompleted delegated actions are listed here.

51 Scenario 9: How to let team member to access my calendar ?
Allow Updates User ID

52 Scenario 10: How to view my team member ‘s calendar ?
Calendar Tab Team member’s Calendar

53 Scenario 11: Sending eMail by using Outlook
3 2 4

54 Position A position represents a place-holder for a person or a group of people that require visibility to a set of data Position are static Employee may have more than one position A position may be shared by more than one employee Only one name per position appears on a team – primary (active employee)

55 Four Types of Record Access
Sales Team Visibility Access to records where their position is listed in the team or contact list Example: Opportunity Sales Team, Account Team Personal Visibility Access to records where the user’s unique logon ID is the owner Example: Service Request Owner, Defect Owner Manager Visibility Access to records where the user has a subordinate whose position is primary on the team, or the user’s unique logon ID is the owner Example: My Team’s Opportunities, My Team’s Quotes All Visibility Access to all records based on Organization Example: All Service Requests, All RMA/Service Orders

56 Siebel Report

57 Keys to manage the Opportunities
Revenue Forecast Winning rate Due Date Product Forecast

58 It is a process Input Discussion Output Build Roadmap Further Question
Setup Target Report Analyze Discover Problem Analyze the difference between forecast and real situation Build Roadmap Further Question Problem encountered Action plan Design the roadmap Input -> discussion -> output, and over again!

59 Regular Biz Review Blue Monday Challenge Wednesday Happy Friday
Team Leader Reviews Sales One by One Continuously & Accurately Monitor Sales needs to adjust the data according to leader’s advise to make Wed. report correct Challenge Wednesday Team Leader Reviews My Team’s Performance Happy Friday My Group’s Performance Reviewed by Regional Manager

60 Siebel Report’s Covering
Contents: Performance overview (Include summary of previous month, and forecast for three months - from current month) Expected Achievement forecast form Est. Achievement summary Top 30 backlog list (by order amount) Planned to close opportunities, this month Planned to close opportunities, next month Ongoing Big Deal list (Top 30/40, Personal) for next six months Team additions Key Account without Activity in 30 Days Unclosed cases in past three months Personal additions Activities of last (passed) week Activities of this (current) week Product forecast checking list (temporary) Direct manager Feedback (via ) Attachment Backlog of current month. New created Account/Opportunity in this week.

61 Performance overview Note
This section shows the Summary of previous month, and the forecast of three months (from current month) Green: Good Performance; 3-month est. Ach. in Green is Good Total Pipeline Opp. is Twice of Quota. Sales shall keep next 3-month forecast Note

62 Performance overview – Source
There are four sources of the info. In the table, which are, eManager [Year] Quota – setup in the beginning of every year eManager (originally from SAP) [Year] Achiv. – closed and shipped deal in SAP Backlog – backlog in SAP Forecast made by sales Forecast (will rename to “personal/manager forecast”) – forecast made in Expected Achievement forecast form by sales Siebel Exp. Opportunity – sum of opportunities which are filtered by criteria, multiply with Probability Total Pipeline – sum of opportunities

63 Performance overview – Calculation
Some of the indicators here are applied with criteria and formulas, Achv.% = Achv. / Quota (F/Q)% = Forecast / Quota “(F/Q)%” Will rename to “Personal/Manager Fcs Achv.%” Exp. Opportunity = SUM(Amount * Probability) Only OPP with Probability >= 50% is counted Est. Achv. = ((Achv. + (Backlog * 0.9) + (Expected OPP * 0.9)) / Quota * 100 (Pipeline + Backlog)/quota = (Pipeline + Backlog)/quota Different color has different meaning, Red: < 80%, dangerous Blue: >=80%, but < 100%, high possibility to meet Quota Green: >=100%, safe!

64 Performance overview – Review
Achv. Compare with Quota Achv.% Up to date achievement rate of Quota Personal/Manager Forecast Accuracy of forecast. Personal/Manager Fcs Achiv.% Up to date forecast vs. Quota Backlog Cannot be shipped on time -> update the date in ERP

65 Performance overview – Review
Esp. Opportunity Is the value high enough to achieve the quota? Est. Achv. Possible Achievement rate Total Pipeline Sufficiency of open Opportunity (Twice of Quota is considered as safe) (Pipeline + Backlog)/quota The quota can be meet? if all open OPP can be closed, and the backlog can be shipped on time.

66 Performance overview – Comparison
Achiv% vs. Est. Achiv. The gap between current Achiv. and possible Achiv. in the end of months. OPP is not well maintained Close rate is low Achiv% vs. Personal/Manager Fcs Achiv.% The gap between system calculated reality and personal forecast Forecast is inaccurate Personal/Manager Fcs Achiv.% vs. Est. Achiv. Normally, Est. Achiv. is a little lower. As it only includes the OPP with probability >= 50% New “Director Forecast (on Group Achievement)” will be added in “TOTAL” section for Group report to be used to compare with SUM(“Manager Forecast”), Quota, and also Achievement

67 Expected Forecast Achiv. form
This section is for user to make personal (or manager) forecast every week. Users can update the forecast if needed. In every last week of each month Forecast for N+1, N+2, N+3 months (N=current) In every other weeks Forecast for N, N+1, N+2, months (N=current) Note: Outlook 2007 doesn’t support form structure, user may use the link “here” to make forecast.

68 Est. Achievement Summary
This section summarize the forecasts. Sales forecast will be summarized by person, team, and group (F/Q)% -> Up to date estimated achievement Take Group report for instance, List out all team leaders’ estimation Summary of whole group forecast It is important for EVERY sales to make forecast, otherwise the forecast cannot be summarized accurately. “Director Forecast” will also be added here for Group report

69 Top 30 Backlog list List out top 30 backlog, group by order
You may find detail backlog list in attachment. Red text means the backlog is overdue, the date needs to be updated in ERP system. If the Account [Site] is empty -> ERPID is not maintained in Siebel Account

70 Planned to Close, this/next month
These two sections list the OPP with close date (shipping date)in this and next month respectively. Check the sufficiency of open projects Est. Close Date, Amount, Stage (Probability) should be updated with time When Lost, sales has to pick lost “reason” from the list, and additional info. can be put in “competition” Different color has different meaning, Red text: overdue, needs to close or update close date Green text: newly created in this month Yellow background: probability (stage) is <= 50%, needs to address Product Forecast is required so the PSM can understand the selling situation of the products, and the planner also have good reference for better planning.

71 Ongoing Big Deal list for next 6 mth.
List Big Deals in incoming 6 months Sales shall keep long term projects on going, so next six months section shall have data input, especially KASF and CSF. Close Date, Amount, and Stage should be updated with time.

72 Team Additions Key Account without Activity in 30 days
KA have to visited Adjust primary owner in Siebel if KA does not belong to correct sales. Unclosed cases in pass three months Remind Sales to check unclosed cases. Give a change for manager to assist sales reps.

73 Personal Additions Activities of last (passed) week
Account, Contact, and description have to be provided. Type and Status should be correctly input. On site visit should be 40% of over all activity duration. Activities of this (current) week Schedule for manager to review. Key Account without Activity in 30 days KA have to visited Adjust primary owner in Siebel if KA does not belong to correct sales. Unclosed cases in pass three months Remind Sales to check unclosed cases. Give a change for manager to assist sales reps. Product forecast checking list Temporarily added for sales to check personal product forecast. Direct manager feedback Via , manager can give comment/suggestion on overall business status, or on data maintenance to sales every Monday.

74 How to configure Home tab

75 How to configure Home Tab ?
1 2

76 OR Edit Layout 3 OR OR To save your setup 4
Hide or Show the title (and info it contains) There is a CROSS if you show the title (i.e. click on Cross to hide) There is a CHECK if you hide the title (i.e. click on Check to see the info) OR Expand or Collapse the info under the title There is a SQUARE if you collapse the info (i.e. click on Square to Expand) There is a DASH if you expand the info (i.e. click on Dash to Collapse) Move the titles up or down To save your setup OR 4

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