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Chapter 16 Drugs Lesson 1 Drug Use and Abuse.

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1 Chapter 16 Drugs Lesson 1 Drug Use and Abuse

2 Drug Use and Abuse What is a Drug?
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. What is a Drug? Some drugs are medicines, which may be able to save your life or the life of someone you love. Other drugs are illegal and dangerous. Lesson Home

3 Drug Use and Abuse What is a Drug? LESSON 1 Over-the-Counter (OTC)
BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. What is a Drug? Over-the-Counter (OTC) Prescription Can be found in a grocery store or pharmacy Some can only be purchased by an adult Can only be obtained with written permission from a doctor All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines. Medicines prevent or cure illnesses or treat their symptoms. Lesson Home

4 Drug Use and Abuse What is a Drug?
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. What is a Drug? Whether you use an OTC medicine or prescription drug, always closely read and follow the directions on the label. With a prescription medicine, your doctor will include instructions for how much to take, when to take it, and for how long. Some drugs are illegal because they are harmful to your health. However, even medicines that are legal can be dangerous if they are not used correctly. Medicines are only effective when they are used properly. Lesson Home

5 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Misuse and Abuse
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Misuse and Abuse Illegal drugs as well as drugs that are medicines can be harmful if they are not used correctly. Many drugs are illegal for a good reason: they can be extremely dangerous or addictive. New Vocabulary illegal drugs Drugs that are made and used purely for their effects Lesson Home

6 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Misuse and Abuse
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Misuse and Abuse Drug misuse can lead to abusing drugs. A person who does any of the following is misusing drugs: Using the drug without following instructions on the label Using a drug not prescribed for you Allowing someone else to use a drug prescribed for you Taking more of the drug than the doctor prescribed Using the drug longer than advised by your doctor New Vocabulary drug misuse Taking or using medicine in a way that is not intended Lesson Home

7 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Misuse and Abuse Drug abuse occurs when:
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Misuse and Abuse Drug abuse occurs when: someone uses an illegal drug, such as marijuana or heroin. someone uses legal drugs for nonmedical purposes. prescription medicines are used improperly. someone takes prescription medicine that was not prescribed to that person. New Vocabulary drug abuse Intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthful or illegal Lesson Home

8 Drug Use and Abuse Physical Consequences
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Physical Consequences The symptoms of addiction can include: Denial Tolerance Craving Ph Denial occurs when a person cannot admit that he or she has a problem with drugs. Tolerance develops when a person uses a drug regularly. The user needs more and more of the drug to get the same effect. Craving is a primary symptom of addiction. A person will feel a strong need, desire, or urge to use drugs and will feel anxious if he or she cannot use them. Loss of control causes a person to take more drugs than he or she meant to take. Drug use may also happen at an unplanned time or place. Physical dependence makes it very difficult to quit using a drug. A person’s body develops an actual physical need for drugs in order to function.ysical effects of drug use include sleeplessness, memory loss, irritability, nausea, heart failure, seizures, or stroke. Loss of control Physical dependence Lesson Home

9 Drug Use and Abuse Physical Consequences LESSON 1
BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Physical Consequences Drug use can reduce your motor skills, or the ability to move your muscles in normal ways. Simple tasks such as writing, speaking, or walking can be affected. This type of damage can often be permanent. Drug use can also have negative effects on teen growth and development. Lesson Home

10 Drug Use and Abuse Mental and Emotional Consequences
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Mental and Emotional Consequences Using drugs keeps you from learning to handle difficult emotions in healthful ways. Drug users often experience depression, anxiety, and confusion. Drug use also often leads to poor decisions and bad judgment. It can cause a person to engage in other risk behaviors. Among teens, drug misuse and abuse is especially serious. The brains of teens are still developing, and misusing or abusing drugs can interfere with brain development. Lesson Home

11 Drug Use and Abuse Social Consequences
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Social Consequences Drug abuse can change someone’s personality, cause mood swings, or even lead to violence. Drug users often have low self-esteem and difficulty dealing with others, even those closest to them. A person addicted to drugs will start to think only of his or her need for the drug. Lesson Home

12 Drug Use and Abuse Social Consequences Teens who abuse drugs
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Social Consequences Teens who abuse drugs may end their friendships or lie to friends in order to cover up their addictions. often miss school or do not learn well because they cannot pay attention. may not be able to participate in school activities if they are caught using drugs. often hurt their chances of reaching their long-term goals, such as going to college or having a career. Lesson Home

13 Drug Use and Abuse Social Consequences
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Social Consequences Today, most schools have drug-free zone policies. Anyone caught with illegal substances within a drug-free zone can be arrested. Students caught using drugs or being under the influence of any drugs can be suspended or expelled from school. New Vocabulary drug-free zone A 1,000-yard distance around a school where anyone caught with drugs can be arrested Lesson Home

14 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law Federal and state laws say that harmful and addictive drugs may not be used or sold. When someone is caught using illegal drugs, the legal consequences are very serious. Lesson Home

15 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law When someone is caught using illegal drugs, the legal consequences are very serious. Teens may be arrested for drug possession or drug trafficking. Teens may be arrested for drug possession or drug trafficking. New Vocabulary drug possession When a person has or keeps illegal drugs New Vocabulary drug trafficking The buying or selling of drugs Lesson Home

16 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law Teens may also spend time in a detention center or be sentenced to probation where they must regularly check in with a court officer. Often they and their parents may have to pay fines. Teens can also get a criminal record. New Vocabulary probation Set period of time during which a person who has been arrested must check in regularly with a court officer Lesson Home

17 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law Teens may be arrested for drug possession or drug trafficking. Teens can spend time in a detention center or be sentenced to probation where they must regularly check in with a court officer. Often they and their parents may have to pay fines. Teens can also get a criminal record. New Vocabulary vocabulary term Definition Lesson Home

18 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law A strong connection exists between drug use and crime. Someone who uses drugs may steal the drugs or steal money to buy the drugs. drug use and gang activity. Gangs may acquire drugs and force members of the gang to transport the drugs from one location to another. drug use and crime. Someone who uses drugs may steal the drugs or steal money to buy the drugs. Stealing can lead to acts of violence, which increase the chances of being caught and sent to jail. drug use and gang activity. Gangs may acquire drugs and force members of the gang to transport the drugs from one location to another. A person who is caught with drugs may face serious legal consequences. Gangs may also require that gang members sell drugs which can also lead to legal consequences, such as jail. Lesson Home

19 Drug Use and Abuse Drug Use and the Law
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse BIG IDEA Using drugs affects your body, mind, emotions, and social life and can lead to consequences with the law. Drug Use and the Law The legal consequences of drug use can also impact a teen's social health. A criminal record can last forever. Such a background can restrict access to certain jobs. A criminal record can also affect relationships with family and friends. Lesson Home

20 Drug Use and Abuse After You Read
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review After You Read Vocabulary Define drug misuse. Give at least one example in a complete sentence. Lesson Home

21 Drug Use and Abuse After You Read
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review After You Read List Name three physical effects drugs can have on a person's body. Lesson Home

22 Drug Use and Abuse After You Read
LESSON 1 Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review After You Read Describe How could using illegal drugs negatively affect your social health? Lesson Home

23 Drug Use and Abuse Thinking Critically
LESSON X Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Evaluate What is the difference between using drugs as medicine and abusing drugs? Lesson Home

24 Drug Use and Abuse Thinking Critically
LESSON X Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review Thinking Critically Analyze Why is a person who uses drugs more likely to be involved in a crime? Lesson Home

25 Drug Use and Abuse Applying Health Skills
LESSON X Drug Use and Abuse Lesson 1 Review Applying Health Skills Access Information Use online or library resources to research drug misuse and abuse in the United States. Create a pamphlet or electronic presentation to educate others about the dangers. Lesson Home

26 Chapter 16 Drugs Lesson 1 Drug Use and Abuse

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