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Welcome to your library!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your library!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your library!
Library Hours: 7:50 am – 2:20 pm

2 Library Safety Fire Drill Tornado Drill Exit into B hall
Turn right then left Exit building out back door by track Walk to the track starting line Stay with your group Remain quiet Attendance will be taken Tornado Drill B2 – Audiovisual area A17 – Periodical Storage area Remain quiet Stay with your group Attendance will be taken Lock Down B2 – Audiovisual area A17 – Periodical Storage area Remain quiet Attendance will be taken

3 Visiting the library You may sign out of study hall once per day to use the library. If you enter the library with a teacher pass, you must work on an academic assignment from that teacher. Once the assignment is finished, work quietly on another academic assignment. Students entering the library are expected to be working quietly at all times. You may not use the library to sleep or to visit with friends. You may sign out to the restroom or locker with permission from Mrs. O’Flaherty.

4 Library Rules No food or drink is permitted.
Please, no grooming. Brush your hair in the restroom. Take proper care of the equipment and furniture. Use of phones or personal electronic devices with permission only and only for academic use. Talking with permission only and only for academic purposes.

5 Discipline Issues Students are to be silent. Excessive talking will result in being sent back to study hall. No reminders will be given for having food out in the library. This will result in being sent back to study hall immediately. Student may use personal electronic devices with permission only. This includes phones. This will result in being sent back to study hall immediately. More serious offences or repeated offences will result in loss of library privileges and principal notified.

6 Circulation Information
The standard load period is two weeks. You may check out up to five items at a time. Reference items and videos may be used only in the library. Lost or damaged items must be paid for. Long overdues will result in loss of library privileges, loss of Progress Book access and holding of grade card.

7 Building Printers To print: Click File and choose print. View your document in the print page to be sure it is exactly what you want. Choose the printer you wish to print to. Click on the down arrow under the heading printer. For black and white – Choose A pool. This printer is able to print on both sides. For color – Choose A1 Color. 20 cents per page fee will apply. You must pay if you send to the color printer, even if you didn’t mean to print in color.

8 Library Extras Some extra items that can be borrowed from the library include: Lexar USB Multi-Card Reader Flash Drives These items are available for in library use only and must be returned each period. You may not take them home. Headphones Colored Pencils Markers

9 Other Extras Pen/Pencil/Mechanical Pencil Machines (takes quarters)
Notebook Dispenser (takes quarters) Laminating – 50 cents per foot Poster Board – 60 cents per sheet Ear Buds - $1.50 each Ellison Machine – Die Cuts, bring your own paper To borrow - Scissors, Glue Stick, Hole Punch, Stapler, Tape – These items may be used in the library only. Games - Chess, Checkers – may be checked out for in library use only. Return the same period.

10 Library Webpage Go to Choose Tri-Valley High School
Down the left side, float the mouse over school departments Choose Library/Media Center This is where you will find the online catalog

11 Other Websites Follett Shelf – eBooks to read online or
download to a device – Research databases on many topics. User name: tvschools Password: scotties OCIS – Ohio Career Information Services Teacher Web Pages

12 Student helpers in library
Prepared to come during study hall every day for one semester. Willing to remain at circ desk, ready to assist teachers and students as needed. Quick to help without being reminded or asked. Friendly and courteous to everyone. Respects the privacy of others. Common Duties Put testing signs out and away as needed. Wipe tables and counters clean. Straighten shelves by reshelving books that have been misplaced. Check books in and out. Return books to proper place as they are checked in. Assist students with printing needs.

13 Google Chrome accounts school desktop computers
For assistance with Progress Book Google Chrome accounts school desktop computers please ask Mrs. O’Flaherty

14 Final Reminders Never come to school expecting to finish an assignment on the day it is due. Always finish the assignment at home or the day before. You have no way of knowing if the library will be open or not. If you come to the library on a teacher pass and are not working on an assignment for that teacher, you will be sent back to study hall. If you come to the library as a student signing out of study hall, you must be working silently and productively. If not, you will be sent back to study hall.

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