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American Names, Heraldry, Symbols

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1 American Names, Heraldry, Symbols
The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It is also one of the most important English-speaking countries. With the population over 300 million people, the country has a great number of famous and outstanding people. And of course, it has its own heraldry and symbols.

2 The outstanding people of the USA
The first people are to be mentioned, of course, numerous presidents of the USA. People have always admired two of them in a special way. It was the first president of the country - George Washington and the sixteenth president - Abraham Lincoln.

3 The famous people Except the celebrities in politics the USA had many other people to admire. Among them, the most beautiful woman in the world - Marilyn Monroe, the king of rock-n-roll - Elvis Presley, one of the best known human rights activist - Martin Luther King, the father of Disney cartoons - Walt Disney, the creator of electric lamps - Thomas Edison, a well-known writer of short stories – O. Henry and many others. . Almost all American celebrities have something important in common. They all believed in what they were doing and knew that only hard work can bring success. It would be wrong to say that the USA is proud only by its former famous people, as it still has lots of world-known and respected celebrities.

4 The famous people Also the country has some outstanding sportsmen, among them Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Jesse Owens and many others. As for the musicians, the USA can be proud by such voices as Tina Turner, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, and others. There are also some famous explorers among the Americans and one of them is especially popular, as he has become the first man on the moon. It's a famous astronaut Neil Armstrong. The words which he said while stepped on the Moon entered a history: “That's one small step for a man, and one giant leap for mankind.”

5 The heraldry of the USA Heraldry in the United States of America was first established by European settlers who brought with them the heraldic customs of their respective countries of origin. As the use of coats of arms may be seen as a custom of royalty and nobility. The coat of arms (left), as it appears on the Great Seal and the seals of government bodies. The escutcheon (right) also appears by itself on e.g. the seal of the coast guard.

6 The symbols of the USA There are many symbols that represent the United States of America. Some of the most popular ones are : -the national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner“ - the national mottos "In God We Trust", "E Pluribus Unum" (лат. «из многих – единое») - the national bird : Bald Eagle - the national floral emblem: Rose - the national tree: oak

7 Some unofficial symbols of the USA
Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national personification of the American government. An Uncle Sam is mentioned as early as 1775, in the original "Yankee Doodle" lyrics of the Revolutionary War. It is not clear whether this reference is to Uncle Sam as a metaphor for the United States, or to an actual person named Sam. Sights: the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Mount Rushmore Sports: baseball, football Food: apple pie, hot-dog, bourbon whiskey

8 Thank you for your attention!

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