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The Mantle Lherzolite xenolith.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mantle Lherzolite xenolith."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mantle Lherzolite xenolith

2 Structure of the Earth - A reminder (I hope)

3 Structure of the Earth - A reminder (I hope)

4 Structure of the Earth

5 The Sources of Magmas Continental Crust (Andesitic) Oceanic crust (basaltic) Upper Mantle

6 Ultrabasic (and basic) rocks
Mantle Rocks Ultrabasic (and basic) rocks Above the 400km discontinuity With an Al-rich phase Clinopyroxenite!

7 Equigranular textures
Lherzolite Equigranular textures Opx is usually enstatite Cpx is usually Cr-diopside

8 Al-rich Phases Plag lherzolites imply heating at low pressure Garnet suggests depths of > km

9 Mantle wall rocks transported by rapidly
Mantle Xenoliths Mantle wall rocks transported by rapidly ascending mantle-derived magmas. Magma Types Alkaline Magmas - Alkali Basalts, Basanites Highly Alkaline Magmas - Nephelinites, phonolites Ultrabasic Magmas - Kimberlites Megacrysts/ Xenocrysts

10 San Carlos Olivine Mine Arizona, USA
Mantle Xenoliths San Carlos Olivine Mine Arizona, USA

11 Mantle Xenoliths Ascent rates of 5 m/s (basalts) to 50 m/s (kimberlites) are required to prevent mantle xenoliths settling out.

12 Mantle Xenoliths: Commonest Types
(1) Lherzolites - spinel, garnet bearing. (2) Harzburgites - spinel-bearing. (3) Pyroxenites - sometimes as veins within other xenoliths suggesting they are crystallised magmas that have intruded the lithospheric mantle. (4) Eclogites - basaltic inclusions dominated by garnet + sodic pyroxene. (5) Metasomites - Metasomatised mantle.

13 Eclogites Essential Minerals Jadeiitic (sodic) pyroxene Pyrope Garnet Accessory Minerals Quartz, coesite, kyanite, rutile, dolomite, diamond

14 Eclogites: Origin Eclogites have the same bulk composition as basaltic rocks. Eclogite phase transition helps to drive plate motions. Densities Basalt = 3.0 g/cc Eclogite = 3.5 g/cc

15 Metasomites Basalts & Alkaline Magmas kaersutite (amphibole) suite paragasite (mica) suite Kimberlites K-richterite, phlogopite, associated with MARID suite mica-amphibole-rutile-ilmenite-diopside. Glimmerites! IRPS (ilmenite-rutile-phlogopite-sulphide) suite.

16 Metasomites

17 Cumulate Xenoliths Not all xenoliths are from the mantle. Cumulate xenoliths are common in basalts and sample accumulated phenocrysts. Magma Chamber Cumulates Layered, aligned phenocrysts, poikolitic textures, intercumulus liquid. Commonly dunites. Peridotites may contain plag.

18 Distribution of Xenoliths

19 Ophiolites Slices of the oceanic lithosphere obducted onto the land.

20 Ophiolite Mantle Sequences
Sequence in the Oman Ophiolite Layered Gabbro GM Dunite cumulate RM Gabbro, dunite pxenite Moho Spinel Harzburgites (plag Sometimes formed during obduction) Spinel Lherzolites

21 Alpine Ophiolites Ophiolites found in orogenic belts which mainly consist of the mantle sequence (they can, however, contain eclogites where the transformation has been caused by tectonic forces). Alpine peridotites sometimes contain plagioclase lherzolite.

22 Mantle Melting Under “normal” conditions the mantle doesn’t melt.

23 Mantle Melting: Friction & LVZ

24 Mantle Melting: Decompression Melting

25 Mantle Melting: Volatiles

26 Mantle Melting: Composition
Feldspar and quartz crystals Glass (cooled magma) Rhyolite (seen through a microscope!) Rare Earth Elements are incompatible elements are not easily accommodate in crystal structures due to the HFSE nature Incompatible elements are partitioned into a melt phase.

27 Compatibility/Incompatibility
Bulk Mantle Rock Light Rare Earth Most incompatible Heavy Rare Earth Least incompatible

28 Compatibility/Incompatibility
The most incompatible elements are the most enriched. Melt generated from rock Original Rock Light Rare Earth Most incompatible Heavy Rare Earth Least incompatible

29 Compatibility/Incompatibility
Melt generated from rock Original Rock Residual rock The most incompatible elements are the most depleted. Light Rare Earth Most incompatible Heavy Rare Earth Least incompatible

30 Compatibility/Incompatibility
Enrichment in incompatibles decreases with increasing melting! 10% melting 50% melting 100% melting Light Rare Earth Most incompatible Heavy Rare Earth Least incompatible

31 Mantle Melting: Affect on Composition
Incompatible elements - those that partition into magmas (e.g. K, Ti, S). Compatible elements - in crystal phases

32 Depleted Mantle Most mantle xenoliths from the lithosphere are depleted indicating basalt melt extraction. Metasomites are enriched in incompatibles due to metasomatism.

33 Fertile Mantle High temperature sheared garnet lherzolites (from kimberlites) have near bulk Earth compositions and are samples of the asthenosphere. Sheared lherzolite xenolith Deformed lherzolite (from ophiolite)

34 Mantle Melting: Affect on Mineralogy

35 Mantle Melting: Affect on Mineralogy

36 Mantle Melting: Affect on Mineralogy

37 Mantle Melting: Affect on Mineralogy

38 Mantle Melting: Affect on Mineralogy
Lherzolite Harzburgite Dunite with increasing melting

39 Structure and Composition of the Mantle
K-rich, hydrous metasomites Garnet perid, diamond, sheared lhz

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