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Welcome to Kronos KnowledgePassTM

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kronos KnowledgePassTM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnson Memorial Medical Center and Kronos KnowledgePassTM Why it will help you and how to use it!

2 Welcome to Kronos KnowledgePassTM
Agenda: Benefits of Kronos to JMMC and you What is KnowledgePass? Why do I need KnowledgePass? Logging into Kronos KnowledgePass Launching a KnowledgePass course When do I begin? Questions and Answers

3 What is KnowledgePass? Online learning resources, including:
Tutorials and assessments Hands-on simulations Job aids Available 24/7, whenever you need it and as often as you need it

4 Why do I need KnowledgePass?
KnowledgePass is part of your Kronos training program, a safe and structured environment in which to be guided through Kronos. Learn how to use Kronos to: Navigate our latest version - 7.0 Enter time in timecards Review, edit, and approve timecards Create schedules Review and approve or disapprove time off Practice what you have learned as many times as you need Look up how to perform a task in Kronos when you have forgotten how to do it KnowledgePass provides you with a place to keep your skills fresh

5 Accessing KnowledgePass
You can access KnowledgePass by selecting KPASS located in the upper right-hand corner of the application page At this point distribute the Getting Started with Kronos KnowledgePass job aid.

6 Launching a Course You will see your preselected courses on your My Learning page. Click the arrow to launch next to the course you would like to take.

7 Launching Course Content (Continued)
Courses contain different types of content such as video, printable handouts or PowerPoint displays Launch the content by clicking its title.

8 Launching Course Content (Continued)

9 Launching Course Content (Continued)
The final link you need to select to launch the course content

10 Launching Course Content

11 When do I begin? Log into KnowledgePass anytime
Complete the assigned courses Continue to use KnowledgePass to practice Go to KnowledgePass first, when you have a how-to question Send questions to if you have questions on using KnowledgePass

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