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2017 Counselor Workshop SDBOR Update.

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Counselor Workshop SDBOR Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Counselor Workshop SDBOR Update

2 Overview Proactive Admissions College Application Week
High School Dual Credit Scholarships

3 NEW: Proactive Admissions

4 NEW: Proactive Admissions
Piloted in Idaho in 2015 (high school class of 2016) 7% increase in postsecondary enrollment Direct general admission to public postsecondary institutions based on academic performance Smarter Balanced (SBAC) scores as available through Infinite Campus for Fall 2017 Opt-out option for families who don’t want student information shared At this point only for those high schools with appropriate data sharing agreements in place with SD DOE (all public schools) Letters to be sent to high school seniors in early September Students who were admitted directly still need to apply

5 NEW: Proactive Admissions
Updated BOR admission policy to include Smarter Balanced for Proactive Admission purposes: 2.1. Smarter Balanced Achieve a Level 3 or higher on the English Language Arts and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Assessments

6 High School/Postsecondary Curriculum Requirements
SD Public Institution Admissions Requirements “C” to count for 5 curriculum requirements 4 years English, 3 years Advanced Math, 3 years Lab Science, 3 years Social Studies, 1 year Fine Arts 1 of 3 Rank in top 60% of graduating class, or Obtain an ACT Composite score of 18 or higher (870 SAT), or 21 or higher at SDSMT and USD Obtain a GPA of at least 2.6 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted)

7 College Application Week

8 CAW: Promotes College Going Culture School Wide
National effort to increase the number of students from underrepresented and underserved populations pursuing postsecondary education. An estimated 5,000 high schools nationwide; 80 in South Dakota for campaign. South Dakota piloted in 2014 with 9 high schools with the goal to double participation every year and be state-wide in Fall 2018. High schools selected based on historical matriculation patterns, free and reduced lunch population, participation in GEAR UP and/or TRIO programs. Up to 3 application fee waivers to SDBOR institutions. TIs, TCUs, private institutions, and Black Hills Beauty College participate as well. With change in FAFSA filing dates, many schools have begun incorporating FAFSA completion activities into CAW.

9 #SDCAW16



12 2017 CAW Week: October 30-November 3
Fall 2014 (Pilot): 9 high schools; 234 students; 405 applications to Regental Institutions; 129 students enrolling in postsecondary within 6 months of graduation Fall 2015 (Expanded Pilot): 19 schools; 385 students; 895 applications to Regental Institutions; 317 students enrolling in postsecondary within 6 months of graduation Fall 2016 Campaign: 40 schools; 354 students; 800 applications to Regental Institutions Fall 2017 Campaign: 80 schools (scheduled for Oct. 30-Nov. 3) Fall 2018 Campaign: State-wide!




16 Select Dakota Website This site has been designed to provide each classification of student with timely information that can be used to ensure that the appropriate courses are completed in high school, what courses will transfer, or degree opportunities that are available for those students interested in going back to school to complete their degree. Depending on your classification, a large set of resources are provided to help put you on the path to selecting a public institution that will best meet your career goals. All College Application Week materials can be accessed on the Select Dakota Website.

17 High School Dual Credit Program Update

18 High School Dual Credit Program Update
HSDC Program is permanent College Record!! SDBOR Admission Requirements for HSDC Program Each criteria is a stand alone criteria, no mixing and matching Four Criteria HS Senior – Class Rank top 50%, ACT Composite 21, or GPA 3.25 HS Junior – Class Rank top 33%, ACT Composite 24, or GPA 3.5 Undergraduate admission requirements 10th Grade ACT Aspire 434 or higher or ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills 86 or higher AND Elementary Algebra 76 or higher Student may meet Admission Requirement and not place for MATH or ENGLISH

19 High School Dual Credit - How to Apply
Complete HSDC Application for current term Students requesting to register for 11 or more credit hours… Must request approval from the campus dual credit contact. Must have 3.0 HSDC program GPA Submit HSDC Application with transcript and test scores to the Campus HSDC contact(s) where you are applying to take courses. Contacts are listed on the last page of the application. For Spring 2018, there will be an online HSDC Application. Further information will be sent to the counselor listserv and posted online (SDBOR website & SDMyLife).

20 High School Dual Credit – Add Drop Withdrawal
Students may add classes until 5 PM the third day of class. Students may drop classes until 5 PM Census Date for the term Students dropping all classes will be withdrawn from the University Ensure students understand not attending class is not a request to drop classes – the student will receive an “F” grade if an official drop request is not submitted

21 High School Dual Credit - Grade Reports
HSDC Grade Reports Generated after final grade posting deadline Mailed to school Principal Students receiving “I” grades must request updated Grade Report when final grade is posted. Students receiving “F” grades are denied future enrollment unless CGPA for HSDC courses is 2.5 or higher. Sit out one (1) term and repeat failed course May register for 9 credit limit with repeat course May request waiver to no repeat failed course from BOR

22 General Information about HSDC
Each HS must have an approved MOU on file and listed at Application Deadline – 5 pm - 1st day of term Spring 2018 – Monday, January 8, 2018 (Registration opens November 20, 2017) Summer 2018: First Day of Summer Semester is Monday, May 7, 2018 Applications are due on the first day of the summer session that a course is in, so application deadlines vary based on the campus & course. Contact the campus HSDC Contact for more details. Fall 2018 – Monday, April 23, 2018 Registration Deadline – 5 pm - 3rd day of term While Applications must be received by the end of the first day, counselors have an additional two days to supply transcripts & test scores to the campuses.

23 General Information about HSDC
Tuition Student account may total $ per credit hour Students are responsible for $48.33 per credit hour SDDOE will pay the remaining cost per credit hour No additional fees are assessed Web Advisor - Paid using Electronic Check or Credit Card

24 Scholarships

25 Scholarships South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship
Dakota Corps Scholarship Program South Dakota Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Jump Start Scholarship South Dakota Needs Based Grant Program Endowed Scholarships Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship Annis Irene Fowler/Kaden Scholarship Martin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship Regental Institution Merit-Based Scholarship Programs

26 BOR Endowed Scholarships
Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship (Deadline: February 23, 2018) This scholarship for Native American students provides support for freshman students who are pursuing studies in agribusiness, agricultural production, agricultural sciences, or a natural resource degree at any postsecondary institution. Annis Irene Fowler/Kaden Scholarship (Deadline: February 23, 2018) This scholarship is awarded to first-time entering freshman at BHSU, DSU, NSU, or USD and who will select elementary education as their major field. Special consideration is given to students with demonstrated motivational ability, a disability, or who are self-supporting. Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship (Deadline set by institutions) This scholarship is awarded to a student who is classified as a junior at a public university at the time funding is received. Each South Dakota public university nominates one students for the scholarship.

27 Regents’ Scholar Diploma
Requested by high school administrator to BOR Receive a “C” (2.0 or higher on 4.0 scale) or higher on all required coursework 4 years English 4 years Advanced Mathematics 4 years Science (3 must be lab sciences) 3 years Social Studies 1 year Fine Arts 2 years Modern or Classical Language Maintain an unweighted cumulative GPA of “B” (3.0 or higher on 4.0 scale) throughout high school Does not offer funding (not a scholarship), but does guarantee automatic admittance into each of the 6 Regental institutions The Regents’ Scholar Diploma program was established as an academic letter that school districts use to recognize graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence through the completion of coursework in the six content areas. Additionally, high school graduates designated as Regents’ Scholars automatically are admitted to all six public universities. Traditionally, school districts present Regents’ Scholar Diplomas to eligible seniors during graduation or academic award ceremonies each year. An will be sent utilizing the counselor listserv in early February requesting the names of Regent Scholars for the school year. The due date for this list is April 1.

28 K-12 Email Listservs All scholarship updates/notifications from BOR
Not apart of the SD Counselors listserv? Listservs utilized: SD Counselors High School Principals School Administrators SDSCA Members

29 Regental Merit Based Scholarships - BHSU
BHSU Buzz Bonus Scholarship How Much: $500 (21-24 ACT) $750 (25-26 ACT) $100 (27 or higher ACT) Deadline: N/A Eligibility: Top 1/3 of graduating class Minimum ACT of 21 Maintain 3.0 GPA taking 30 credit hours per year

30 Regental Merit Based Scholarships - DSU
DSU Champion Scholarships How much: Presidential $2,150/year (28-36 ACT) Merit $1,650/year (24-27 ACT) Achievement $500/year (21-23 ACT) Deadline: N/A Eligibility: 3.0 or higher high school GPA Maintain cumulative GPA of 3.0 taking minimum 12 credits per semester

31 Regental Merit Based Scholarships - NSU
NSU WolfPACT How much: $5,000 (21-23 ACT) $7,000 (24-27 ACT) $11,000 (28-29 ACT) $12,000 (30+ ACT) Deadline: Accepted by March 1st of senior year Tests must be taken before March 1st Eligibility Maintain 3.0 GPA taking 12 credit hours per semester

32 Regental Merit Based Scholarships – SD Mines
Surbeck Scholarships - $9,000 annually (renewable for three additional years) Presidential Scholarships - $5,000 annually (renewable for three additional years) Distinctive Scholarships - $1,000-$5,000 annually (renewable for three additional years) SD Mines Scholarships - $2,000-$3,000 annually (renewable for one additional year) Freshman Scholarships - $100-$2,000 (non-renewable)

33 Regental Merit Based Scholarships -SDSU
SDSU Jackrabbit Guarantee How Much: $1000 minimum over 4 years Deadline: N/A Eligibility Attend main SDSU Campus ACT Composite of 24 or higher SAT Verbal + Math of 1090 Maintain 3.0 GPA and minimum of 30 credit hours between fall and spring

34 Regental Merit Based Scholarships - USD
USD Coyote Commitment – all first-time freshmen students who apply for fall admission to USD are automatically considered. How much: Up to $3,500 annually Deadline: April 1 priority for full consideration Eligibility: Freshman full-time in Vermillion Based on ACT/SAT, and cumulative high school GPA 2.5 or 3.0 GPA renewal based on scholarship

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