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Research Institute For Endocrine Sciences

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2 Research Institute For Endocrine Sciences
Iodine nutrition during pregnancy H. Delshad M.D Endocrinologist Research Institute For Endocrine Sciences

3 What is Iodine ? ● Iodine is a chemical element (as are Oxygen,Hydrogen,Iron) ● Iodine is an essential trace element for the human ● Iodine is an essential part of the chemical structure of thyroid hormones Total quantity present in body is (15-20 mg) Mostly in thyroid gland

4 Discovery of Iodine ● Bernard Courtois discovered Iodine in 1811
● Like most other discoveries, the discovery of Iodine was a fortuitous accident.  ● While most scientists discovered something when trying to help people to save their lives, Courtois discovered Iodine when he was trying to kill people.

5 TSH T3 T4 Iodine Thyroid Hormone Synthesis

6 Iodine nutrition and thyroid function
Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormone. In turn, thyroid hormone is critical for neurological development both in utero and in early life.

7 Thyroid hormone Brain Maturation Stimulate: Genes for myelin
Neurotrophins and their receptors Cytoskletone components Transcription factors Matrix proteins Adhesion molecules Intracellular signaling molecules Mitocondrail gens Cerebellar gens

8 Thyroid hormone Mediates growth Brown Fat Thermogenesis Body growth
Cell differentiation Bone maturation Chondrocyte differentiation Brown Fat Thermogenesis Non shivering thermogenesis to keep desired body temperature

9 Importance of iodine in brain development
50,000 brain cells produced/second in developing fetal brain 100 billion brain cells in adult One million billion connections between these brain cells: Determine IQ

10 Importance of iodine in brain development
● % of human brain development occurs between 3rd month of pregnancy & 3rd year of life ● Maternal T4 essential for first 24 weeks ● Foetal T4 starts at 24 weeks


12 Recommended daily intake of iodine
Preschool children 90 g Schoolchildren (6-12 y) 120 g Adult (>12 y) 150 g Pregnant & Lactating women 250 g

13 Iodine Requirement (g/day)
During pregnancy Basal 40-50 % increased T4 requirements Transfer of T4 and I from mother to fetus Increased renal clearance of I ? During lactation Basal L milk/day x gI/L Delange: Int.J. Endocrinol. Metab. 2: 1, 2004

14 Physiologic Changes in Thyroid Function During Pregnancy
Thyroid binding globulin (TBG) increases due to reduced hepatic clearance and estrogenic stimulation of TBG synthesis The test results that change in pregnancy are influenced by changes in TBG concentration Plasma iodide levels decrease due to fetal iodide use and increased maternal clearance -> leads to notable increase in gland size in 15% of women (without abnormal TFTs)


16 The spectrum of IDD Fetus Neonate Child & adolescent Adult Abortions
4/24/2018 The spectrum of IDD Fetus Abortions Stillbirths Congenital anomalies Increased perinatal mortality Neurologic creatinism Psychomotor defects Neonate Neonatal goiter Neonatal hypothyroidims Child & adolescent Goitrous juvenile hypothyroidism Impaired mental function Retarded physical development Adult Goiter with its complications Hypothyroidism

17 The adverse effects of iodine deficiency in populations (decreased IQ, goiter, hypothyroidism, and hyper-thyroidism) are easily corrected with salt iodisation. Adequate iodine nutrition in the general population is shown by a median urinary iodine concentration for school-age children (aged 6–12 years) of 100–299 μg/L Adequate iodine nutrition in pregnant women is shown by a median urinary iodine concentration between 150 and 499 μg/L

18 Iodine nutrition and thyroid function
Mild –moderate iodine deficiency has re-emerged in countries previously believed to be iodine sufficient. Lately, there has been increasing concern that even mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency has adverse clinical outcomes. Iodine nutrition during pregnancy has become an important public health concern

19 Author Country % UIC < 150 µg/L Katz PM 2013 Canada Toronto 142 221
pregnant women ( n ) Median UIC µg/L ( IQR ) % UIC < 150 µg/L Katz PM 2013 Canada Toronto 142 221 ( 142 – 397 ) 29.6 Lindorfer H 2015 Austria Viena 246 87 86.2 Granfors M Sweden 459 98 ( 57 – 148) 100 Fuse Y 2011 Japan 934 219 16.1 Bath SC UK 230 56.8 2014 South East UK 85.3 86 Knight BA 2016 South West UK 308 88 ( 54.3 – 157.5) 73 Kirkegeard Denmark 240 Iodine user : 118 ( 79 – 196 ) Non-users: 82 ( 41 – 122)

20 Author Country % UIC < 150 µg/L Kasap B 2016 Turkey 135 222
pregnant women ( n ) Median UIC µg/L ( IQR ) % UIC < 150 µg/L Kasap B 2016 Turkey 135 222 ( 141 – 397 ) 28.1 Ferreiya SM 2014 Brazil 191 137.7 (132.9 – ) 92 Bilek R Czech Republic 532 82 71.2 De Zoysa E Sri Lanka 425 105 (67 – 153) 98 Konrad I 2015 Latvia 696 69.4 (53.9 – 92.6 ) 100 Raverot V 2012 French Lyon 228 81 ( 8 – 832 ) 77 Choyy Korea 344 427.3 -

21 پايـش ملی دريافت يـد و عملکردغده تيروئيد زنان باردار کشور در سال 1392
پايـش ملی دريافت يـد و عملکردغده تيروئيد زنان باردار کشور در سال 1392 هدف : بر رسی وضعيت دريافت يد و عملکرد غده تيروئيد زنان باردار کشور روش کار : در طی يک بر رسی مقطعی ملی تعداد 1200 زن باردار در تريمستر های مختلف بارداری از 12 استان کشور از آبان ماه تا بهمن ماه سال 1392 وارد مطالعه شدند شاخص ها : ميانه يد ادرار T4, T3RU, FT4I, TSH, تيروگلوبولين و آنتی تيروئيد پر اکسيداز سرم مورد اندازه گيری قرار گرفتند.

22 نتايج کلی Mean ±SD age of the cohort : 27 ± 7.2 years. Mean ±SD gestational age:20.7 ± 10.0 weeks. UIE (µg /L) ( میانه ید ادرار ) T4 (µg/dl) TSH mIU/L Min. 20 4.92 0.01 Max. 400 23.92 14.05 Mean 114 11.19 2.20 Median 87.3 10.88 1.95 Preliminary Results :

23 میانه ید ادرار کمتر از 100 میانه ید ادرار بین 100 و 150

24 نتیجه گیری نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که علیرغم دریافت ید کافی جامعه ایرانی جمعیت قابل توجه ای از زنان باردار ایرانی دچار کمبود متوسط ید بوده که نیاز به مکمل ید رسانی در این زمان دارند.

25 Conclusion Pregnant women living in mild-moderate iodine deficient areas are at particularly high risk of being iodine deficient. Clinical question Iodine supplementation in pregnancy- is it time?

26 How big is the problem? In Europe:
32 countries ( 1/3 of the global population) still have inadequate iodine intake. In Europe: ►21 countries are iodine deficient in pregnancy ►10 countries are iodine sufficient ►In 23 countries no data are available

27 Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children ( ALSPAC) study in UK
What is the evidence for benefit from iodine supplementation in pregnancy in mild-moderate iodine deficiency? Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children ( ALSPAC) study in UK 1040 mother-child pairs mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency (UIC < 150 µg/l ) in the first trimester of pregnancy : odds of offspring IQ being in the lowest quartile OR = 1.43; 95%CI ; P=0.03

28 Hynes et al. from Australia
Mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy is associated with reduced educational outcomes in the offspring: 9-year follow-up of the gestational iodine cohort. JCEM 2013 Taylor et al. Impact of iodine supplementation in mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency: systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Endo. 2014

29 These studies imply there are potentially substantial benefits from correcting/ preventing even mild iodine deficiency in pregnancy.

30 Summary of relevant national and societal guidelines
Guidance ATA Australian Department of Health ETA US Teratology Society Endocrine Society All women who are planning to be pregnant or are pregnant or breastfeeding should supplement their diet with a daily oral supplement of 150 µg of iodine (Endocrine Society : µg ) American Academy of Pediatrics Spanish Endocrine Society World Health Organization Pregnant and lactating women should take a supplement containing adequate iodine to achieve a total of 250 µg iodine / day. UK Department of Health British Thyroid Association No specific guidance on iodine intake

31 Key message It is probable that, in mild-moderate iodine deficient countries, iodine supplementation during pregnancy and lactation may have substantial obstetric and offspring benefits and is economically advantageous.


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