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Warm Up # 4 1.Convert 48,987 minutes to days

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1 Warm Up # 4 1.Convert 48,987 minutes to days
2.Convert 556 degrees Celsius to Kelvins

2 Background Information to Chemistry
Chemistry-is the study of the composition of MATTER and the changes they undergo

3 Matter and Properties Matter- is anything that has mass and takes up space Matter makes up everything Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy- States that matter cannot be created or destroyed only changed

4 Matter and Properties There are four states of matter: Solid Liquid
Gas Plasma

5 Solids Solids have definite shape and volume
The particles are tightly packed together

6 Liquids Liquids have a fixed volume but CAN change shape
The particles are NOT as tightly packed together as a solid

7 Gases Gases do NOT have a definite shape or volume
The particles are very loosely packed together Liquids and Gases both take the shape of their containers Tell about the periodic table, the location of solids, liquid and gases at STP

8 Plasma Plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe
It is not commonly found on Earth Plasma is a gaseous mixture of electrons and positive ions Plasma is produced by heating a gas to an extremely high temperature

9 Classifying Matter Matter can be classified into the following three groups: a. Elements b. Compounds c. Mixtures

10 Elements Elements are composed solely of ONE type of substance
Examples: Fe- Iron, O2-Oxygen, Ca-Calcium Elements CANNOT be broken down further

11 Chemical Symbols A chemical symbol is a short hand abbreviation for each element Examples: H Hydrogen Na Sodium  Natrium WTugnstenWolfram Symbols come from the English or Latin name for the element

12 Compounds Compounds are composed of TWO or more elements
Compounds can only be chemical broken down into component elements Examples: FeCl3 , NaCl, Hg(SCN)2

13 Mixtures Mixtures are a combination of two or more different types of matter The different types of matter are not chemical mixed together

14 Mixtures Mixtures can be separated through physical means
There are two types of mixtures: a. Homogeneous Mixtures b. Heterogeneous Mixtures

15 Homogeneous Mixtures Homogeneous Mixtures/Solution appear to be composed of only ONE form They are uniform in composition Examples: Blood, Vinegar, Air, Sweet Tea

16 Solutions Solutions consists of 2 parts, the SOLUTE and the SOLVENT
The solute is the substance there is less of The solvent is the substance there is more of Because water tends to dissolve many substances it is called the “universal solvent”

17 Continued A colloid is a homogeneous solution with intermediate particle size between a solution and a suspension. Examples: Milk, fog, and jello

18 Heterogeneous Mixtures
Heterogeneous Mixtures are composed of two or more different forms They are NOT uniform in composition Examples: Sand and Spaghetti Sauce with Meatballs Pepperoni Pizza, Mint Chocolate Chip Icecream

19 Practice a. Chlorine b. Water c. Soil d. Salt Water e. Oxygen f. Carbon Dioxide g. Rocky Road Ice Cream h. Kool Aid i. Coffee j. Aluminium Classify each of the following as element, compound, heterogeneous mixture or homogeneous mixture

20 Matter NO YES Mixture Element or Compound
Can the substance be separated by ordinary physical means? NO YES Element or Compound Mixture

21 21

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