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Chapter 1 Section 2 World History Mr. Kissam

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1 Chapter 1 Section 2 World History Mr. Kissam
Studying Geography Chapter 1 Section 2 World History Mr. Kissam

2 Studying Geography The Big Idea
Physical geography and human geography contribute to the study of history Main Ideas Geography is the study of places and people. Studying location is important to both physical and human geography. Geography and history are closely connected.

3 Studying Places and People
Geography includes the study of both physical and cultural features. Physical geography is the study of the earth’s landform and features. Human geography is the study of people and the places where they live.

4 Physical Geography Landforms are the natural features of the land’s surface. Rivers, valleys, and mountains are examples of landforms.

5 Physical Geography Climate is the pattern of weather conditions in a certain area over a long period of time. Weather is the conditions at a specific time and place. For example, rain falls today.

6 Physical Geography Climate affects many features of a region. For example, climate affects plant life. Climate affects the temperature and amount of water plants will have. Climate can effect landforms by creating deserts and reducing mountains into flat plains

7 Environment Landforms can also affect the climate. Mountain ranges can prevent moisture from reaching the other side of the range. Landforms and climate are part of the place’s environment. Environment includes all the living and nonliving things that affect life in area

8 Human Geography Geographers study people and the places where they live. They also study how the environment affects people. Human geographers would study how epidemics and diseases spread in one environment.


10 Studying location Studying location is important to both physical and human geography. Location is the exact description of where something is. To study various locations, geographers use maps. Learning about regions is another key part of studying geography.

11 Studying location Every place on the Earth has a specific location.
No two places in the world are exactly alike. By comparing locations, geographers learn more about the factors that affect each of them.

12 Learning from Maps Maps are a drawing of an area
Maps focus on different things, such as features, cities, or boundaries. Most maps have symbols to represent different things.

13 Learning from Regions Regions is an area with one or more features that make it different from surrounding areas The features of a region can be physical, such as forests, grassland, or a desert. Human features, such as language or religion, also define regions.

14 Geography and history Resources in an area were critical to early settlement, people would settle in an area based on how much food and water there was. Early people developed vastly different cultures because of their environments. Geography has helped shape history and has affected the growth of societies.

15 Resources Materials found in the earth that people need and value
Essential early resources included water, animals, fertile land, and stones for tools.

16 Geography Shapes Cultures
Different environments helped contribute to different cultures because people made use of the resources in their particular region. Some people developed religious beliefs based on the geography of their area. Geography affected the growth of civilizations. The first societies formed along rivers. Some geographic features protected areas from invasion.

17 Geography Influences History
People in areas with many natural resources could use them to get rich and to build powerful cities. People can affect geography by planting trees, building lakes, or creating wastelands. One example of people interacting with their environment is clearing away trees to plant crops.

18 Geography Influences History
Geography has also caused problems. Floods along the major rivers were common. Storms could wipe out an entire naval fleet, i.e. the Mongol Invasion of Japan.

19 Questions What are some examples of physical features?
What is the difference between climate and weather? What are some activities that would use maps? What are some human features that can define a region? What are three aspects of human life that geography affects?


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