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Deep capability or deep trouble?

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Presentation on theme: "Deep capability or deep trouble?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep capability or deep trouble?
Associate Professor Simon Mitchell MB ChB, PhD, FUHM, FANZCA Department of Anaesthesiology University of Auckland 2013 BSAC Meeting Decompression diving Deep capability or deep trouble?

2 decompression algorithm?
What is decompression diving? Why do we do it? What is the best decompression algorithm? How do we do it?

3 What is decompression diving?

4 When an inert gas is breathed at increased pressure, then more
is dissolved in blood, carried to tissues and absorbed into those tissues

5 relationship between:
Manipulation of relationship between: Tissue gas pressure Ambient pressure Tissue gas pressure Spend bottom time at this depth Descent Ambient pressure (~depth)

6 How high can the tissue gas pressure go? Tissue gas pressure Bottom
= ambient How high can the tissue gas pressure go? Tissue gas pressure Bottom time Ambient pressure (~depth)

7 “saturated” with inert gas at this depth Tissue gas pressure
= ambient The tissue is now “saturated” with inert gas at this depth Tissue gas pressure Depending on their kinetics, other “slower” tissues will have lower pressures Ambient pressure (~depth)

8 Ambient pressure (~depth)
Tissue pressure = ambient Tissue gas pressure Ambient pressure (~depth)

9 diver begins ascending? Tissue gas pressure
= ambient What happens when the diver begins ascending? Tissue gas pressure Super- saturation Ambient pressure (~depth)

10 Decompression diving is when tissue super- saturation reaches a level
pressure = ambient Slower tissue Decompression diving is when tissue super- saturation reaches a level requiring we stop and wait for tissue gas pressure to fall – called “decompression stops” Tissue gas pressure Super- saturation Ambient pressure (~depth)

11 Why do we do it? Insert your own motivational story here…..

12 Discovery Exploration Getting to places we otherwise couldn’t reach

13 How do we do it?

14 You need: a dive plan a gas plan a decompression regimen

15 Some features of deep decompression diving
For deep phase: For decompression: Substitute helium for nitrogen: - Less narcotic - Lighter Progressive switch back to richer nitrox mixes Completion of decompression on 100% oxygen Reduce oxygen content below that of air to maintain a safe inspired PO2 eg 1.3 ATA maximum

16 Decompression strategies

17 Obvious question… Tissue gas pressure Decompression diving is
= ambient Obvious question… Decompression diving is when tissue super- saturation reaches a level requiring we stop and wait for tissue gas pressure to fall – called “decompression stops” Tissue gas pressure Ambient pressure (~depth)

18 Two approaches Gas content models
How do we decide on the allowable supersaturation and therefore the safe ascent depth? Two approaches Gas content models Tissue supersaturation is tracked and allowed up to limits derived by “experiment” and adjusted based on outcomes

19 Supersaturation limit
Tissue pressure = ambient Supersaturation limit Most famous “limits” are the ZHL16 ascent rules proposed by AA Buhlmann Tissue gas pressure Supersaturation limits were calibrated to prevent symptoms, and by adhering to them you prevent symptoms MOST of the time, but unexpected DCS still occurs….. Ambient pressure (~depth)

20 supersaturations didn’t usually cause symptoms, they often resulted in
While these supersaturations didn’t usually cause symptoms, they often resulted in bubble formation Since bubbles are the cause of DCS, it was reasoned that an approach that produced less bubbling might be safer. This led to….

21 Two approaches Gas content models Bubble models
How do we decide on the allowable supersaturation and therefore the safe ascent depth? Two approaches Gas content models Bubble models Allow tissue supersaturation up to limits derived by “experiment” and adjusted based on outcomes Limit tissue supersaturation to minimize bubble formation and growth according to models of bubble behaviour

22 Supersaturation limit
Tissue pressure = ambient Supersaturation limit Bubble models predicted the initial supersaturations were too great and likely to initiate bubble formation whereas smaller initial supersaturations would prevent this Tissue gas pressure Ambient pressure (~depth)

23 It has become an article of faith among
technical divers that bubble model / deep stop decompressions are superior Gas content models have been derided as “bend and mend”

24 For example “GF 20:90” Supersaturation limit Tissue gas pressure
= ambient Supersaturation limit For example “GF 20:90” 20% Tissue gas pressure Divers began using “gradient factors” to force gas content models to impose deeper stops 90% Ambient pressure (~depth)

25 There are NO reliable data that support the view
that deep stop approaches are superior Available human data suggest caution

26 The evidence

27 Gas content model compared to 3 experimental
deep stop protocols for 50 – 60m air dives Outcome: venous bubbles None of the deep stop protocols were superior One of the deep stop protocols was inferior

28 NOT a comparative study
Compliance with a bubble model did not prevent consistently high grade VGE in decompression from m trimix dives. NOT a comparative study

29 The NEDU study

30 Deco from 170’ for 30 min on air
Gas Content (traditional shallow stops) vs Bubble Model (deep stops) Deep stops Shallow stops

31 - 115 watts exercise at bottom
- Water temp 30oC - Outcomes: DCS VGE

32 DCS Incidence

33 Maximum bubble grades Navy declined to adopt bubble model
decompressions for routine operations

34 Bubble model advocates: “the Navy bubble model deco does not look anything like VPM!”
Deep stops Shallow stops

35 Actually, its different, but not that different…
Green = VPM-B profile with enough conservatism to be the same length as the NEDU study deco

36 Is this study really irrelevant to
technical diving??? Why did the NEDU deep stops fail?

37 Different effect of deep stops on supersaturation
in fast and slow tissues

38 Supersaturation limit
Tissue pressure = ambient Supersaturation limit Tissue gas pressure Ambient pressure (~depth)

39 The profiles Supersaturation in a fast tissue Supersaturation in a slow tissue

40 less supersaturation of
Deeper distribution of stop time will cause less supersaturation of fast tissue and more supersaturation in slow tissue

41 in the deep stops profile
The Navy deep stops profile did reduce supersaturation of fast tissues early in the decompression but this did not seem to be protective In contrast, increased supersaturation of slower tissues late in the decompression must have been the cause of ↑ in DCS in the deep stops profile

42 So, if deep stops cause increased supersaturation of slower tissues late in the ascent, and if this increases risk of DCS, then how should we decompress? Should we omit deep stops entirely??!! Rational answer: be guided by the expected effect of the decompression plan on supersaturation in fast and slow tissues during the ascent

43 Deep stops skew: the area under the decompression curve
Greater the deep stops emphasis, the greater the DSS

44 Effect of deep stop emphasis on
supersaturation in fast and slow tissues Shallow stops profile Deep stops profile

45 Conclusions These data are not presented as conclusive proof that deep stop decompression is inferior, or does not work across the range of technical diving depths and gas combinations, but….. They make a strong case for arguing against the current perception that deep stop decompression is superior or safer

46 Conclusions Deep stops may fail because supersaturation in slower tissues may be more important in DCS than faster tissues in at least some time / depth combinations On the basis of presently available evidence, divers may consider de-emphasizing deep stops in configuration of their decompression algorithms. Doolette DJ, Mitchell SJ. Decompression from technical dives. Diving Hyperbaric Med 2013:43(2):96-104

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