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Study Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Strategies

2 Table of Content Motivation Setting Goals Priorities Health Issues
Getting Informed Strategies PODC: Plan-Organize-Do-Check Improving Memory Video Table of Content

3 The answer to why does your child want to achieve higher will determine his/her efforts to reach his/her goal. Motivation

4 Setting Goals Set an academic goal for the school year
Make it attainable Write it down Post it visible so everyone can see it Check that efforts are being made to reach that goal consistently! Setting Goals

5 From sport practice, homework to family meals, house chores, and TV, each day is busy and full
To perform at your best requires fulfilling and stimulating leisure/ relaxation time But to achieve goals, sacrifices have to be made Priorities

6 Tips to Prioritize Manage time to avoid Time Wasters
Examples: during travel time read over notes and listen to study recordings Choose your battles: “Musts” over “Wants” Plan to plan, it will save you time Make to do lists and follow them Avoid procrastination. Just do it! Tips to Prioritize

7 Health Issues Good health leads to increased concentration
Check for vaccines, hygiene, eating habits, sleeping, exercise, vision/hearing/dental problems, possible disorders that impede attention To engage your children actively to reach their goals, acknowledge their feelings: “Talk so they would listen and listen so they would talk to you.” . Health Issues

8 Check school’s website for home learning and projects postings, teacher notifications, grades, school news, grades, and calendar of activities Get teachers’ , follow-up Ask your child’s for notes sent home Create a parents/student school group to stay connected and well informed Talk to counselors and administrators too Get Informed

9 Discipline Consistency Strategies

10 Plan Organize Do Check Just do it! PODC

11 Plan Reacting with a disciplined attitude constantly
Rewarding your kids for achieving short term goals Helping your children become independent learners Getting appropriate assistance if needed Choosing a strategic place for study/review purposes Scheduling study sessions, ensuring they are being followed, and revising constantly – things change Eliminating noise and allowing friends to call at an agreed time Plan

12 Organize Schedule study sessions: Create Study Tables
Ensure its followed and revise it constantly – things change Put a copy of the Exam Timetable in a place where you can check times/dates to ensure your student stays focused Organize Weekly Meetings with friends to review Organize

13 Take effective notes in class, keep them organized, make flash cards with main concepts, and review them constantly to avoid cramming before tests Do daily assignments first, then summaries of work covered in class, connecting areas of knowledge Practice problems, exercises, and essays Post lists of key facts around the house and recite them aloud when you see them Create study time tables, break tasks down into smaller manageable ones Space It Out: study in 30/50 minutes sessions instead of 2-3 hours, taking small breaks to do things you enjoy and help you relax Do

14 Best Study Skills : Space It Out
Spaced learning is better than cramming: The Limits of Attention. Lack of concentration and attention leads to poor recollection of the material. Consolidation During Breaks. Research suggests that your brain strengthens memories during breaks. Differing Contexts/Moods. Memory is aided by environmental context. Best Study Skills : Space It Out

15 Know what is required for exams: Exam format: Multiple choice/Short answer/Essays/How many questions
Check understanding: test yourself Identify areas of weakness and address them Meet with a few friends to review, discuss, explain, and question each other List any improvements and retest your knowledge Check

16 Improve Your Child’s Memory
It is an essential skill to: Excel in school and later in their career Perform well on tests Apply what they’ve learned in the real world Improve Your Child’s Memory

17 Tips To Develop the Ability To Remember
Make the information meaningful Put it in your own words, make connections Organize the information logical categories will help you learn, memorize, and recall information effectively. Tips To Develop the Ability To Remember

18 Use Pictures To Improve Memory
When you employ pictures to learn verbal and written information, you are encoding information in your memory system in two ways instead of just one. Thus, your ability to remember the information is greatly enhanced. Use Pictures To Improve Memory

19 Memory tricks to remember information such as lists of words or phrases
They produce a visual image in a learner's mind Examples: acronyms and rhymes My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nuts Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Mnemonic Devices

20 Video of Study Skills & Tips
Video of Study Skills & Tips

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