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Schizophrenia Paranoid by The Jonas Brothers

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1 Schizophrenia Paranoid by The Jonas Brothers
Paranoid by The Jonas Brothers

2 Split mind does NOT mean split/or multiple personality.
The term schizophrenia comes from two Greek words that mean splitting apart of mental functions. ‘Split mind’ Split mind does NOT mean split/or multiple personality.

3 The voices

4 Anderson Cooper tries to function with the voices

5 Psychotic disorder. impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors
Psychotic disorder *impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors. *unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, and other features of the environment.

6 DSM-5: What does DSM-5 stand for?
Schizophrenia. 1. Delu­sions. 2. Hal­lu­ci­na­tions. 3. Dis­or­ga­nized speech (e.g., fre­quent derail­ment or inco­her­ence). 4. Grossly dis­or­ga­nized or cata­tonic behav­ior. 5. Neg­a­tive symp­toms (i.e., dimin­ished emo­tional expres­sion) At least two of the five symp­toms must be present for at least one month. One of the two symp­toms must be delu­sions, hal­lu­ci­na­tions, or dis­or­ga­nized speech.

7 Inside the mind-3 most common symptoms
These patients are at risk for malnutrition, exhaustion, or self-injury.

8 Catatonic -disturbances of movement that may include rigid movement, stupor, agitation, bizarre posturing, and repetitive imitations of the movements or speech of other people.

9 Paranoid -the combination of false beliefs (delusions) and hearing voices (auditory hallucinations).

10 Delusions are fixed false beliefs which are based on false or incomplete information
Hallucinations are false or distorted sensory experiences in the absence of external stimuli. These sensory impressions are generated by the mind and may be seen, heard, felt, and even smelled or tasted.

11 Additional information
Symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions usually start between ages 16 and 30. Males tend to experience symptoms a little earlier than females. Most commonly, schizophrenia occurs in late adolescence and early adulthood. It is uncommon to be diagnosed with schizophrenia after age 45. Strong genetic links. If it doesn’t run in familial line, unlikely to have it. Even if it does, it is only 1% of the population affected, and you usually need a major life stressor to trigger the disorder.

12 https://www. youtube. com/watch

13 Substance-related dis­or­ders are high (over 50% smoke cig­a­rettes reg­u­larly). They are also more likely to expe­ri­ence weight gain, dia­betes, car­dio­vas­cu­lar and pul­monary dis­ease. Peo­ple with schiz­o­phre­nia at high risk for sui­cide: 5–6% die by sui­cide and 20% attempt sui­cide. The com­bi­na­tion of these fac­tors may explain why peo­ple with schiz­o­phre­nia die early com­pared to the gen­eral population.

14 Positive Symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions
Negative Symptoms: apathy, lack of emotion, poor or non-existent social functioning Excessive levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine have long been implicated in schizophrenia. So why don’t patients take their medication?

15 Causes and Treatment No single cause has been found!
Complications during pregnancy and birth An abnormality within the brain (large fluid filled pockets found) Brain chemistry-very sensitive to a brain chemical called dopamine Heredity!!!!!! Treatment: Antipsychotic medications + counseling. Note: Medication is a MUST! Counseling in not effective without it!

16 It has been estimated that 50% of homeless Americans are reported to have schizophrenia. Why? What are some possible theories? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

17 “I hallucinate when I wake up in REM. Do I have schizophrenia
“I hallucinate when I wake up in REM. Do I have schizophrenia?” “I hallucinate when I am just falling asleep. Do I have schizophrenia?” “My friend thinks he is Jesus when he smokes marijuana. Does he have schizophrenia?” “Can excessive drug abuse cause schizophrenia?”

18 https://www. youtube. com/watch
Schizophrenic Kids Uploaded on May 24, 2011 The daily struggle 2 families endure with their schizophrenic children.

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