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Managers as Problem Solvers

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1 Managers as Problem Solvers

2 Methods of Dealing with Problems
Problem Avoiders Managers ignore data that indicate a problem may occur Inactive Problem Solvers Managers who resolve problems when they occur Reactive Problem Seekers Managers who actively search for problems See problems as opportunities Proactive

3 Types of Thinkers Systematic Intuitive

4 Systematic Thinkers tend to…
make a step-by-step plan for solving problems be detail oriented define the constraints of the problem early discard alternatives only after careful analysis complete any step they begin the next conduct a thorough search for all information work in businesses as accountants, engineers, etc.

5 Intuitive Thinkers tend to…
see the big picture rely on hunches consider a number of ideas simultaneously jump around in their reasoning explore and reject ideas quickly tend to work in business as marketers, strategic planners, etc.

6 Which one is better? Systematic thinkers are more thorough and make less mistakes Intuitive thinkers are more creative and make quicker decisions Businesses need both types of thinkers and people who can think in both ways These types of thinkers are known as multidimensional thinkers

7 Types of Problems Routine Problems Non-routine Problems
Arise on a periodic basis and have standard response Non-routine Problems Unique situations Expected Problems Anticipated Situations Unexpected Problems Situations are not anticipated, dealt with after they happen Crisis Problems Can lead to disaster

8 Brainstorming Exercise
Your group has been hired as the consultants of the ACME Sports Equipment Corporation The production manager has reported a major problem in the manufacturing facility One of the hockey stick production machines was left unattended and has produced one million sticks that do not have a blade (the bottom part of the stick) You have been asked to generate as many ideas as possible for consumer uses of these sticks You have also been asked to present your three most creative yet realistic ideas to the Production Manager

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