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Office of Research Administration

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1 Office of Research Administration
Running Reports in COGNOS Office of Research Administration

If you have done this already please utilize the following instructions.

3 Accessing COGNOS Log on to your MySam Page Choose the employee tab
Click the link to COGNOS Reports Or visit Remember that access to COGNOS is limited to on- campus only.

4 Logging on Enter your user name and password. This will be the same as your SHSU log-in. Press OK and select My Home ( ) from the next screen .

5 Finding the right report for you.
In order to reach the report you must utilize the following process. Select Sponsored Awards

6 Finding the right report for you
Select Grant Ledger 001- Grant Report by Sponsor Account

7 Finding the right report for you
You will arrive at this screen

8 Grant Summary by Grant ID
Choose the radio buttons next to the Grant Summary Option in the Display Options Box Choose Grant ID in the Run Report By Box. YOU MUST CLICK NEXT FOR THE REPORT TO RUN. (hitting the enter button WILL NOT run the report) In the next window enter the Grant ID you would like to review and select finish. Grant IDs are five digits 22XXX (Fund #s are 6 digits 22XXXX) This will take you to the Grant Report by Grant Sponsor

9 Grant Report by Sponsor Account
The report should look like this: If you select the BLUE hyperlinked name of your grant you will be directed to a more detailed screen. Each new screen will have more blue hyperlinks and will each provide more details.

10 More details: By choosing the blue link (previous screen)you will be brought to this screen.

11 More details: By choosing the blue link (previous screen)you will be brought to this screen. This is the budget and activity as categorized according to the sponsor.

12 This is the budget and activity as categorized by SHSU.
More details: By choosing the one of the blue links (previous screen)you will be brought to this screen. This is the budget and activity as categorized by SHSU.

13 Questions: Please contact ORA with any questions you have regarding your grant or COGNOS. Remember: You will not be able to run reports unless you request previous access. You can call or Maegan McKerrow at and she will gladly help. Thank you!

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