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       Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Jusino, Mrs. Gallipoli and Mrs. Shwiner.

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Presentation on theme: "       Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Jusino, Mrs. Gallipoli and Mrs. Shwiner."— Presentation transcript:

1        Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Jusino, Mrs. Gallipoli and Mrs. Shwiner

2 In order for us to be able to share all our class information we would like with you tonight :
Please write any questions on the index card provided and we will get back to. Tonight is not a time for individual conferences. We will give general information about our classroom! Thank you!

3 Daily Schedule 9:35-Writing 10:15-Reading 11:15-Words Their Way 11:40-Lunch/WIN 12:55-Special (Thursday-Gym 2:55) 1:35-Science/S.S. 1:55-Math 2:55-Recess/Pack Up

4 Specials Schedule: 12:55-1:35 each day and Gym 2:55-3:25
Monday-Music- Mrs. O’Keefe Tuesday –Library-Mrs. Hogan-Remember Your library Books! Wednesday –Computers-Mr. Goldberg Thursday-Phys. Ed. – Mr. Jakalow Remember Your Sneakers!  Friday-Art-Mrs. Blenner

5 Subjects: Reading Words their Way Writing Math
Science, Social Studies, Health

6 Reader’s Workshop Students will be reading daily in class and at home. They will be reading books throughout the year. The books students will be reading are based on their tested reading levels in order to help students grow as readers. These levels will change throughout the year as students progress through the reading curriculum. Students will be bringing their books and a reading log to and from school.

7 Reading Log To promote the love of reading and based on parent survey feedback, the Literacy Department introduces two district reading logs. We will be using the grades 1-5  log. 1-5 District Reading Log These reading logs are designed to support the JSD Homework Policy which encourages daily independent reading. Students are encouraged to read nightly and record their reading in order to strengthen the connection between home and school. Students will keep the logs in their reading folder inside their independent reading bag and turn in the log when it is filled up.

8 Words their Way: Spelling
Sort words and practice using words appropriately through various word work activities in class. Spelling city-information will be sent home when we begin. A words their way sort will be sent home for you to use.

9 Writer’s Workshop Students will be writing various types of pieces during our Writer’s Workshop including narratives, persuasive essays, and how to books.

10 Math: Pearson Easy Bridge
Student’s textbooks are consumable pages. Our first topic is addition. Username: student Id number Password: first name02 Example: Username:200034 Password: Jackie02 First name must be capital

11 WIN •“What I Need” intervention period
• Designed to meet the needs of all of our students in the area of literacy & math •This model supports this idea and students will be instructed and challenged at their own instructional level

12 Science/S.S. We are adopting a new science and social studies curriculum this year centered on student run lessons. The focus of the new curriculum is problem-based learning giving students the opportunity to learn through trial and error by working together.

13 Homework Homework will be given Monday – Thursday nights
Math review worksheet nightly Literacy: Read 20 minutes every night/brief reading log! Words their way homework-complete 3 activities in spelling city by the end of the week.

14 Report Cards We will be using standard based report cards again this year. Students will be scored on a scale of 1 to 4. 4-Exceeding standards 3-Meeting standards 2-Approaching towards meeting standards (on grade level) 1-Below standards

15 Flexible Seating -Standing, kneeling, sitting options as needed -Teacher guided, learn what seating option is best for them -Each child keeps their supplies in blue totes

16 Class Rules Stay in your seat unless you have permission.
Raise your hand when you would like to speak. Keep hands feet and objects to yourself. Always do your BEST!

17 Rewards Encouragement and praise Compliments Class cheers
Stickers and certificates Fun chart for social skills-whole group Marble Jar-whole group Special privileges around the classroom Raffle tickets-drawing on Fridays for opportunity for prize or privilege ticket

18 Consequences 1st: Verbal warning
2nd:Visual Warning (stop and think about it card) 3rd:Time Away from the group (Think sheet) 4th: Logical consequence 5th : Call parents

19 Scholastic Book Club Order forms will be sent home once a month. Payments should be made online. Class Activation Code is posted on our class page LK27L

20 Other notes… Star Student Class Coordinator-not yet selected
Mass Conferences-online through genesis Birthday Party Address Share List Remind101 To: Sign In Please 

21 Please guess your child out in the hallway and when you guess, take them home!
See their “Selfie” phone writing outside Write back to your child’s letter in their area.

22 Contact us Call school 8:45-3:40 or email me at: Adrian Jusino
Jacky Gallipoli Check the school website including the Principal’s message, continually for updates on this and any other important events or activities.

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