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Short Story Literary Elements

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1 Short Story Literary Elements
Some basic elements that every good story should have …. Adapted from learning_resources/ppt/6-12/story_elements.ppt

2 Every story needs characters…
People Animals Or Creatures

3 The protagonist is the main character we can relate to…

4 The protagonist is usually, but not always, a good guy.

5 The antagonist is the character or force who opposes the protagonist.

6 How can the antagonist be a force?

7 Good stories have a conflict.
Person vs. Person Person vs. Nature Person vs. Self Person vs. Society Person vs. Fate

8 The time and place of the story is the setting.
Details that describe: Furniture Scenery Customs Transportation Clothing Dialects Weather Time of day Time of year

9 Plot is the sequence of events in the story.
Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Exposition

10 During the exposition of the story, we are introduced to the characters, setting, and other background information. During the rising action, we discover the characters’ problems and complications.

11 The climax is the most exciting part of the plot…
Or the highest point of suspense in the story!!!

12 During the falling action, the story winds down.
During the resolution or dénouement, the conflict is resolved and the story usually has a conclusion.

13 The point of view is the perspective of the story.
“I was framed! I just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar!” “That rotten wolf tried to eat us!!!!”

14 The theme is the author’s central message or insight into life.
A theme can be stated (told outright) or implied (revealed gradually).

15 Example of Theme “Every man needs to feel allegiance to his native country, whether he always appreciates that country or not.” From “A Man Without a Country” by Edward Hale pg. 185 in Prentice Hall Literature book

16 Whether you’re the reader, or the writer, a good story should include these literary elements!!!
characters protagonist conflict climax point of view setting antagonist

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