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Earth’s Interior EQ: Describe the different layers of the earth. Explain how scientist learned about these layers.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Interior EQ: Describe the different layers of the earth. Explain how scientist learned about these layers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Interior EQ: Describe the different layers of the earth. Explain how scientist learned about these layers.

2 Probing the earth Scientist measured the time it takes for Seismic Waves to travel through the earth

3 Earth’s 3 main layers Crust Mantle A very thin rocky layer
Continents mostly granitic rocks Oceans (sea floor) mostly basaltic rocks Mantle Rocky (molten rock) below the earth surface Makes up 80% of the earth’s volume

4 Earth’s 3 main layers Core Outer core Layer of liquid iron
Seismic velocities are lower than mantle Creates a show zone for P and S waves Source of earth’s magnetic field Inner Core Composed of solid iron

5 Five Mechanical Layers
Lithosphere Contains all the crust and portion of upper mantle Asthenosphere (upper mantle) Zone of partial melting in the upper mantle low velocity zone Facilitates movement of tectonic plates Mesosphere (lower mantle) Behaves like plastic (solid and flowing) Outer Core Inner Core

6 Internal Boundaries The Moho (Mohorovicic Discontinuity)
The boundary between the crust and the mantle The Core-Mantle Boundary

7 Magnet and Gravity Earth as a Magnet
Earth’s magnetic field extends beyond the atmosphere into space Caused by motions within the outer core produce electrical currents that create earths magnetic field Earth’s Gravity Gravity: Force that attracts a body to the center of the earth Weight and Mass Weight: Measure of the strength of the gravitational pull on an object. An objects weight depends on its mass and its distance from the earths center.

8 Magnet and Gravity Weight and Mass (Cont)
Distance between earth’s surface and its center is greater at the equator than at the poles An object at the equator is 0.3% less then its weight at the North Pole

9 Left Side Activity Draw, Color, and Label a cross section of the Earth. Crust Mantle Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere Outer Core Inner core

10 Earth’s Interior Review
Geologist have used two main types of evidence to learn about Earth’s Interior Direct evidence from rock samples – rocks drilled from deep inside earth allow geologist to make inferences about conditions Indirect evidence from seismic waves – seismic waves produced by earthquakes allow scientists to measure the speed in which they travel giving clues to the structure of the planet.

11 Earth’s Interior Review
Three main layers of Earth vary greatly in size, composition, temperature and pressure. The Crust (Lithosphere) Oceanic Crust: Mostly Basalt Continental Crust: 4 times thicker, mostly granite The Mantle Upper Mantle Lithosphere: crust and upper mantle , 100 km thick Asthenosphere: Hotter and under increased pressure Lower Mantle (Mesophere): Solid (plastic material extending to earth’s core The Core (Iron and Nickel) Outer Core: Liquid molten metal Inner Core: dense ball of solid metal

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