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CSE 111 Introduction to Computer Applications

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1 CSE 111 Introduction to Computer Applications
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Paralı Fall 2016

2 Course Information Course Instructor: Hours per week: 4 hrs
Name : Dr. Ufuk Paralı Office : Aydin Menderes Derslikleri, 2nd Fl – C319 Hours per week: 4 hrs Local Credit / ECTS: 3 / 4 Course Prerequisite : None

3 Learning Outcomes To know the main concepts of IT and the different parts of a computer hardware and software. To know how to run and manage a PC using Windows 7. To create letters and documents using Microsoft Word 2010. To create visual presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. To use Microsoft Excel to create and manage lists, text, mathematical and logical formulas, and charts to produce accurate spreadsheets. To understand the logic of programing using pseudocode and flowcharts. To understand the fundamentals of Matlab language.

4 Outline WEEK 1 : Introduction to Computers WEEK 2 : Windows 7
WEEK 3 : Word Processing Using MS Word – Parts 1&2 WEEK 4 : Word Processing Using MS Word – Parts 1&2 WEEK 5 : Slideshow Presentation Using MS PowerPoint WEEK 6 : Spreadsheet Processing Using MS Excel – Parts 1&2 WEEK 7 : Spreadsheet Processing Using MS Excel – Parts 1&2 WEEK 8 : Midterm Exam WEEK 9 : Introduction to Algorithms ( pseudocode & flowchart) – Parts 1&2 WEEK 10: Introduction to Algorithms ( pseudocode & flowchart) – Parts 1&2 WEEK 11: Programming using Matlab – Parts 1&2 WEEK 12: Programming using Matlab – Parts 1&2 WEEK 13: Pre-final Exam WEEK 14: Programming using Matlab – Part 3 WEEK 15: Review WEEK 16: Final Exam

5 Reading Material Lecture Notes Microsoft Office 2010: Introductory
Author: Gary Shelly, Misty Vermaat ISBN: Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers Author: William J. Palm III ISBN:  

6 Class Components and Grading
Grading Item Number Percentage Midterm Exams 1 60 Final Exam 40 Total 100

7 Class Components and Grading
The letter grade will be calculated according to the following table:

8 Course Policies Attendance: Attendance is mandatory.
Late arrivals will disrupt the class session. Hence, two late attendances (more than 10 minutes) will be considered as one absence. Missing more than 20% will result in a DN (Denial) grade without prior warning. To avoid being considered as an absent, an official excuse must be shown no later than one week of returning to classes. Make-up: make-up of assignments, quizzes, or exams will not be given unless you have an official excuse (with proper documentation), even so, your grade will be cut by 25%. Re-grading policy: If you have a complaint about any of your grades, discuss it with the instructor no later than a week of distributing the grades. Office Hours: Students are encouraged to use the office hours to clarify any part of the material that is not clear; however, the instructor will only provide hints if it is an assigned task but not solve it.

9 Course Policies Academic honesty:
It is expected that all students never claim work which is not their own. Although collaboration is highly encouraged, copying others’ work without proper citation, either in part or full, is considered plagiarism. Violating this policy will result in a substantial grade penalty, and may lead to expulsion from the University. Courtesy: Students are expected to be courteous toward the instructor and their classmates throughout the duration of this course. Talking while someone else is speaking will not be tolerated. All cell phones must be turned off during class and exams. Students are expected to be in class on time. More importantly, you are not allowed to leave the class unless it is an urgent matter. Food and drinks are not allowed during class, with the exception of a bottle of water.

10 Thank You and Good Luck

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