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How to prepare for your WPW Exam

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1 How to prepare for your WPW Exam
Use the A4 WPW summary and WPW Check list as a guide to summarise the unit Use the lists to check your folder – make sure all of your notes are in order and all WPW notes are now in one big folder Then use the check lists to RAG your knowledge Use the RAG to order your revision in order of priority – do your least confident work first Use this list to create your content revision plan – remember you have 5 weeks to revise before the mock Then use the exam questions to select questions that will help you to apply your knowledge to the exam HAND IN: Any exam work – plans or complete questions for feedback RYG: Act n any feedback to improve exam work

2 Session 1: Topic 2 Definitions and measurements of Poverty
. Week 2 TOPIC: Wealth and Income Session 3: Wealth, poverty and social groups (bullet 2) Stage 1: (30 minutes) Create a summary of the definitions and measurements of poverty Stage 2: (30 minutes) create a detailed mindmap/ grid of all of the theories of poverty Stage 3: (30 min)Exam focus: Complete 20 marks of exam questions in timed conditions Support: Using your notes plan a model answer to one 10 mark question (below) Challenge: Re-do a previous essay on this topic and turn into a model answer Stage 1: (30 min) Review definitions of wealth and income including challenges of measuring wealth Stage 2: (30 Min) Create a resource to summarise wealth inequality in the UK – this should include statistical evidence Stage 3: (30 min) Exam practice Support: Do the exam question ‘open book’ Challenge: Choose a more challenging question from the PLC Step 1 ( 1 hour) create a grid of all of the social groups (class, gender, ethnicity, disability. age) and go though notes collating all of the reasons for their increased poverty compared to the richest 1% Step 2: (30 min) Complete the exam question in timed conditions Exam focus: Outline and explain two reasons why many people clearly living in objective poverty are reluctant to define themselves as poor (10) Applying material from item H and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of the persistence of poverty in contemporary Britain (Browne pg 468) (20) Exam questions (circle): PLAN MODEL EXAM Two ways wealth can be defined and or measured in the UK today (10 marks) Applying material from Item G, analyse two difficulties governments face in trying to tax wealth. (10 SP 2) (planned in class) Applying material from item D and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations for the increasing inequality of wealth in the United Kingdom since the 1970s. (20) Session 4: Solutions and responses to poverty (bullet 3) . Week 5 TOPIC: Work, globalisation and worklessness KEY TERMS: How to use them Buying a set of the key terms for WPW will really help to improve your content revision: How to use them: First RAG them – this way you can focus on words you need to learn – some of the terms are challenging Read- Cover-Copy like spellings the most difficult words Paired practice Games eg taboo, charades, Pictionary, articulate Create concept maps – use images to define and make connections between different words For essay planning when you get a question find all of the relevant words and then create a plan to include them To find gaps in your revision – if you don't know a few words find this section of your notes and review them Convert the definitions into your own words Add images to the cards to visualise the term or definition Suggested tasks: Step 1 (1 hour) Create a cue card or branch on a mindmap of government policies that try to increase equality. Describe the policy, explain its impact Step 2: (30 Min) Practice exam practice Support: Do the exam question ‘open book’ Challenge:Re-do a previous essay on this topic and turn into a model answer Use the key word flash cards and find all of the terms related to this topic Step 1: 20 minutes: Practice these terms ideally with someone else Step 2: 20 min: Create a revision resource focusing on the terms you have found difficult Sep 3: 40 minutes: Exam focus Exam focus: Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that government policies may attempt to deal with the problem of poverty in society. [20marks] Exam questions (circle): PLAN MODEL EXAM .... two ways in which the labour process in contemporary society can lead to alienation (10) Applying material from item H and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of the causes and social consequences of unemployment (20 Brown pg 526) Year 1

3 Year 1 Week 1: TOPIC: WPW: Definitions and measurements of poverty
. Week 2 TOPIC: Wealth and Income Week 3 TOPIC: Poverty, distribution and social groups Content I need to focus on: Revision method: Exam questions (circle): PLAN MODEL EXAM Outline and explain two reasons why many people clearly living in objective poverty are reluctant to define themselves as poor (10) Applying material from item H and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of the persistence of poverty in contemporary Britain (Browne pg 468) (20) Two ways wealth can be defined and or measured in the UK today (10 marks) Applying material from Item G, analyse two difficulties governments face in trying to tax wealth. (10 SP 2) (planned in class) Applying material from item D and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations for the increasing inequality of wealth in the United Kingdom since the 1970s. (20) Week 4 TOPIC: Welfare provision and pluralism . Week 5 TOPIC: Work, globalisation and worklessness Additional TOPIC Content I need to focus on: Revision method: Exam questions (circle): PLAN MODEL EXAM Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that government policies may attempt to deal with the problem of poverty in society. [20marks] .... two ways in which the labour process in contemporary society can lead to alienation (10) Applying material from item H and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of the causes and social consequences of unemployment (20 Brown pg 526) .. two ways in which the labour process in contemporary society can lead to alienation (10) Year 1

4 Week 1

5 BSM END Relative POOR HBIM Map from memory END Ravallion + Lokshin

6 Content: Week 1 Absolute Poverty: Definition Measurement
Relative Poverty: Definition Advantages Disadvantages Subjective Poverty: Definition Social Exclusion: Definition Content: Week 1

7 Cultural Explanations of Poverty
Structural Explanations New Right: Overall View Functionalist: Marxist: Murray Feminist: Weber: Marsland Cycle of poverty is a trap – situational constraints Lewis (NB South America focused) Social Democrats

8 Week 2

9 Definitions of wealth Definitions and types of wealth Problems of defining and measuring wealth Evidence of wealth and income inequality: In the UK: Globally:

10 Week 3

11 Inequality in the UK Class divide Gender Class structure Location Age
Horizontal and vertical segregation Unequal wealth distribution Secondary labour market Hidden poverty Capitalism Class divide Feminisation of poverty Statistics Gender Class structure Patriarchy and the glass celling Inequality in the UK North south divide Social exclusion Ageism Location Institutional racism Age Elderly Children Discrimination Ethnicity Reserve army of labour Racism Grey panthers Disability Labour market segregation Social exclusion

12 Week 4

13 Content: Week 1 State provision of welfare Examples
Private provision of welfare Advantages Disadvantages Voluntary Provision of welfare Informal Provision of Welfare Content: Week 1

14 Conservative led coalition
Time Theoretical Approach Principles Type of Government Policies Criticisms Social Democratic Beveridge, welfare for all, universalism, cradle to grave, states responsibility to provide welfare Labour Party NHS, Free Sec Ed, New Towns, Nationalisation of industry, Universal benefits, National Insurance Marxist - welfare state hides poverty. Does not remove inequality New Right - creates dependency culture. Too expensive as it needs high taxes. Encourages fraud New Right Cultural theories, Thatcherism, Personal responsibility, enterprise, low taxation, reduced state responsibility, means testing benefits, competition Conservatives Council house sell off, privatisation of industry and public services Marxist - maintains ruling class exploitation of the working class. Social Democratic - creates a divided society.Unfair. Third Way Poverty Trap, Combination of Third Way and New Right ideas. Encouraged people to work with incentives New Labour Sure Start, Academy schools, Minimum wage, Tax credits. New Deal, Neighbourhood renewal Social Dem - didn't go far enough to ensure the welfare of all citizens. New Right - still required high levels of taxation, still state led, waste of money. "big society" - welfare pluralism, means testing of benefits, lower taxes, Conservative led coalition Child benefit now means tested, reduction of benefits, Privatisation of some NHS services, Encouraging enterprise Social Democratic - creates a divided society with winners and losers. Means testing is costly to administer. Causes unemployment. present Conservative Increased minimum wage to living wage for over 25's, benefit reduction, cmulosry contract for junor doctors

15 New Right Approach to Welfare
Social Democratic approach New Right Views Social democratic view of welfare Examples of New Right Policy: Examples of Social Democratic Policies

16 Knowledge check: 10 mark 20 mark
Define the term ‘wealth’ Define the term ‘ benefit erosion’ Define the term income Using one example, briefly explain how wealthy individuals are able to remain wealthy, Outline three reasons why lone-parent families are more likely to experience poverty Outline three was in which the government policies have tried to reduce poverty Suggest three advantages of voluntary organisations as providers of welfare Identify and briefly explain one advantage and two disadvantage of “means-tested benefits” as a solution to poverty Outline three reasons for why the poor may pay more for goods and services than those who are not poor two reasons social groups are likely to experience poverty (10) (adapted from Jan 09) ... tworeasons poverty is linked to the unequal class structure of capitalist societies ( 10) ......two ways in which social democratic ideology would address the problem of poverty (10) .....two ways in which government responses to poverty might be regarded as putting the blame for poverty on the poor themselves (10) Applying material from item D and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations for the widening gap between rich and poor in the United Kingdom.(20) Applying material from item D and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations for why women are more likely than men to experience poverty (20) Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view government policies that have been introduced since 1945 to reduce poverty in the UK. (20 marks)

17 Week 5

18 Social Class Structure;
Meritocracy: Functionalist: Division of labour Marx: Alienation Globalisation Upskilling Deskilling Unemployment Underemployment Worklessness Survelience

19 Work is being deskilled by technology and globalisation
Work is being upskilled by technology and globalisation Explain the impacts of technology on the workplace Explain the impacts of globalisation on work Surveillance: McDonaldisation/ Disnyfication Outsourcing: TNC’s: The rise of the transnational: Imapact on labour market

20 Worklessness and unemployment
Globalisation Labour market Unemployment Capitalism Wider impacts Zero hours contracts Reserve army of labour Instability and employment Technology Segregation Worklessness and unemployment Grey Panthers Self esteem Education Positive impacts Disability Impact of work on life chances High skilled with disposable income Trends in worklesness Social inclusion SHEEP Gender ethnicity Age location

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