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NASEM Subsea Bolt Performance Workshop April , 2017

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1 NASEM Subsea Bolt Performance Workshop April 10 - 11, 2017
A Deepwater Drilling Contractors perspective Pete Bennett Director - Subsea Support Pacific Drilling

2 Current BOP stacks in Pacific Fleet
BOPs were delivered through shipyard contracts & directly through the OEM All BOP stacks were built from individual components at the OEM facility All components were designed, built & tested according to the applicable API standards at time of manufacture Complete Ton BOP stacks are fully assembled and tested at the manufacturers facility Many ship in 2 pieces (LMRP & Lower Stack) to the yard where they are lifted onto the drilling rig. Some are stacked up and built on the drilling rig

3 Current position 4 of our 7 vessel fleet have 2 BOP stacks – 11 stacks in service We have not experienced any critical bolting failures We changed out all riser connector & wellhead connector bolting after reported failures Industry changed out 10,000 bolts as a result of lack of traceability on these critical fasteners In some cases, wells were suspended & BOPs pulled to exchange these bolts

4 Moving forward Identified all critical fasteners

5 Moving forward Identified all critical fasteners Equipment Termination
PN MM# Description Quantity Required Mud boost valve Riser adaptor to mud boost valve 012100 68102 STUD,TE,1-1/8"x5-1/2"LG, A193B7, STD, CAD PLTD +NN 8 020343 41492 NUT, HX, HVY, 1-1/8"-8UN, A194Gr2H, CAD PLTD Mud boost valve to kick out 41482 STUD,W/2 NUTS, UN X 8.50",A193 B7 W/2H NUTS N/A - Included with Stud Mud boost valve to actuator 717532 19225 BOLT, BNT, 3-15/4-15M, T-B/DB VLV, 1-3/4"X5.50LG Mud boost valve to balance stem Mud boost valve to fluid cushion. 011011 110478 STUD, TE, 1-1/8'X5-3/4"LG, A193 B7, STD, ZINC PLATED 020003 19220 NUT, HX, HVY, 1-1/8"-8UN, A194Gr2H, ZINC PLTD Mud boost valve auxiliary inlet Dual Block Valve 6 off Valve to actuator 717827 92032 SCREW, HHC, 1-3/4"X 5-1/2"LG, A320GrL43 96 Valve to balance stem Isolation Valves 2 off 16 Riser adaptor Riser adaptor to flex joint STUD,AT,2-1/4”-8UN X 27” LG, A320 GRL7,CAD PLT'D 24 NUT, HX, HVY, 2-1/4"-8UN-2B, A320GRL7,CAD PLT 52 Upper Annular Flex joint to upper annular 012231 70655 STUD, TE, 2-1/4"8UNx14-1/4"LG A320GrL7, LT, STD 020016 19040 NUT, HX, HVY, 2-1/4"-8UN, A194Gr2H, ZINC PLTD Side outlet 012653 70419 STUD, TE, 1-1/8"-8UNx5-1/4"LG, A320GrL7 Lower Annular Upper Annular Lower annular Riser Connector Lower annular to riser connector H 91718 STUD W/ONE NUT, TAP END,PER VGS2.4.13, UNR-2A X UNR-2A, LG, STUD MATERIAL PER ASTM A320 GRL43, NUT MATERIAL PER ASTM A194 GR 7, COATING PER VGS , ASTM B633 20each/1kit Upper housing to lower housing H SCREW,CAP,HEX COLLAR, X LG,UNR-2A, LOW TEMPERATURE SERVICE, PURCHASE PER VGS AND DRAWING H10004 DIMENSIONS: A = 2.000/1.980; B = 9.000/8.760; C = UNR-2A(ROUNDED ROOT); D = 6.00 E = 2.005/1.975; F = .895/ .865; G = .090/ .075; H = 2.005/1.990; J = 2.268; K = 2.995/2.970 WEIGHT: 11 LBS F1: COAT PER VGS 32 each/1 Kit Flex Loops 2 off Upper Flex Loop 050861 70481 CLAMP ASSY, #6, 4-BOLT THRU, TEFLON COATED STUDS & 2 Lower Flex loop

6 Moving forward Identified all critical fasteners
Worked though all Material Data books to identify actual hardness where testing had taken place & manufacturers specifications to identify higher risk (greater than 35 HRC fasteners) Agreed with adoption of API 20E for all purchases of subsea bolting and changed procurement system accordingly to always specify API 20E and BSL level on all future purchases Reviewed every work instruction and amended to specify tighter control on torque process, including sign off witness, calibration checks on equipment, minimum 3 pass method and retorque after maximum working pressure test. Signed up to the API quarterly BSEE update and provide all requested information on our fleet status in transition to API 20 E bolting Founding member of Group of seven contractors which created the Failure reporting database now under IADC stewardship with OEM, operator & contractors as members

7 Moving forward Sourced practical inspection technique
Worked with OEM to obtain non –intrusive bolt integrity verification technique Decided to use PAUT - Phased Array Ultrasound Testing

8 Phased Array Inspection
PAUT will not determine hardness but will show existing flaws All thoughbore bolts on 3 BOP stacks have been inspected No flaws or failed bolts

9 Closing Continue to support Industry & BSEE initiatives to improve reliability We fully support all efforts to improve on quality. We recognize that the vast majority of incidents are due to a failing to follow process, and that consequences grow without adequate traceability We continue to follow OEM recommendations and alerts We work closely with our peers, clients, manufacturers and maintain transparent relationships We commit to promptly & accurately reporting all failures to the database We will only install replacement bolting that meets API 20E specifications

10 Contact Pacific Drilling Pete Bennett Director – Subsea Support
11,700 Katy Fwy, Suite 175 Houston, Texas USA Phone:

11 Thank you!

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