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Date: September 28, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

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1 Date: September 28, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Roundtable Questions Date: September 28, 2016, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

2 Question #1 How can we leverage opportunities in each other’s region to teach humanities and social accountability? Summarize your top 2 short term (within the next year) and long term (within 5 years) recommendations.

3 Question #1 - reply

4 Question #2 How can we work together to improve medical education and in turn, global health in low and low-middle income countries? Summarize your top 2 short term (within the next year) and long term (within 5 years) recommendations.

5 Question #2 - reply

6 Question #3 What intellectual property or resources should we develop together or share to create synergies beyond our individual institutions? Summarize your top 2 short term (within the next year) and long term (within 5 years) recommendations.

7 Question #3 - reply

8 Question #4 With a view to transform the quality of healthcare delivery through our education practices, which healthcare stakeholders should be included in this forum? Summarize your top 2 short term (within the next year) and long term (within 5 years) recommendations.

9 Question #4 - reply

10 Question #5 Recognizing the importance of building networks to improve healthcare, what global healthcare organizations should be invited? Are there any healthcare industries or non-healthcare corporations that should be included and why? Summarize your top 2 short term (within the next year) and long term (within 5 years) recommendations.

11 Question #5 – reply

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