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Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP)

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Presentation on theme: "Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP)
Key component of FY18 budget reduction plan Reserve account created to pay for plan – capped at $5M

2 REDUCTIONPLAN Faculty Separation Incentive Eliminate Vacancies
Huron Consulting Recommendations Division Cuts $2 million $0.7 million $5.9 million $1.5 million

3 Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP)
VSIP is not an entitlement Fundamental requirement Participation in the program must meet the needs of the University as determined by departmental and college administration, and ultimately is the decision of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. Methodology determined by the Provost to best support the College and University Not every eligible employee’s application to participate in the program may be accepted. Participation is voluntary This VSIP is not an entitlement. A fundamental requirement of this program is that any participation in the program must meet the needs of the University as determined by departmental and college administration, and ultimately is the decision of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. Not every eligible employee’s application to participate in the program may be accepted. Participation in the VSIP is voluntary. Submitting an application to the VSIP is voluntary for all eligible employees. Eligible employees are encouraged to consider the program; however, no one is required or not required to apply. Application to the VSIP will not in any way change the current employment relationship with the University.

4 Who Qualifies for VSIP? Academic Personnel Tenure Track Faculty
(University’s agency 067 budget) Tenure Track Faculty Clinical Faculty Extended Term Librarians Archivists Lecturers Research Scientists Extension Educators Currently in the track/term 20+years* in benefitted position(s) as of: August 22, 2017 (AY) August 31, 2017 (FY) *If 20 consecutive years, start date FY 1998 (AY 97-98)

5 Eligible Participants for VSIP
DIVISION Faculty Extended Term Administration 1 College of Agriculture & Natural Resources 25 12 College of Arts & Sciences 86 10 College of Business 11 College of Education 7 College of Engineering & Applied Science 15 4 College of Health Sciences 5 2 College of Law 3 Outreach School University Libraries Academic Affairs Research & Economic Development Total 156 38

6 December through February 1: Application period open
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday VSIP Timeline Dec 1 Roll out; Application period opens Dec 2 December through February 1: Application period open Feb 15 Dean/Supervisor rankings/recommend to Provost Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 27 Feb 28 March 1 Approved employees notified Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Approved employees must execute separation agreement Mar 9 Mar 10 Additional eligible employees notified (if needed) Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Last day to revoke agreement Mar 16 Mar 17 Additional eligible employees must execute agreement Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24

7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday May 15, 2017 First possible separation date June, 2017 July, 2016 August 22, 2017 Last possible voluntary separation date for AY employees August 31, 2017 Last possible voluntary separation date for FY employees

8 VSIP Payment One-time payment Other Benefits (choose one)
AY Appointments 9-month budgeted salary* (as of 9/1/16) Cap: $150,000 FY appointments 9/12ths of budgeted salary * Supplemental salary not included in calculation of one-time payment Other Benefits (choose one) Converting up to 960 hours of accrued sick leave to a UW-paid contribution for group health insurance up to a maximum of 36 months Lump sum payment for ½ of the current sick leave balance as of the employee’s last working day up to a maximum of 480 hours – paid after last working day Terminal leave for ½ of the current sick leave balance as of the employee’s last working day up to a maximum of 480 hours – paid at end of leave

9 Application Procedures
Separation Agreement Submit application and current (comprehensive) vita to: Do not submit application to: Format application and vita filename to include Last and First Name Doe_Jane_VSIP_application_form.docx Doe_Jane_Vita.docx Submit Separation Agreement in person or postmarked no later than 5 pm on March 8, 2017. Application automatically withdrawn if signed Separation Agreement is not received/postmarked by deadline. Separation Agreements may be revoked within 7 days of executing agreement (March 15, 2017). If additional employees are admitted on March 10, deadline for revoking agreement is March 17, 2017.

10 For more information Eligibility requirements/general questions about the VSIP, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at Benefits and/or retirement, contact Eric Goldenstein, Associate Director, Benefits, at refer to:  CRITERIA QUESTION A fundamental requirement of this program is that any participation in the program must meet the needs of the University as determined by departmental and college administration, and ultimately is the decision of the Provost. Applications will be prioritized according to methodology determined by the Provost to best support the College and University.  {Methodology has not be finalized as of yet.)

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