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Joint Staff J7 3D Geospatial Modeling & Simulation Summit

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1 Joint Staff J7 3D Geospatial Modeling & Simulation Summit
100th OGC Technical Committee Orlando, FL USA Mr. Sam Chambers 19 September 2016

2 Agenda Background – What does the Joint Staff J7 mission need from geospatial data? How does the Joint Staff J7 use geospatial data? What does the Joint Staff J7 need from the OGC moving forward?

3 Background – What does the Joint Staff J7 mission need from geospatial data?
The Joint Staff (JS) J7 is responsible for the six functions of Joint Force Development: Doctrine, Education, Concept Development & Experimentation, Training, Exercises and Lessons Learned JS J7 currently produces over 13 simulation specific (often proprietary) formats derived/compounded from geospatial datasets to support exercises and training events With an emphasis on reducing costs while meeting the increased demand for fidelity, the JS J7 sought a non-proprietary, open, shareable, internationally recognized geospatial dataset capable of supporting future and existing disparate simulation systems CDB enables the JS J7 to build a single geospatial dataset that supports over 13 simulation systems spanning from constructive to virtual to gaming systems

4 How does the Joint Staff J7 use Geospatial Data?
The JS J7 is developing a web service named the Terrain Generation Service (TGS) that leverages multiple OGC capabilities: OGC Web Access Standards (WMS/WFS/WCS/WPS) for geospatial data OGC Best Practice/Emerging Standard CDB TGS enables the warfighter at their Point of Need (PoN) to access simulation ready geospatial data to: Visualize simulation data in 2D/3D Distribute simulation data in via OGC Web Access Standards or FTP Crowd source simulation data updates and editing via WFS-T/CDB Automatically analyze simulation data for common military objectives and information Automatic translation of simulation data to legacy simulation systems CDB leveraged by TGS normalizes geospatial data production for use in multiple simulations with a common terrain format delivered at the Point of Need through web service technologies

5 What does the Joint Staff J7 need from the OGC moving forward?
Evolve and expand CDB to meet the future JS J7 needs while maintaining: Determinism (e.g. defined spatial reference frames, structure, schemas, etc.) Geospatial data breadth and depth (e.g. ability to support virtual, constructive, and gaming simulations) Simulation performances (e.g. 60 Hertz rendering, levels of details, tiling, etc.) Evolve CDB to: Modernize and alignment with other OGC standards (e.g. GML, GeoPackage, CityGML, etc.) Update to Best of Breed metadata and feature data dictionaries Expand CDB to: Include human geography, pattern of life, and weather & environmental effects Fully enable crowd sourcing for all data layers The JS J7 vision is to adopt OGC standards when possible, evolve OGC standards to meet the mission needs when necessary, and create new standards as a last resort US DoD Users can connect to TGS running within the Joint Staff J7 Joint Training Data Services (JTDS) in the 4th Quarter of 2016.

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