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Infrastruktur Ensys pada Data Base dan Struktur

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1 Infrastruktur Ensys pada Data Base dan Struktur
Enterprise System Minggu ke 4 Infrastruktur Ensys pada Data Base dan Struktur

2 1 “Connected” Orang, Devices dan organisasi sudah terhubung (connected) dalam suatu situsasi (i.e: office, rumah, mobile, etc)‏

3 Kolaborasi infrastruktur
2 Kolaborasi infrastruktur

4 4 Aplikasi Terbuka

5 “Kearsipan” dalam dunia digital ...

6 “Kearsipan” berbasis aktivitas keseharian


8 “kearsipan” berbasis file/content


10 “Kearsipan” berbasis Lokasi


12 Bagaimana Teknologi Informasi mendukung manajemen kearsipan ??

13 TI harus memberikan fasilitas
Science 3.0: kebutuhan kolaborasi data (arsip dan riset) untuk riset dan lainnya Digital data berkembang sangat pesat, berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan tempat penyimpanan Standar industri mensyaratkan data jangka panjang untuk digunakan Penjagaan terhadap : Data integration, annotation, provenance/quality of data, exporting/publishing dalam format yang disetujui, and keamanan

14 IDC Report: The Exploding Digital Universe
Petabytes Worldwide Transient information or unfilled demand for storage Information Available Storage 14 Source: John Gantz, Chief Research Officer, IDC 14

15 Industry Needs and Standard Compliant
Healthcare Medical records should be preserved for the life of individual and beyond Xrays are often store for periods 75 years OSHA require organization to keep records of employee medical reports for 30 years [1] Pharmaceutical company Need – offline electronic data storage for year longer (to comply with FDA 21 CFR part 11)‏ Finance Rules 17-a4 of the federal security laws and regulations requires minimum 6 years record for transaction and 70 years for the updated account & transaction [1] OSHA – Access to Medical and Exposure Records

16 Industry Needs and Standard Compliant
Aerospace Aircraft design records have to be retained for the lifetime of each of the aircraft for 30+years (source: European aerospace commissions)‏ Petroleum Oil-field data is used during the entire life of the field (50+ years) (source: Scientific and cultural Satellite data is kept forever (source: NASA archives)‏ Society would like keep libraries and art forever

17 Tujuan “Arsip” Digital
Heritages: lifetime Petroleum Industry: 50+ years Scientific area: lifetime - 6 years for securities [Fed.Sec Act-US] - 70+ years for transactions data Financial : Health care : - 75+ years for X-ray records [OSHA] years for medical records Fulfilled legal requirements They constitute valuable cultural heritage As evidence Proof of scientific experiments Personal reason and a value

18 Manfaat “Content” yang ter-manage
II. Goals Dynamic Documents Reputation & Influence Reproducible Research Interactive Data Collaboration

19 Parameter Data Data integration / interoperability : Linking together data from various sources Annotation : Adding comments/observations to existing data Provenance (and quality) : ‘Where did this data come from?’ Exporting/publishing in agreed formats : To other programs, as well as people Security : Specifying or enforcing read/write access to your data (or parts of your data)‏

20 Preservation Project Di dunia
CASPAR - Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval - is an Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union within the Sixth Framework Programme (Priority IST , "Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources").

21 Digital Archive & Preservation Initiatives

22 DALA Project: Digital Archive System for Long Term Access
Awarded Silver Medal in Engineering Design Exhibition 25, Malaysia 2010

23 The System‏ Software Architecture Ingest
Storage Layer: MySQL Cluster G-Force Framework : gforge-ce-57b2-src Preservation Planning Input Data Management Ingest Archival Storage Administration output

24 Proses Implementation Data Collection Data Processing
Data Archiving Metadata Digital data Analysis Preservation Info Data classifications Data Management Data Preservation Repositories Digital Library Preservation Features: the original data list of data release change of data comments and involvements contributions logs Search by data types Search by format types Related projects User based data Data appearances Data content Data context Data behavior Data structure

25 Citation Analysis Batch data processing

26 Data Handling & Process
Oil and Gas [A] Two-dimensional seismic section with well logs plotted on the seismic data. [B] Gas chromatograph plots derived from analyses of oil samples. [C] Down-hole profile of hydrocarbon content of fluid inclusions. [E] Three-dimensional seismic data cube. [F] Well-log plot from an industry drill well showing rock type and possible hydrocarbon-rich layers. [G] Outcrop of sedimentary rocks and a geological cross section (upper image) derived from data collected at that outcrop

27 Healthcare Banking X-ray records Daily transaction Internet banking ATM logs

28 Referensi M. Riasetiawan.”DHANIS: cloud architecture for business assistancy programe”.E-Indonesia Initiatives Forum & Conferences. May 29, 2011 M. Riasetiawan.”Indonesia Coud-nomics Outlook: Survey on Indonesia Cloud Business Opportunties”.E-Indonesia Initiatives Forum & Conferences. May 29, 2011 M. Riasetiawan, AK. Mahmood.”DALA Project”.The Second International Conference on Distributed Framework and Applications (DfmA) 2010.FMIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada. August 2-3, 2010. M. Riasetiawan, AK. Mahmood.”Science-Forge: a Collaborative Scientific Framework”.IEEE ISIEA.Penang - Malaysia. will be presented at October 3-6, 2010. M.Riasetiawan, AK. Mahmood.”Managing and Preserving Large Data Volume in Data Grid Environment”.2010 International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (CAMP'10).Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. March , M.Riasetiawan.”Digital Data as an Assets: Identification and Measurement Methods”.Open, Sharing and Learning.Professional Program in Accountancy, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada.June 3, M.Riasetiawan.”The Future of Enterprise Information System”.Open, Sharing and Learning.Professional Program in Accountancy, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. February 11, 2010. M.Riasetiawan.”The Future of Digital Data: The Use of Grid Computing and Scentific Collaboration”.Open Lecturer Series.Master in Information Technology Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. February 10, 2010. M.Riasetiawan.”Digital Archive System for Long Term Access”.Open Lecturer Series.Master in Information Technology Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. June 5, 2010.

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