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Identified TEIP Priorities

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1 Western Sydney Nepean Blue Mountains District Targeted Earlier Intervention Program 28.6.17

2 Identified TEIP Priorities

3 District Wide TEIP Common Priorities
Culturally and Linguistically diverse Families / Communities Parents / Carers / Vulnerable families Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families / Communities Families with Children 0-3 Young Parents (under 20) Aboriginal Children and Young people Individuals and Families experiencing DV and / or family violence Alcohol and illicit drug use Children young people aged 4-24 years including those who are disengaged from school / employment, school transition points / soft entry points and building community cohesion

4 Additional Blacktown Hills LGA TEIP Priorities
Children and Young people with mental health issues including youth suicide Vulnerable parents of all abilities and cultures, including the need for more positive parenting skills Families and communities experiencing poverty with a focus on Blacktown and Mt Druitt New development areas Disadvantaged communities -Seven Hills -Doonside -Lalor Park -All suburbs within Mt Druitt 2770 postcode

5 Identified strength, weaknesses and priorities based Feedback to date
General Aboriginal models of practice need to be reflected in the Targeted Earlier Intervention programs Only got a few Aboriginal specific services compared to the population Need to Increase Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations (overtime, not a short term agenda) Existing Aboriginal services are inadequately funded including infrastructure Need more services exclusively for Aboriginal families and that are culturally appropriate NGO’s need to increase Aboriginal workforce with identified roles Training/mentoring for Aboriginal workers in NGO’s Need more Capacity Building for existing Aboriginal Organisations Want a whole of government approach with no silos Need more brokerage funds to assist families in practical ways as the Commonwealth emergency relief funding is limited Provide more cultural competence training for non-Aboriginal staff and NGO’s

6 Child Youth Family Services – Client /Case Work and Group Work )
We need /want : Flexible holistic approach to service delivery focusing on the well being of the whole family Family and community days and programs which include strengths based focus on parenting Recognise and acknowledge culture and spirituality when working with Aboriginal families Fund Aboriginal family support worker positions for NGO’s to provide a greater support structure / mentoring for families Support for parents who have kids in the care system Parenting support for parents and children in out-of-home-care since this is an intergenerational parenting issue Fund Aboriginal Intensive family support workers to work below ROSH as Brighter Futures covers ROSH

7 Children / Youth and Families NSW
Fund Homework Centres for Aboriginal families Need a consistent process to identify Aboriginal children in services Increase Aboriginal specific playgroups, parenting groups and support services Increase supported playgroups which include transition to school Fund Education support for in class, homework and one-on-one support Support the family though the education of their child from birth to the end of education Youth More Aboriginal adolescent and family counsellors /caseworkers Youth programs need to include transition programs to high school Skills development / courses and study support using an outreach community base model

8 Community Builders and ACFCs
Community Builders - Neighbourhood Centre & Building Capacity Increase Aboriginal leadership opportunities to do Aboriginal community business Want more Elder Groups Family Centred services including parenting, playgroups, DV Programs, drug and alcohol programs Funding to provide Aboriginal cultural programs for everyone from preschool age to year 12 students and families and extended community Funding to provide Aboriginal hubs include; health checks, mental health, early childhood, education Aboriginal Child and Family Centre’s Increase staffing for Aboriginal Child and Family Centre’s to employ caseworkers, program officer, cultural events officer Promote Aboriginal Child and Family Centre’s as a community hub celebrating culture and community, as well as addressing needs Early Intervention program needs

9 Input and Next Steps Workshop for Aboriginal community members to further discuss : what works well now in TEIP services, Are there any other gaps, What are the future opportunities Any potential risks for the TEI service system in Blacktown/ Hills or surrounding areas in District ?

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